• 一向全球时尚革新者为傲法国认定时尚已经失去定义女性形体美的绝对权力

    France, which always prides itself as the global innovator of fashion, has decided its fashion industry has lost an absolute right to define physical beauty for women.


  • 神秘宫内几乎拥有皇家绝对权力

    The impenetrable IHA has almost absolute power over the imperial family.


  • 给予史蒂夫·乔布斯绝对权力开发产品

    Give Steve Jobs as much authority as he wants in new product development.


  • 只有首领可以发号施令拥有绝对权力

    Only the leader can give orders to the others and has absolute power over everything.


  • 本会绝对权力决定接受拒绝任何申请不须作任何解释

    DA reserves its right to accept or reject any application without giving any explanation (s).


  • 本人知悉电子核服务有限公司有绝对权力根据核证作业准则批准拒绝本人申请

    I acknowledge the absolute right of Digi-Sign to approve or reject my application pursuant to the CPS.


  • 几个人能像邓这样拥有法律赋予绝对权力,而孩子不能继承世代交替的控制权

    How many times have you seen anyone with such absolute power put into law that his children could not maintain a generational grip on power?


  • 因为“一把手”手中握有绝对权力因而,他一个地域经济方面的重大影响显而易见的。

    Therefore, it is evident that they play a important part in a regional economy or other ways.


  • 人们发现帝国高官唆使星区总督塔金凭借那个超级武器攥取绝对权力,格里贾特斯也是其中之一

    Greejatus was one of several Imperial officers discovered to have goaded Moff Tarkin into seizing absolute power with the superweapon.


  • 尽管以色列行为引起了国际社会的批评此前辩护称所说以色列拥有保卫安全利益绝对权力

    Although the action drew international criticism, Mr Biden had previously defended what he said was Israel's absolute right to deal with its security interest.


  • 的确根据神圣权利这个论点得以扩展君王上帝赋予使命、受上帝指引(无论君王的行为多么肮脏)、拥有绝对权力

    Yes, and by divine right, went a rapid extension of this theory: appointed by God, guided by God (however nasty the resultant kingly actions) and with absolute power (not least over the local church).


  • 美国人他们被告感觉到那些他们拥有绝对权力的人应该羞辱折磨时,已经了并且还在这样干。

    Americans, too, have done and do them when they are told, or made to feel, that those over whom they have absolute power deserve to be humiliated, tormented.


  • 官员代表本来就是个官儿权力组成部分,自然形成权力共同体这种代表官员的一体化,绝对权力表现方式

    Officials' reps are actually officials. As part of the power structure, they form power union. The union of reps and officials is a manifestation of absolute power.


  • 国际法存在所谓“绝对权力”,仲裁庭作为《公约》制度一个国际争端解决机制权威权力所有缔约国让渡的。

    Indeed, there is no such thing as absolute power in international law. This tribunal, whose authority and power are conferred by states, is an international dispute settlement mechanism under UNCLOS.


  • 的对手就是那些绝对权力主义者,他们主张道德例如宗教信仰等是非问题进行外部干预,而且他们喜欢把自己的观点不容置疑地强加别人身上。

    His enemies are authoritarians who want to claim an external source for moral judgments - normally, religious faith - and impose their views unquestioningly on others.


  • 阿里巴巴有绝对权力团体阿里巴巴合伙人其中包括24名阿里巴巴集团高层以及6来自公司电子商务合作伙伴高管,该公司多数董事提名权完全掌握在这个团体手中。

    An all-powerful group called the Alibaba Partnership, composed of 24 managers and 6 executives of its e-commerce partners, holds exclusive authority to nominate a majority of the firm's directors.


  • 君主对平民教会所有机构拥有绝对权力统治一个和平王国

    The sovereign holds total power over all the institutions of civilian and ecclesiastical life, holding sway over a kind of peaceable kingdom.


  • 其实编辑并非拥有绝对权力一个仅由受邀人员组成的指导委员会可以质疑编辑偏执做法。

    But the editor doesn’t quite have absolute power: an invitation-only steering committee can impeach him in the unlikely event of a Strangelove scenario.


  • 权力迷恋有点类似虚荣但是它们绝对不是同一东西

    Love of power is closely akin to vanity, but it is not by any means the same thing.


  • 霍布斯始终坚信君主应当拥有绝对无限权力

    The power of the sovereign, Hobbes continually insists, must be unlimited.


  • 教会提供了讲坛白衣长袍前提下,他作为教会代表,拥有全部权力绝对自由直接面对社区

    He was provided with the premises, the pulpit and the clerical robes. He was directed into the community with that full authority and was given free rein to act as a representative of the Church.


  • 我们甚至还知道到底或者什么故事里反派(绝对不是权力中心几个他们和我们一样也是更大的什么东西牺牲品)。

    We do not even know yet exactly who or what is the main villain of the story (it is definitely not a few individuals in the power center: they too are victims of something larger, just as we are).


  • 鉴于MrKhamenei仍然处于强势地位,其绝对控制阻止了其他方对权力攫取

    With Mr Khamenei still in a strong position, absolute control is not up for grabs.


  • 怎么确定呢,霍布斯阐释君主并非自己权力人民所有事情都拥有绝对控制

    How is this determined? And Hobbes makes clear that the sovereign is not invested with the authority to exercise a kind of absolute control over everything that people do.


  • 怎么确定呢,霍布斯阐释君主并非自己权力人民所有事情都拥有绝对控制

    How is this determined? And Hobbes makes clear that the sovereign is not invested with the authority to exercise a kind of absolute control over everything that people do.


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