• 公司及其产品对外统一形象标志

    Foreign companies and their products is the unified visual identity.


  • 品牌宣传培训优势强有力的品牌策划广告宣传统一形象宣传统一促销方案统一培训,随到随

    First, brand awareness training advantages: a strong brand planning, advertising, unified image of the publicity, unified marketing program, unified training, pick school.


  • INNOVA德诺拥有着覆盖全国主要市县销售网络渠道统一授权统一形象的INNOVA德诺产品系列专卖服务体系

    INNOVA has a nationwide distribution network of major cities and counties channels, and a unified authorization INNOVA unified image of the product line sales service system.


  • 流线组织关键环节整体空间氛围营造即关注文化强调商业气息,保证统一形象同时恰当处理不同品牌的特意性,兼顾商场品质商家个性

    The streamline organization is the key link, the overall space should be focus both on the cultural and commercial atmosphere . Depending on the varies brand, it outputs different personality space.


  • 人就代表国家形象

    The president alone betokened the national identity.


  • 只有专心致志地推行统一全球形象组织可能追寻这种模式需要全球范围的一致性集中式控制。

    Only an organization that vigorously projects a unified global image is likely to pursue this pattern, which requires worldwide consistency and centralized governance.


  • 2000年至今,威品牌已按连锁专卖模式在全国建立了数百形象统一规范的专卖店专柜,形成了巨大的极具渗透力销售网络

    Since 2000, Baowei has founded hundreds of uniform and standardized franchised stores and established an expanding sales network.


  • 集成观点来看门户确实提供一种完美的框架使企业能够在要求苛刻用户群体面前展示统一形象

    From the point of view of integration, portals do offer the perfect framework to enable the enterprise to present a unified face to the demanding user community.


  • 随着中国业务增长制作全新动态型网站,将原有三个站点进行重新规划设计即便于管理也能够建立一个统一、全新的形象

    With the growth in China's business, make a brand-new dynamic website, plan and design three original websites again, even if managing, can set up a unified, brand-new image too.


  • 形象优势拥有统一品牌形象广告推广策略更具品牌优势和竞争力。

    Image advantage :we have uniform brand image and advertisement promotion strategies, with higher hrand advantage and competitiveness.


  • 姿品牌此次VI终端形象全面升级使玖姿品牌更加统一形象展现消费者面前体现出玖姿品牌全力进行品牌转型决心

    The overall upgrading of JZ VI and terminal image allowed JZ to appear with a more uniform image in front of consumers and also revealed JZ's determination to fully transform the brand.


  • 面对未来机遇挑战统一集团不仅在外表上,还要在内在实质上树立起一个健康快乐”的企业形象以回报社会大众。

    To embrace the upcoming market potentials and challenges, Uni-President will launch a "Health & Happy" corporate image internally and externally and repay back to the public whatever possible.


  • 人物造型来说化装服装紧密结合直接塑造剧中人物形象舞台演出当中它们一个统一整体缺一不可

    On the character modelling, puts on makeup with the clothing close union direct mold play's in character image, middle the stage performance they are a unified whole, indispensable.


  • 创造性直觉理性抽象感性形象统一创造性直觉中,抽象思维表现为一种历史文化积淀积极的理性思考

    The creative intuition is the unity of the perceptual image and rational abstraction, in which the abstract thinking embodies the sediment of culture and history and the positively rational thought.


  • 品牌延伸可以节省促销费用统一企业形象,有利于迅速提高企业知名度经济效益,但也存在使企业失败巨大陷阱。

    Brand extension can on one hand reduce the sales promotion fee, unify the image of an enterprise, and improve the popularity and economic benefit of an enterprise within a short time.


  • 使企业形象高度统一使企业视觉传播资源充分利用达到理想的品牌传播效果

    It made the image of the enterprise highly unified, make enterprises make full use of visual transmission resources, to achieve the ideal brand communication effect.


  • 唯有艺术形象产生基础上,材料、力、维和技艺四者有机结合高度统一才能创作出精美根雕艺术品。

    Only on the base of art image, and combined with material, judgement, thinking and technology, highly unity, exquisite bamboo root carving can be created.


  • 唯有艺术形象产生基础上,材料眼力思维技艺四者有机结合高度统一才能创作出精美根雕艺术品。

    Only on the base of art image, and combined with material, judgement, thinking and technology, highly unity, exquisite bamboo root carving can be created.


  • 成功案例联合利华旁氏品牌形象西区制作;伊洋华堂卖场统一装修

    Success Stories: Unilever's brand image counter next to the Western-making; Ito-Yokado stores such as unified decoration.


  • 黛玉形象两个主体平等交流和谐统一互动互补

    The Image of Daiyu is the equal communication, harmonious unity, interaction and complementation of the two subjects, human being and flowers.


  • 意象不同一般的艺术形象因为确定性确定性统一

    Poetic image is different from artistic image due to it's uncertainty and certainty unification in which the uncertainty accounts for a larger proportion.


  • 检测分析建立形象算法使数据恢复提高质量手动自动模式大大提高统一这些算法。

    Detection, analysis and image building algorithms, which allow to enhance data recovery quality both in manual and automatic modes, are considerably improved and unified for these algorithms.


  • 华夏民族祖先统一中原各部落后,揉合氏族图腾形成形象

    The dragon was formed when the Chinese ancestors united the various tribes along the Yellow River, and wove together the totem images of all the clans.


  • 统一百得”品牌标识产品包装广告宣传有了焕然一新的专业形象

    The integrated Pattex takes on an entirely new look and professional image of logo, packaging, and advertising communications.


  • 感情坦率,无法从支离破碎生活形象求得统一使某些当代诗人近了。

    In passion, this despair of makIng a unit out of the broken images of life, have brought him close to some contemporary poets.


  • 感情坦率,无法从支离破碎生活形象求得统一使某些当代诗人近了。

    This frankness In passion, this despair of makIng a unit out of the broken images of life, have brought him close to some contemporary poets.


  • VI设计实现企业形象统一识别目标具体表现

    That vi is designed is to be the concrete behaviour attaining unified identification of enterprise image's objectives.


  • 形象思维表现再现抽象具象感情理性人和自然统一和谐

    The visual thinking presents the unification and harmonization of representation and reproduction, abstract and representation, sensibility and sense, and human being and nature.


  • 形象思维表现再现抽象具象感情理性人和自然统一和谐

    The visual thinking presents the unification and harmonization of representation and reproduction, abstract and representation, sensibility and sense, and human being and nature.


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