• 被退回库存继续一个问题

    Returned inventory will continue to be a problem.


  • IBM有利可图部分继续软件

    The most profitable portion of IBM continues to be software.


  • 因此,解决方案已经必须继续全球范围的。

    So solutions have been and must continue to be global.


  • 似乎导致CFS原因在短时间内继续争论主题

    It seems likely that the causes of CFS will continue to be a subject of controversy for a while yet.


  • 苹果继续保障个人信息安全先锋苹果补充说

    "Apple will continue to be one of the leaders in strengthening personal information security and privacy," the company adds.


  • 从全球角度来看俄罗斯继续能源其他原材料可靠来源

    Globally, Russia will continue to be a reliable source of energy and other raw materials.


  • 尽管如此奢侈品消费上升趋势,这将继续一个值得关注的重要领域

    Nonetheless, luxury consumption is on the rise and will continue to be a key area to watch.


  • 烟草使用继续预防主要死亡原因每年导致500死亡

    Tobacco use continues to be the leading preventable cause of death, killing more than 5 million people per year.


  • 输出结果可能继续条消息,大致意思密钥不能被一个可信签名所认证

    The output is likely to continue with a message to the effect that the key is not certified with a trusted signature.


  • 美国对华直接投资总额达640亿美元,美国继续中国最大外资来源国。

    US direct investment in China has topped 64 billion US dollars and the US remains the No. 1 source of foreign direct investment for China.


  • 尽管美国自诩种族熔炉很多方面我们美国人一直,并且仍继续懦夫

    Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and we, I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards.


  • 安全一直- - - - -继续是- - - - -个人公司关心主要问题。

    Security always has been - and will remain - a major concern for individuals and companies.


  • 因为开放性大量开发人员Linux继续文件系统通用存储研究目标

    Linux is and will continue to be the target for file systems and general storage research because of its openness and large community of developers.


  • 因为古时仰赖圣洁妇人,正以此妆饰,顺服自己丈夫“,然后继续这样的内容。”

    "It was in this way long ago that the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves by accepting the authority of their husbands," and then it goes on like that.


  • 调查指标之一实行自愿无偿献血继续是世卫组织建议支柱确保安全和充足血液供应

    One of the survey's indicators was the implementation of voluntary, unpaid blood donation, which remains a mainstay of WHO recommendations to ensure a safe and sufficient blood supply.


  • 尽管我们世界越来越技术化,有机生命——包括野生包括驯养的——继续全球范围内人类经验主要基础构造。

    Despite the increasing technization of our world, organic life -- both wild and domesticated -- will continue to be the prime infrastructure of human experience on the global scale.


  • 2006年6月1日罗马-迁徙野鸟对于高致病性禽流感病毒的远距离传播起到了一定的作用继续病毒蔓延的个原因。

    June 2006, Rome - Migrating wild birds have played and will likely continue to play a role in transporting highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus, or bird flu, over long distances.


  • 核心必须继续可以冷却的,需要展示点,还有你需要,展示出长期的冷却能够提供的,即使反应堆已经稳定下来后。

    The core must continue to be coolable, you need to show that and you need to show that long term cooling must be provided even after the reactor is stabilised.


  • 企业社会责任采用一直并且继续保守者,来自雇员消费者不断增长关注一种反映,也投资者关于企业行为的反映。

    The adoption of CSR has been and continues to be reactionary, a response to a growing concern from employees, customers, and to an increasing extent investors, about the conduct of businesses.


  • 选民继续教育看作头等重要大事。

    Voters continue to rate education high on their list of priorities.


  • 美国军队继续驻留韩国领土依然这些学生极其恼怒事情。

    The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.


  • 认为经济继续好转有道理的。

    It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve.


  • 实际情况我们无力继续聘用所有职员

    The truth (of the matter) is we can't afford to keep all the staff on.


  • 部分原因大学继续培养更多博士

    This is partly because universities continue to produce ever more PhDs.


  • 人们认为科技继续进步,这个预测道理的。

    It is quite reasonable to assume that modern science and technology will continue to advance.


  • 人们认为科技继续进步,这个预测道理的。

    It is quite reasonable to assume that modern science and technology will continue to advance.


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