• 卫星射入环轨道

    The satellite was launched into the orbit around the moon.


  • 根据这种思维宇航员可以火星火星的颗卫星飞行同时部署探测器他们进行岩石采集和试验工作。

    Under the new thinking, astronauts could barnstorm or circle the moon, Mars and Mars' twin moons, deploying probes to do their rock-collecting and experiments for them.


  • 这个任务包括一对孪生飞船,它们进入轨道工作几个测量关于重力场的一些前所未有细节

    The mission consists of twinspacecraft that will enter tandem orbits around the Moon for severalmonths to measure the gravity field in unprecedented detail.


  • 宣布成立一个分离组织组织行为艺术消融问题冷漠的壁垒。

    She declared the formation of a splinter group, which would use performance art to tear down the wall of apathy surrounding the moon question.


  • LRO太空飞行器31英里高度飞行,设计该飞行器的目的绘制空前详细表面地图帮助确定未来载人飞行任务可能着陆点

    Orbiting the moon at an altitude of just 31 miles, the LRO spacecraft is designed to map the lunar surface in unprecedented detail to help identify possible landing sites for future manned missions.


  • 协助制造并放飞多艘莫斯科太空飞船俄罗斯艾尼亚火箭与空间公司绕月飞行制造必需的设备。

    Energiya, the Russian company that helps build and fly Moscow's spaceships, will build the equipment necessary for the round-the-moon mission.


  • 依托于铁路网任何另外任何一处的交通运输可以24小时内直达。

    Transportation from any point on the surface the Moon to any other point will be accomplished in less than 24 hours by means of a global rail network.


  • 阿波罗16号的船员手持哈苏相机第二圈时派下了张照片。

    The Apollo 16 crew captured this Earthrise with a handheld Hasselblad camera during the second revolution of the moon.


  • 艘NASA无人驾驶飞船于1998年17发射使命飞行并两极永远阴影中的火山口里寻找以及其它物质存在迹象

    This NASA unmanned spacecraft launched Jan. 7, 1998 on a mission to orbit the moon in search of signs of water ice and other minerals in permanently shaded craters at the lunar poles.


  • 但是相比太空飞船卫星着陆需要相对速度需要的时间,意味着消耗更燃料进入绕月轨道

    But the satellites will arrive with less relative speed than spacecraft making the trip in three days, which means less fuel will be needed to brake and drop into lunar orbit.


  • 地出“1968年宇航员威廉·安德斯阿波罗8任务中拍的,第一载人航行。”

    'Earthrise' was taken in 1968 by astronaut William Anders during the Apollo 8 mission, which was the first manned voyage to orbit the Moon.


  • 1968年,美国宇航局阿波罗8号太空直播他们航行,当时是历史上收视率最高电视节目

    NASA's Apollo 8 broadcast live from space in 1968 during their journey around the moon. The transmission was the most watched television program ever up to that time.


  • 艘无人驾驶的航天器发射于1966年331日,天后进入轨道运行

    The unmanned probe launched March 31, 1966, and entered orbit around the moon two days later.


  • 迄今为止,围,共开展了73项科学探测任务载人或者无人,了解球的化学成分尤其是发现,更是重点关注的项目。

    There have been 73 missions, manned and unmanned, to the Moon, and understanding its chemical composition, particularly finding water, has always been a priority.


  • 两个时间里,艘航天器飞行了460并且不间断地传回数据

    Over two months, the spacecraft circled the moon 460 times and continuously transmitted readings.


  • 美国航天局重力恢复内部实验室计划,称“圣杯”号探测器首先环绕月轨道飞行,然后在表面着陆

    NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory, or GRAIL, mission spacecraft will orbit the moon before landing on the lunar surface.


  • 原先以为所有这些集中在南极附近3印度1绕月卫星雷达设备北极发现数以百万的水。

    All that water was near the moon's South Pole, but in March a radar instrument on India's Chandrayaan-I orbiter found millions of tons of water at the North pole, too.


  • 一家美国公司表示有意名旅游者提供旅行机会,每张票的价格是一亿美元。

    A U.S. company said on Wednesday it wants to send two tourists on a trip around the moon at a cost of $100 million per ticket.


  • 去年10发射进入绕月轨道初航1装配了由世界各国提供11设备球矿物制图由美国宇航局提供的两个仪器之一

    M3 was one of two Nasa instruments among 11 pieces of equipment from around the world on Chandrayaan-1, which was launched into orbit around the Moon in October last year.


  • 2009年3引导着毁在表面之前艘无人驾驶飞船一直在飞行。

    The unmanned spacecraft orbited the moon until March 2009, when it was intentionally crashed into the lunar surface.


  • NASA安放在印度的首个无人绕月轨道飞行器Chandrayaan - I雷达发现了40环形山,直径1英里9英里不等,环形山内有大量

    A NASA radar aboard India's Chandrayaan-I lunar orbiter found 40 craters, ranging in size from 1 to 9 miles across, with pockets of ice.


  • 然后,他们返回轨道上的指令开始返回地球

    Then they returned to the orbiting command module and started back to earth.


  • 作为雄心勃勃的计划一部分,中国很快将发射她的第一卫星

    China will soon launch its first circumlunar satellite, as part of its ambitious moon exploration program.


  • 2008年的绕月卫星,便雷达成像术、雷射高度计以及高解析度光谱仪来绘制表面以便填补落差。

    The 2008 lunar orbiter could fill in the gaps by charting the moon's surface with radar imaging, laser altimetry and high-resolution spectroscopy.


  • 周三中国发射了第一卫星,这个世界上人口最多的国家把这看成她全面崛起里程碑亚洲太空竞赛也由此升温。

    Asia's space race heated up on Wednesday as China launched its first lunar orbiter, an event hailed by the world's most populous nation as a milestone event in its global rise.


  • 平安无事一个二次再此外,再入飞行器远远高端于发射简单的取样返回任务

    Hmmm.... A double-dip reentry after an uneventful trip around the moon? Additionally, that reentry vehicle is far larger than would be launched by a sample-and-return mission.


  • 平安无事一个二次再此外,再入飞行器远远高端于发射简单的取样返回任务

    Hmmm.... A double-dip reentry after an uneventful trip around the moon? Additionally, that reentry vehicle is far larger than would be launched by a sample-and-return mission.


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