• 说:“卡扎菲利比亚他们将找到

    Mr. Gadhafi will be in Libya, they will find him.


  • 维丹塔( 檀多)印度哲学一个分支更加集中论述这个问题

    Vedanta is a branch of Hindu philosophy which gives this matter a greater focus.


  • 维丹说:“今天我们高兴,我们进入阶段,有一个看见的新形象

    We are very happy today that we are in a new phase, a new image you will see us.


  • 墨西哥时候维丹纳萨勒姐妹俩递给一张请帖,是纳萨勒的成年礼晚会

    When I went to practice Ballet Folklorico, Venadi and Nathareth, two sisters, handed me an invitation for Nathreth quinceanera party.


  • 维丹教授看到了智力社会资本的五分量大多数毕业生至少取得了一进步

    Prof Javidan sees an advance of at least one point on a five-point scale in intellectual and social capital in most graduates.


  • 大使预测卡扎菲很快就被抓到否认名记者这位利比亚领导人可能处死。

    Ambassador Awidan predicted Gadhafi would soon be captured, but rejected a reporter's suggestion that the Libyan leader might be executed.


  • 维丹说:“非洲我们大陆,非洲一直支持我们我们感谢他们我们必须支持他们。”

    Africa is our continent, Africa has been supporting us and we thank them, but we have to support them also.


  • 曼索尔•维丹认为,如果没有三项技能,“人们会在规定时间之前打道回府了,或者他们压根实现不了既定的目标。

    Without all three of these skills, says Mansour Javidan, "people come home before their contracted time, or they don't achieve their goals.


  • 曼索尔·维丹认为,如果没有三项技能,“人们会在规定时间之前打道回府了,或者他们压根实现不了既定的目标。”

    Without all three of these skills, says Mansour Javidan, "people come home before their contracted time, or they don't achieve their goals."


  • 我们尔多呆了

    We stayed in Danville two more days.


  • 他们阿姆斯特阁楼曼品牌拍摄牛仔裤

    They move into a penthouse in Amsterdam and do a jeans photo shoot for Vero Moda.


  • 酒店,内讲台上,准备开始观众发言,林肯锁着出口处丢了,他四处找寻结果发现另一名男子在夹楼上,拿着狙击枪。

    Back inside, Banerjee takes the podium and begins to address the crowd as Lincoln just loses Downey behind a locked Exit door. Lincoln turns around to find another man on the mezzanine with a rifle.


  • 因为当地所有死了都由下葬,所以没有他不认识的人。 他那乐观向上的性格使能够艰巨的战斗中对抗邻居尔镇的.斯图尔特)保持不懈的斗志。

    Since he had buried all the kinfolk there, he knew everyone, and he had an upbeat personality that kept him going in the uphill battle against his neighbor in Danville, David Stewart.


  • 纽约——他们来了约翰尼·德普海伦娜·汉卡特、蒂姆·伯顿·德全部一袭黑色礼服地出现现代艺术博物馆大厅里。

    NEW YORKThere they were: Johnny Depp , Helena Bonham Carter , Tim Burton , and Danny DeVito standing in the lobby of the Museum of Modern Art, all clad in black.


  • 股票减少今年早期损失,是杜邦公司美国第三化学公司声称计划·斯克一起建立一个试验工厂,用来制造第二生物燃料之后。

    Novozymes stock pared its loss earlier this year after DuPont co., the third-largest U.S. chemical company, said it planned to build a pilot plant with Danisco to make second - generation biofuel.


  • 愤怒司徒桑特阿姆斯特准备向英方开火

    The angry Stuyvesant went to Fort Amsterdam and prepared to open fire on the British.


  • 玛丽莎驾车通过第二个红绿灯,海岸开去。

    Marissa cruised through Dannerville's second light and continued toward the coast.


  • ·贝克赛季初搭档鲁尼表现颇为抢眼,对阵热刺阿森纳的比赛贡献入球,随后不幸受伤

    Danny Welbeck was forging an impressive partnership with Rooney at the start of the season and contributed goals against Spurs and Arsenal before injuring his hamstring.


  • 最佳男演员”的名单里,斯将面对“大地惊雷”里的杰夫,“美错”里的·巴以及“127小时”里的弗朗科

    In the best actor category Firth is up against Jeff Bridges for True Grit, Javier Bardem for Biutiful and Franco for 127 Hours.


  • 澳大利亚监督战斗团指挥官布斯中校这些即将离开伊拉克的澳大利亚军人说,他们使命已经成功

    The commanding officer of Australia's Overwatch Battle Group, Lieutenant Colonel Chris Websdane, told the departing soldiers that their mission had been a success.


  • 正如生态学家》的网志作者·伯克斯所看到的那样,首批五个家庭已经到布干岛,全体居民的迁移打前站

    As the Ecologist's blogger Dan Box witnessed, the first five families have moved to Bougainville to prepare the ground for full evacuation.


  • 塞尔领导人劳伯·米罗赛克,在审讯结束死去

    The former Serbian leader, Slobodan Milosevic, died before the end of his trial.


  • 今年早些时候·注意不论何时当安妮·海瑟薇出现新闻时候,在华伦·巴菲特公司伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司的股票就会疯涨。

    Earlier this year director and writer Dan Mirvish noticed that whenever actress Anne Hathaway was in the news, stocks in Warren Buffett's company Berkshire Hathaway rose sharply.


  • 主教练加的带领下,人们一直质疑拥有尼·阿尔罗比尼奥当然还有卡卡在内的如此风格华丽、技术精湛球员,却要通过丑陋务实的1-0赢得比赛。

    Under coach Dunga, there has been criticism that a side containing such stylish and skilful players as Dani Alves, Robinho and of course Kaka himself, is playing for dour 1-0 victories.


  • 因此里奇卡尔上前紧逼朴智星瓦伦西亚,即使两位边路球员能够漂亮的传中球,中路的约翰逊也可利用人数上的优势空中提前将威胁解除,阻止韦恩·鲁尼得到机会。

    That allowedRidgewell and Carr to get tight on Park and Valencia and Dann andJohnson were always capable of repelling them in the air with WayneRooney so outnumbered in the middle.


  • 阿什利·付出会给曼联攻击线上带来更多的活力,不过尼·贝克加入了迈克尔·欧文汤姆·克莱以及克里斯·司马林伤病修养大军。

    United will be boosted by the return of Ashley Young but Danny Welbeck may join Michael Owen, Tom Cleverley and Chris Smalling on the sidelines.


  • 福和他的同事布鲁斯·布莱德利是这样认为的。而且最近弗吉尼亚的仙人掌——这里可能是那群流动欧洲最先登陆地方——克洛纪元下面发现的用具

    Moreover, tools recently found beneath Clovis-era layers at a dig in Cactus Hill, Va.--about where European itinerants could have first landed--also resemble Solutrean artifacts.


  • 这儿人都缺席的情况下,表现出色·贝克顶替乐空缺,不过曼联可能一直那么走运

    Danny Welbeck performed well in their absence, but United won't always be so fortunate.


  • 只是现在只能在曼联着说曼联有太多好前锋韦恩·鲁尼,哈尔·埃尔南德斯还有迪米特·贝尔巴托夫,甚至新星·贝克也十分优秀,只能从那儿抢个板凳。

    Now he laughs at the sheer scale of competition at United, where Wayne Rooney, Javier Hernández, Dimitar Berbatov and increasingly Danny Welbeck block his path.


  • 只是现在只能在曼联着说曼联有太多好前锋韦恩·鲁尼,哈尔·埃尔南德斯还有迪米特·贝尔巴托夫,甚至新星·贝克也十分优秀,只能从那儿抢个板凳。

    Now he laughs at the sheer scale of competition at United, where Wayne Rooney, Javier Hernández, Dimitar Berbatov and increasingly Danny Welbeck block his path.


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