• 导演想要奥莉··,但是那时她已经签约华纳兄弟公司

    The director wanted Olivia de Havilland, then under contract to Warner Brothers.


  • 维兰日本符合举办世界杯条件

    Havelange said Japan did meet the conditions for staging World Cup.


  • 杰夫:布勃·一个军医,后伤病不得不下肢

    Jeff: Bob Wilan used to be a medical officer. Due to injury, his lower limbs were amputated.


  • 维兰纽瓦投篮跟上,这个问题很恼火,”小K教练

    "His shots didn't go in, that's the big thing, " said coach Larry Krystkowiak.


  • 卡拉先生的竞选伙伴维兰维兰托也是苏哈托时代的将军

    Mr Kalla's running-mate is Wiranto, yet another Suharto-era general.


  • 富勒姆前锋维兰希望东家曼联可以在赛季重现冠王伟业。

    Fulham striker Erik Nevland hopes former club Manchester United win the Treble this season.


  • 维兰战场死者举行丧礼他们灵魂得到真正安息

    Velan celebrates a funeral for the dead on the war field, let their souls can rest at peace really.


  • 维兰战场死者举行丧礼他们灵魂得到真正安息

    Velan celebrates a funeral for the dead on the war field, let their souls can rest in peace really.


  • 维兰纽瓦缠住了威少喉咙不可原谅的,无论是在挺

    Villanueva also put his hand around the throat of Westbrook. That's inexcusable, no matter who you support.


  • 本刊联系了阿维兰里约热内卢办公室以询问相关事宜拒绝我们透露任何信息。

    The Economist contacted Mr Havelange’s office in Rio de Janeiro regarding these matters, but he declined to speak to us.


  • 本刊联系了阿维兰里约热内卢办公室以询问相关事宜拒绝我们透露任何信息。

    The Economist contacted Mr Havelange's office in Rio de Janeiro regarding these matters, but he declined to speak to us.


  • 凯文·维兰瓦的毕业与别的毕业生家人合影并无差别——如果不是坐在父母墓前的话

    Kevin Villanueva's graduation photo would not have been any different from those of other fresh graduates surrounded by family - had he not had his taken seated next to his parents 'grave.


  • 有着国际足联更高道德标准国际奥委会正在对二进行调查,维兰国际奥委会的成员之一

    But the International Olympic Committee, of which Mr Havelange is a member and which has stricter ethical standards than FIFA, is investigating them.


  • 光伏也是一个可扩展技术意味着可以部署屋顶或是可用土地上连接输配电网上,维兰

    "PV is also a scalable technology, which means that it can be deployed at someone's roof connected to a distribution grid or on available land connected to transmission lines," said Movellan.


  • 维兰瓦表示:“只是把照片上传了而已,真的没有料想到人们喜欢’并‘分享’了我的照片,并且感谢激励了他们。”

    "I really wasn't expecting it. People 'shared' and 'liked' while others thanked me for inspiring them when all I did was to post it (on Facebook), "Villanueva said.


  • 英国广播公司《Panorama》栏目向特谢拉维兰提出诉讼,原因是他们90年代有关比赛经营权的事宜受贿

    Panorama”, a BBC television programme, has accused Mr Teixeira and Mr Havelange of taking bribes in the 1990s related to marketing rights for games.


  • 维兰也许辩称,这个国家所急需的正是那样的保守派强人形象,不过出意外的话,他很难超越自己二零零四年时取得第三名位置

    Mr Wiranto will argue that an old-fashioned strongman is what the country needs but it will be surprising if he does any better than the third place he got in 2004.


  • 摘要罗曼尼·康帝酒掌门人奥伯特··维兰认为,2014年份对于勃艮第来说相当微妙的年份,风土特征这一年份葡萄酒最为鲜明的个性标签。

    ABSTRACT: Domaine DE la Romanee-Conti's Aubert DE Villaine has said the wines of 2014 are particularly marked by their terroir expression, in what was a tricky vintage in Burgundy.


  • 英格传统中锋一般是个身强体壮的目标球员——布莱恩·尔将之形容“球门前头有勇无谋的公牛”。

    In England, the center-forward tended traditionally to be a big target-man figure – what Brian Glanville characterized as "the brainless bull at the gate".


  • 们从阿根廷东北部的一个繁殖中心乘车几英里,来到一个170万英亩的自然保护区——格拉公园。

    They were driven a few miles from a breeding center in northeastern Argentina to a 1.7-million-acre nature reserve called Gran Ibera Park.


  • 同事秒表暗中测算患者病情所用的时间,发现他们平均要用92秒,尽管老年患者所的时间通常多一些。

    When he and his colleagues used a hidden stopwatch to time patients until they were finished talking, the average time was 92 seconds, although elderly patients tended to take longer.


  • 博物馆滑雪博物馆以及非凡雕塑园所有游客不容错过的观光地。

    The Viking Ship Museum, the Ski Museum and the extraordinary Vigeland Sculpture Park are a must-see for all visitors.


  • 猫王·布鲁斯、奥勒·瑞登巴克、罗伯特·帕斯特莱利,这些什么共同之处?他们卫生间里

    What do the following people have in common? Elvis Presley, Lenny Bruce, Orville Redenbacher and RobertPastorelli - they all died in a bathroom.


  • 蓝多士博士博士表示游泳沙河钓的危险因为假如河里有农药,水平线可能非常

    Dr Landos and Dr Glanville said there was no danger for people either swimming or eating fish from the Noosa River because if chemicals were in the water, levels would likely be exceedingly low.


  • 从事研究希腊雅典医学院心脏病学家卡拉斯•拉科罗斯,研究发现绿茶能够促进血液流动能增强动脉疏通能力

    The study showed that green tea improves blood flow and the ability of arteries to relax, said Charalambos Vlachopoulos, a cardiologist at the Athens Medical School in Greece who worked on the study.


  • ·补充道:“就算医疗业务时间限制财政压力而格外繁忙分钟倾听时间也应该抽得出来,将近80%的患者来说已经足够了。”

    "Even in a busy practice driven by time constraints and financial pressure, two minutes of listening should be possible and will be sufficient for nearly 80 percent of patients," Langewitz added.


  • 麻省理工奥利亚·切特将西班牙看作所谓欧元区衰退轮值表”中下一个可能的受害国

    Olivier Blanchard, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sees Spain as a plausible next victim of what he calls "the rotating slumps under the euro".


  • 参观了故居购买了纪念品后,“随从人员不得不提醒了。”亚特历史中心的布·格利回忆道。

    After the tour and shopping "he finally had to be told to leave by his people, " says Brandi Wigley of the Atlanta History Center.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家•波波克,研究生赛斯·安德瑞恩•特瑞尔着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家•波波克,研究生赛斯·安德瑞恩•特瑞尔着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


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