• 很大危险克拉斯看。

    You're taking a big risk showing this to Kravis.


  • 然后,特拉斯·击出记滚球垒手马克·巴尔霍恩

    Travis Lee then hit a grounder to second baseman Mark Bellhorn.


  • 丘吉尔尔发了一个急电

    Churchill telegraphed an urgent message to Wavell.


  • 为了防止此类悲剧的发生,消防队员埃里克·勒兹社区孩子们做了演讲,他解释道火灾发生时应该躲起来

    To prevent such tragedies, firefighter Eric Velez gives talks to children in his community, explaining that they should never hide during a fire.


  • 为了防止此类悲剧的发生,消防队员埃里克·勒兹社区孩子们做了演讲,解释道火灾发生,孩子们应该躲起来

    To prevent such tragedies, fire fighter Eric Velez gives talks to children in his community, explaining that they should never hide during a fire.


  • 密斯太太姬一块狗饼干作为奖励。

    As a reward, Mrs. Smith gave Vicky a dog biscuit.


  • 一天,姬只史密斯太太带来了一封信。

    One day Vicky brought only one letter to Mrs. Smith.


  • 其他这个赛季新加盟球员看起来很快就适应了曼联生活——他们更衣室带来了哪些变化,而且他们加入了那些恶作剧了吗?

    Tevez and the other lads who joined this season seem to have taken to life at United quickly - what have they brought to the dressing room and have they joined in the pranks yet?


  • 他们盖恩斯尔的所有教会打电话我们采取什么行动阻止焚烧行动兄弟姐妹一样更加和平相处。

    They are calling any church in Gainesville, and saying what can we do to stop this act and live together more peaceably as brothers and sisters, "he said."


  • 温暖的环境克洛人和他们的掠食对象种群繁荣机会

    It was this warming that gave the Clovis people and their prey a chance to thrive.


  • 第二阶段建设现在已经开始了,它主要为了银河先期飞行做准备

    Construction of phase two has already begun and is set for completion in time for Virgin Galactic's pioneering flights.


  • 风暴休斯顿加尔斯顿造成了数以亿计财产损失正当慢慢地想恢复元气时候,华尔街风暴又呼啸而来

    The storm caused billions of dollars' worth of damage to Houston and Galveston and, just as the state was picking up the pieces, Hurricane Wall Street roared in.


  • 现在一个部门主管负责角色模型表面上图

    Now he heads up the Weta department responsible for painting the surfaces of characters.


  • 接着同事人们入睡5分钟其一些思考任务指示

    Next Wegner and colleagues gave people instructions for a thinking task in the 5 minutes before they went to sleep.


  • 这个装置甚至能够用来制造地图并且允许外科医生患者几百英里的地方患者手术

    It could even be used to create three dimensional maps and allow surgeons to perform operations hundreds of miles from patients.


  • 然后(字符串数值)存储一个数组中,读取完整个工作表之后数组返回调用例程

    The value, string or numeric, is then stored in a two-dimensional array, which is returned to the calling routine after the whole sheet has been read.


  • 之后拯救会”紧挨着麦考工作堕胎诊所了一套房子他们开始谈话她示好,并她提供午餐。

    Then Operation Rescue took out a lease on the house next door to the abortion clinic where McCorvey worked. They began talking to her, befriending her, offering her lunch.


  • 当然真实高兴这里独家披露大家这些他本人或者文章赐福毫不理解。

    Of course, the real Orwell, whom I am delighted to be able to reveal exclusively to you, would have had no truck with all this beatification of himself or his prose.


  • 为了便利已经大致浏览并且动漫之音页面总结了路飞的所有经历

    For your convenience, I've gone through and summarized Luffy's entire history by story arcs on his Anime Vice wiki page.


  • 艾尔·已经决定不再12岁女儿接种什么疫苗了,但是,这样做冒患上接种疫苗就能预防的疾病麻疹风险

    Elwell has decided her 12-year-old daughter will not be get any more vaccines, and she said she was willing to risk a vaccine-preventable disease such as measles.


  • 这种做法弦外之音,意在展示谋杀者的用武之地,也利特年科伦敦友人传达了恐怖信息,可能还是利氏背信弃义英国东家一个下马威。

    On this reading, it was designed to demonstrate the scope of the murderers and to send a hair-raising message to Litvinenko's friends in London, and perhaps also to his perfidious British hosts.


  • 先生话中暗指塞尔·布兰德乔纳森·罗斯安德鲁·萨克斯打恶作剧电话招致了几家报纸愤怒反应

    Mr Mulville was alluding to the anger with which newspapers reacted to the prank telephone calls made to Andrew Sachs by Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross.


  • 麦考1994年写的自传---《罗伊》中,描述了这么一个伤心时刻当时一名护士(麦考)的女儿她(麦考)喂奶,这个护士知道孩子已经被送人

    In her 1994 autobiography, I Am Roe, she describes the harrowing moment when a nurse mistakenly handed her the girl for feeding, not knowing she was being put out for adoption.


  • 西班牙探险者已经这一片地区取名萨·德。

    They were up on Mesa Verde. Spanish explorers had named the area.


  • 下面大家粒子运动方程空间物体的运动,非常复杂运动很难想象是如何的。

    I want to write down for you equations for a moving particle a moving object in three-dimensional space very complicated motion which I can hardly imagine what it's like.


  • 与此同时俄罗斯开始自行调查年科之死他们说法科夫通亲自下伦敦出难题

    The Russians, meanwhile, have begun their own investigation into Litvinenko's death and what they say is Mr Kovtun's own poisoning, and want to question people in London.


  • 即将建成的庞大电厂三个银色圆顶塔·韦基亚周围城镇带来巨大的恐惧和担忧。

    In the towns surrounding Civitavecchia, the impending arrival of a huge coal plant, with its three silvery domes, is being greeted with a hefty dose of dread.


  • 女孩流行名字奥利鲁比格雷斯艾米丽杰西卡索菲克洛伊莉莉米亚露丝

    The ten most popular names for girls were: Olivia, Ruby, Grace, Emily, Jessica, Sophie, Chloe, Lily, Mia and Lucy.


  • 在离伯明翰英里远阿斯顿·拉俱乐部训练场上主人兰迪·勒正在展示这家俱乐部设计的远景

    A few miles outside Birmingham, at Aston Villa's training ground, new owner Randy Lerner is setting out his vision for the club.


  • 在离伯明翰英里远阿斯顿·拉俱乐部训练场上主人兰迪·勒正在展示这家俱乐部设计的远景

    A few miles outside Birmingham, at Aston Villa's training ground, new owner Randy Lerner is setting out his vision for the club.


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