• 继有楼”楼高科技学院办公大楼,内设间教室实验室电脑室办公室等设施

    Choi Kai Yau Building has seven floors and provides office space for the Faculty of Science and Technology. It houses many classrooms, laboratories, computer LABS and staff offices.


  • 华尔街日报许多从事奢侈品行业的意大利制造商都是家族企业企业存在问题意大利奢侈品制造方面传统难以为继有何看法?

    WSJ: Many Italian manufacturers in luxury are family businesses, and some have succession problems. How concerned are you about maintaining Italian know-how in production?


  • 突然一个兄弟

    I've suddenly acquired a stepbrother.


  • 孙子孙,我很想多时间他们在一起。

    I have grandchildren and step-grandchildren and I would like to spend time with them.


  • 俄罗斯美国之后第三能力开发载人航天器太空返回国家

    It is just the third country, after Russia and the United States, to develop spacecraft capable of flying humans to space and back.


  • 过去年间,“计算”这个术语蓬勃发展,成为网络2.0”之后时髦技术名词,但这个概念一百个人一百个定义。

    The past few years have seen the phrase ‘cloud computing’ steadily gaining momentum, becoming one of the most hyped technology buzzwords sinceWeb 2.0”—and with nearly as many different definitions.


  • 他们可能击败布兰奇.林肯这位也许是威廉姆.富布莱特之后影响力的国会代表

    They also look likely to knock off Blanche Lincoln, the state’s senior senator, and arguably its most powerful congressional representative since William Fulbright.


  • 他们可能击败布兰奇·林肯这位也许是威廉姆。富布莱特之后影响力的国会代表

    They also look likely to knock off Blanche Lincoln, the state's senior senator, and arguably its most powerful congressional representative since William Fulbright.


  • 加州上诉法院星期四撤销一个了明确意见判决之后,一起针对含致癌物质肉鸡三明治的医疗公益诉讼展开。

    A medical non-profit's lawsuit over a carcinogen found in grilled chicken is set to continue, after a California appeals court on Thursday reversed a ruling that would have burned the case to a crisp.


  • 商业何干系?

    What does Yang Jisheng have to do with business?


  • 流感病毒HIV/AIDS肺结核病毒爆发之后个传染病,同样药物性。

    The next pandemic will be the first to occur since the emergence of HIV/AIDS and the resurgence of tuberculosis, also in its drug-resistant forms.


  • 他们可以得到嫁妆,可以传家族香火,还可以得到在家里侍奉他们顺从儿媳妇

    With her, they'd receive a dowry, they'd continue the family line, and they'd get an obedient daughter-in-law to serve them around the house.


  • 这个职位上之后又出现几乎同样争议RosabethMossKanter (seearticle)。

    He was succeeded in the post by the almost equally controversial Rosabeth Moss Kanter (see article).


  • 露易丝.布朗之后超过1万个试管婴儿出生现在全球已经4百万个IVF婴儿

    More than 10,000 test tube babies have been born since the birth of Louise Brown and there are now four million IVF babies worldwide.


  • 根据联合国粮农组织年两次的一份最新报告显示,2006年,全球渔业的产量达到了1亿4360万1950年渔业产量记载来的最高记录。

    WORLD fish production hit 143.6m tonnes in 2006, the highest since records began in 1950, according to a new biannual report from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation.


  • 研究小组致力于找到这些代谢综合征症状儿童发生疾病风险所在。

    Her team is trying to find a risk profile for later disease among children having the symptoms for metabolic syndrome.


  • 报导普通民众识别各种过敏症状提醒作用,不当治疗可能导致一系列症状。

    This report serves to alert the general public on the diversity of allergic symptoms and on the fact that undertreatment may lead to a spectrum of secondary symptoms.


  • 船舶运动非线性,操作机构明显的非线性

    The motion of ship is nonlinear. The operating machine has nonlinearity such as dead zone and relay.


  • 1964首次中国出口丰田C R O W N皇冠轿车至今,丰田迈入中国市场已经45年的历史,中国也成为了丰田美国之后的又一市场。

    From 1964 TOYOTA firstly export CROWN to China up till now, TOYOTA has come into China market for about 45 years history, China also become another big market after America.


  • 其他大多数欧洲国家那样罗马法大范围情况

    There certainly has not been any large-scale reception of it, as has been the case with most other European countries.


  • 因此白血病病人贫血血小板减少粒细胞减少并发症倾向明显的并发症是出血感染

    Thus, leukemic patients are prone to anemia, thrombocytopenia, and granulocytopenia and all of the complications that ensue, particularly complications of bleeding and infection.


  • 足够证据证明行为人某特定物是因为已经实施其他前犯罪时,以前犯罪事后不可罚状态论。

    It should not be deemed as an unlawful possession crime if the evidence shows that the possession is the result of committing a proceeding crime.


  • 发状及其伤组织轮换不同组分培养基代培养,对发状根的分化增殖明显的促进作用

    It shows obviously active effect on differentiation and multiplication of hairy roots to subculture hairy roots and their calluses on different composition of medium.


  • 少数物种已经发地失去了一功能

    There are a few species which have secondarily lost this feature.


  • 一个事业能否成功能否充分发挥自己的才智能否受到上级同事认可办公室风水布局很大关系

    The success of a person's career, can give full play to their talents, your industry can be recognized by superiors and colleagues, and office feng shui layout has a great relationship.


  • 希望社会勇敢面对家庭情况现实

    I hope one day society will have the courage to face up to the reality of step family situations.


  • 结论AEEG监测梗死癫痫重要价值

    Conclusion: AEEG monitoring is of great value for patients with epilepsy secondary to cerebral infarction.


  • 结论AEEG监测梗死癫痫重要价值

    Conclusion: AEEG monitoring is of great value for patients with epilepsy secondary to cerebral infarction.


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