• 佛罗里达大学盖恩斯维尔分校研究社会态度·拉利夫领域似乎两个阵营,一个是关心开放科学阵营,另一个则对其漠不关心

    Kate Ratliff, who studies social attitudes at the University of Florida, Gainesville, says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field—those who care about open science and those who don't.


  • 前锋:大卫·比利亚(巴塞罗那),阿瓦罗内格雷多(维利),费尔南多·略伦(毕尔巴鄂竞技),费尔南多·托雷斯(切尔西)。

    Forwards: David villa (Barcelona), Alvaro Negredo (Sevilla), Fernando Llorente (Athletic Bilbao), Fernando Torres (Chelsea).


  • 克舍拉什·维利说:“可以信心地证实,从早晨以来可怕事件正在格鲁吉亚发生。”

    "But I can confirm with confidence that horrible events are happening in Georgia since the morning," Tkeshelashvili said.


  • 这种做法弦外之音,意在展示谋杀者的用武之地,也年科伦敦友人传达了恐怖信息,可能还是利氏背信弃义英国东家一个下马威。

    On this reading, it was designed to demonstrate the scope of the murderers and to send a hair-raising message to Litvinenko's friends in London, and perhaps also to his perfidious British hosts.


  • 维利·奥威斯吉新书,《脸谱世界文学史》(热(译者注:销售商名称)14.99美元)一本假正经回答此类问题

    Wylie Overstreet's new book, "The History of the World According to Facebook," (It Books, $14.99) answers some of these questions, with its tongue firmly in its virtual cheek.


  • 与此同时俄罗斯开始自行调查维年科之死他们说法科夫通亲自下伦敦出难题

    The Russians, meanwhile, have begun their own investigation into Litvinenko's death and what they say is Mr Kovtun's own poisoning, and want to question people in London.


  • 猫王兰尼·布鲁斯、奥维勒·瑞登巴克、罗伯·帕斯莱利,这些什么共同之处?他们卫生间里

    What do the following people have in common? Elvis Presley, Lenny Bruce, Orville Redenbacher and RobertPastorelli - they all died in a bathroom.


  • 设计者利维乌主要年轻布加勒斯居民设计该款车。

    Designer Liviu Tudoran created Dacia SHIFT specifically for the needs of young Bucharest residents.


  • 维年科2000年离开俄罗斯之前之后指控以前的同事以及情报机构老板普京,说他们罪行累累。

    Before and after leaving Russia in 2000, Litvinenko accused his erstwhile colleagues-and Mr Putin, the agency's former boss-of horrific crimes.


  • 次级的推测认为年科被杀并非普京直接下令所致,而是现任安全人员私人之间的仇杀所致。

    A sub-theory is that Litvinenko died not on Mr Putin's direct order, but through a freelance vendetta pursued by current or former security agents.


  • 奥利·邦汉·卡,曾任英国首相·亨利·阿斯奎斯的女儿告诉温斯顿·丘吉尔父亲在其孩童时代经常讲述国家事务

    Violet Bonham Carter, daughter of H. H. Asquith, a British prime minister, told Winston Churchill that her father had talked to her about affairs of state as a child.


  • 在巴洛利没必要地踢到维斯踝关节后面曼奇尼生气大声斥责。

    He was furious with the player after he needlessly clipped Tevez on the back of his ankle and was shouting at him.


  • 昨天由于卡洛斯·维斯大腿抽筋首发出场每个人都帮助

    Everyone tried to help yesterday when Balotelli started, with Carlos Tevez's tight hamstring keeping him to the bench.


  • 也许近期惊人的事例莫过于俄罗斯亚历山大·利年科伦敦谋杀案。

    Perhaps the most spectacular recent example is the murder in London of a former Russian agent, Alexander Litvinenko.


  • 维斯阿根廷一家访谈节目表示自己不想回到曼城队内的前锋巴也是麻烦缠身,并不大喜欢这座城市。

    During the close season Tevez told an Argentine chat show he would never return to Manchester, while Balotelli has also had his problems with the north-west.


  • 居住伦敦叛逃俄罗斯安全情报官员亚历山大·利维年科在2006年被一种稀有辐射性物质投毒暗杀。

    Alexander Litvinenko, a renegade Russian security officer living in London, was killed by poisoning with polonium, a rare radioactive substance, in 2006.


  • 新型市场中的人才为何女性求胜的关键?”针对这一问题,塞维利亚•休利丽珀•拉施德指出,新兴市场中的女企业家们其实面临着重重障碍

    In "Winning the War for Talent in emerging markets: Why women are the Solution", Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Ripa Rashid point out that businesswomen face steep obstacles in emerging markets.


  • 安德烈·卢戈沃伊——控把放射性投入克格勃亚历山大·利维年科——得到普金私人保护

    Andrei Lugovoi - the man who allegedly slipped radioactive polonium into former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko's tea - enjoys the personal protection of Putin.


  • 格鲁吉亚外长克舍拉什·维利定于这个周末访问土耳其俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫星期到土耳其访问。

    This weekend Georgia's foreign minister, Eka Tkeshelashvili, is due to visit Turkey, while his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, is expected next week.


  • 威尔士的阿波利斯·维斯大学研究者声称,他们已经建造第一可以自行提出科学假设、自行试验自行得出结论的机器

    Researchers at Aberystwyth University in Wales say they have created the first machine that can independently hypothesize, test, and recognize new scientific discoveries.


  • 年科“死床”上的指控成功绕过警方看护广而告之这些指控显然认为保护意味着拘禁克里姆林宫里的一些同样为此愤怒不已

    Likewise, some in the Kremlin were angry that Litvinenko's deathbed accusations managed to penetrate his police guard to be broadcast: they apparently assumed that protection meant arrest.


  • 年科可能是第一急性-210中毒的人。

    Mr Litvinenko is thought to be the first person to die from acute polonium-210 poisoning.


  • 去年八月后,维根队的老将守门员麦克·波利没有参加英超联赛

    Wigan’s veteran keeper has not started a Premier League match since last August.


  • 莫斯科有关杀死了维年科先生各种阴谋理论已经达到了某种辩证主义的程度,使得外人几乎难以理解

    Conspiracy theories in Moscow about who killed Mr Litvinenko have reached a pitch of dialecticism that is scarcely intelligible to outsiders.


  • 对于维年科之死克里姆林宫主要解释,将波利·科夫斯·卡娅被相提并论,予以谴责心想让普京名誉扫地敌对势力所为。

    The Kremlin's main explanation for Mr Litvinenko's demise is to blame both it and the Politkovskaya killing on hostile forces bent on discrediting Mr Putin.


  • 年科的摄入量可能是剂量许多了。

    Mr Litvinenko probably received many times this dose.


  • 这些作品称赞三维立体的马格利巨作

    They were hailed as three-dimensional Magrittes.


  • 本周德国警方透露,赴酒店会面人其中之一是科夫通(Dmitri Kovtun),那天维年科见面之前显然曾在汉堡多个地点散布放射物质。

    The German police this week revealed that Dmitri Kovtun, one of the hotel attendees, had apparently spread radiation across various sites in Hamburg before meeting Litvinenko that day.


  • 巴布亚新几内亚湾堪他利岛上2000个居民筹划搬往附近的布干维尔,那里距离西南部乘船需要4个小时

    Off Papua New Guinea, about 2,000 people on the Cantaret Islands are planning to move to nearby Bougainville island, four hours' boat ride to the southwest.


  • 莫斯科流行一个有关利年科(litvinenko)的说法仅仅普京离开派系暗中争斗的冰山一角。

    One popular Moscow view of the Litvinenko case is that it is just part of a murky factional infight ahead of Mr Putin's departure.


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