• 虽然这个访问计划使用具体没有分布统计信息情况下访问计划好,不如使用具体分布统计信息时的访问计划。

    Although the access plan is better than the access plan with concrete values without distribution statistics, it is worse than the access plan with concrete values with distribution statistics.


  • 然后双亲请求根据连接描述找到正确数据库统计根据sql字符串找到语句统计值

    It then USES its parent request to find the right database statistics based on the connection's description, and to find statement statistics based on the SQL key string.


  • 信息分析员分类用于统计中的聚集测度统计组有总数平均数最小最大

    Information analysts use classifications for aggregating measures in statistical groupings such as totals, averages, minima, and maxima.


  • 数据库统计持有有关连接次数信息聚合每个单独语句的额外统计值

    The database statistics hold information about connection times and aggregate additional statistics for each individual statement.


  • 统计数据丢失统计数据丢失后,优化器假设一个默认确定成本非常不准

    Missing statistics: When statistics are missing, the optimizer assumes the default values to determine costs, which could be completely inaccurate.


  • AUTO_STAT _ MODE:一个默认1支持自动升级统计操作(片段统计ON时)。

    AUTO_STAT_MODE: Has a default value of 1, which enables the automatic update statistics operation (fragment-level statistics is on).


  • 在这里,没有显示操作统计查询嵌套统计值支持代码(可以本文源代码看到)。

    I don't show the supporting code for looking up nested statistics in an operation statistics here (you can see it in the article source code).


  • 这样操作(例如servelt)的统计就持有每个数据库性能统计

    This way, statistics for operations (such as servlets) hold performance statistics for each database.


  • 很多重复频率统计信息),或者该列的分布均匀它们某些局部聚合的(分位数统计信息)。

    The column has many duplicates (frequency statistics), or the values of the column are not evenly distributed, which means they are clustered in certain areas (quantile statistics)


  • 通过深入描述符统计信息,可以发现IN清单6元素恰好频率统计信息上的最后6个

    By drilling down to the column statistics in the table descriptor, you can discover that the six elements in the in list predicate happen to be the bottom six values in the frequency statistics.


  • 因为根据请求更新数据库性能,所以我采用compositepattern跟踪其他统计持有统计值

    Because I want to update database performance by request, I'll use a composite pattern to track statistics held by other statistics.


  • 识别哪个统计信息,例如document_size,而表示这个统计

    The key identifies which statistic it is, for example, document_size, with the value indicating the value for that particular statistic.


  • 报告中他们没有包含实际运用统计检验、显著性(p(统计学中进行检验决策一个重要依据——译者注))、以及调查的组别个体数量

    What isn't included in the actual report are the actual statistical tests used, statistical significance (p values), and Numbers of subjects in each group studied.


  • 英国统计发布2010年2季度修正后GDP增速,2季度GDP增速一个之前发布的初始统计值1.1%提升至1.2%。

    The Office for National Statistics' second estimate for growth showed GDP rose a quarterly 1.2% between April and June, up from its initial estimate of 1.1% released a month ago.


  • 就让可以嵌套请求操作统计它们双亲统计值关联起来(例如哪个servlet请求造成了这个数据库访问)。

    This allows me to associate the operation statistics for nested requests with the statistics of their parents (for example, what servlet request caused this database access).


  • 没有列组统计信息情况下再次收集统计信息的话,优化器会选择一个类似如下所示的查询访问计划,它的基数估计2

    A query access plan similar to the following is chosen by the optimizer, with a cardinality estimate of 2.


  • 在没有列组统计信息情况再次收集统计信息的话,优化器会选择一个类似如下所示的查询访问计划,它的基数估计小于2

    A query access plan similar to the following is chosen by the optimizer, with a cardinality estimate under 2.


  • 基于模糊统计基础上的统计有效地确定具有随机、模糊性质的军机易损性评估指标安全

    The airplane vulnerability safety degree value, which is stochastic and fuzzy, can be calculated accurately by set-valued statistics based on fuzzy statistics.


  • 计算结果表明变形统计变形监测吻合较好,统计相关系数较大估计标准误差较小

    The calculation results show that the statistic and monitoring value are fairly identical, multiple correlation coefficients bigger and estimated standard error smaller.


  • 继高统计地震相位估计方法之后,将基于高阶统计重构方法也引入其中,从而完成了完整的高阶统计地震子波估计理论

    Import magnitude reconstruct method to estimation wavelet base on high-order statistics after phase estimation theory, and perfecting the method of estimation wavelet though high-order statistics.


  • 本文提出了属性统计方法,并指出,概率统计模糊统计统计特殊情况

    It is shown that probabilistic statistics, fuzzy statistics and set-valued statistics are special cases of attribute statistics.


  • DNS统计相比,除了之外,场的大部分区域模拟与精确的统计值基本一致

    It is found that generally the simulated values are in agreement with the DNS data in most flow regions, except in the near-wall region.


  • 除了统计浓度算术平均外,统计主要风向下的浓度大气预测提供数据

    Then besides counting up, it should count up the loading values of cardinal wind as the background data for atmospheric forcast.


  • 基于路面实测数据进行统计分析,得到了路面使用性能参数统计分布模型及其参数估计

    Based on the measured data, the statistical distribution model and estimate value of statistical parameter were been obtained.


  • 课题使用SPSS 13.0统计分析软件包样本观察进行统计描述统计推断

    The subject makes use of stastisic software SPSS 13.0 to stastistic description and stastistic inference.


  • 目前交通噪声预测使用FHWA模型实际应用人工方式统计通过车辆车型人工成本统计容易产生偏差

    Now the FHWA model used in traffic noise prediction get the number and type of vehicles by artificial way, the labor cost is high and the statistical value often not very accuracy.


  • 计算结果表明:变形统计与变形监测吻合较好,统计复相关系数较大,估计标准误差较小

    This paper achieves noise reduction by using wavelet packet transform, semisoft shrinkage function, Donoho standard deviation estimate and threshold obtain based on statistics.


  • 本文主要研究统计模型参数估计有限总体未来观察预测统计推断问题

    The thesis is concerned with statistical inferences including parameter estimation and prediction of future observations in finite populations under several statistical models.


  • 介绍了大坝观测资料统计模型建模方法 ,并结合实例 ,探讨了观测资料缺统计模型精度的影响及其处理的方法 。

    The time series method is used to extract the regular part from the residual series received by modeling of observed data.


  • 介绍了大坝观测资料统计模型建模方法 ,并结合实例 ,探讨了观测资料缺统计模型精度的影响及其处理的方法 。

    The time series method is used to extract the regular part from the residual series received by modeling of observed data.


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