• 转身一盘,绕过守门员

    He turned and curled the ball around the goalkeeper.


  • 应该学会如何绕过片住处

    He's got to learn how to navigate his way around the residence.


  • 暴风他们绕过好望角已经减弱了。

    The storms had abated by the time they rounded Cape Horn.


  • 了,绕过拐角过来了。

    There she is, coming round the corner.


  • 摄影师停止按动快门匆匆绕过那个拐角。

    The photographer stopped clicking and hurried around the corner.


  • 栋房屋我们绕过街角视线中消失了

    The house disappeared from sight as we rounded a corner.


  • 高明律师也许能找到绕过那个条款办法

    A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause.


  • 小船绕过尖角。

    The boat rounded the tip of the island.


  • 那条绕过了岬角

    The ship sailed around the point.


  • 295号州际公路条20英里长、绕过杰克逊维尔的繁华市区的环路。

    Interstate 295 is a 20-mile beltway that bypasses Jacksonville's busy downtown area.


  • 货轮绕过好望角驶入大西洋

    The freighter rounded the Cape of Good Hope and sailed into the Atlantic.


  • 然后绕过他们自己沏一杯

    Then he gets around them to make him a cup of tea.


  • 绕过拐弯便不见了

    He got round the corner out of sight.


  • 尼加拉瓜研究表明我们也许可以绕过一点。

    The Nicaraguan study suggests we may be able to bypass that.


  • 盖恩斯命令凯文去,另一个角度攻击杰克

    Gaines orders Kevin to circle around and come at Jack from another angle.


  • 领着绕过月桂树小径,来到着浓密常春藤的小路上。

    She led him round the laurel path and to the walk where the ivy grew so thickly.


  • 新兴经济体中农村社区绕过了传输电力的电线木杆

    In emerging economies, rural communities are bypassing the wires and wooden poles that spread power.


  • 爱丽丝听见自言自语:“去,从窗户进去。”

    Alice heard it say to itself, "Then I'll go round and get in at the window."


  • 鱼儿穿过水域绕过岩石瀑布最终到达它们原来小溪湖泊

    Passing through waters, around rocks and waterfalls, the fish finally reach their original streams or lakes.


  • 鞋带在一起绕过棵树起来,把塑料布放在上面,一个帐篷

    Tie the laces together, stretch them between two tree trunks, tie them around and hang the plastic over, like a tent.


  • 相反我们故意自己养成习惯创造平行路径可以绕过那些路径

    Instead, the new habits we deliberately ingrain into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads.


  • 很长一段时间里研究人员试图通过重现人类大脑皮层视觉处理绕过这个问题

    For a long time, researchers tried to get round the problem by attempting to re-create the visual processing that goes on in the human cortex.


  • 最后管理者可以利用直觉绕过深入分析迅速采取行动,得出一个合理解决方案

    Finally, managers can use intuition to bypass in-depth analysis and move rapidly to engender a plausible solution.


  • 当时古柯叶提取物混合常见滋补品,潘伯顿甜酒则是一可以绕过当地禁止法律的方法。

    At the time, coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic, and Pemberton's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol.


  • 最近关于干扰的文章中,SimpliSafe特别点出,并配有段显示手持干扰设备成功绕过整个系统视频

    SimpliSafe was singled out in one recent article on jamming, complete with a video showing the entire system being effectively bypassed with handheld jamming equipment.


  • 一些人称聪明射手”,一种新型美国步兵步枪两种武器合二为一,射程可达1000而且有效绕过拐角射击

    Some call it the Smart Shooter, a new rifle for American infantry troops that is two weapons in one, is accurate up to 1,000 yards and in effect fires around corners.


  • 巧妙地一晃绕过阻截队员。

    He cleverly sidestepped the tackle.


  • 女性仰慕者拼命绕过保镖,撕扯衣服

    Female fans fought their way past bodyguards and tore at his clothes.


  • 着摩托车顺利地绕过弯道,停了下来。

    I negotiated the corner on my motorcycle and pulled to a stop.


  • 赛跑绕过最后一个弯道后开始加速,以图超越同组其他选手。

    Coming out of the final bend, the runner stepped up a gear to overtake the rest of the pack.


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