• 本文介绍一个单片微型计算机核心的光照度实时监测系统组成结构具体实施措施。

    The composition, structure and realization of a real time illuminance monitoring system with a single-chip microcomputer. computer as its main component are presented.


  • 论文中,通过分析将军集团OA系统功能需求确立了系统目标提出B/S三层数据处理结构系统实施方案

    Through analyzing the function demands of The General Group OAS, the paper establishes the system target and puts forward system implementation plan of adopting B/S structure .


  • 最后本文系统设计思想实施效果做了适当总结PDM及产品结构与配置管理的研究和技术应用的未来发展趋势作了简要分析和展望。

    At last, this paper makes adequate summary of the system's design concept and implement effect, and briefly analyses the development trend of PDM and PSCM technology.


  • 本文通过分析四川水利职业技术学院OA系统功能需求确立了系统目标提出B/S三层数据处理结构系统实施方案

    NET is simply presented-Through analyzing the function demands of the OAS, the paper establishes the system target and puts forward system implementation plan of adopting B/S structure.


  • 沟通协调可使矛盾着各个方面居于统一体中,使系统结构均衡,使项目实施运行过程顺利。

    Communication and coordination of all aspects of the contradiction in unity, so that the system structure is balanced, so that the operation process and project implementation.


  • 作者阐述了商业智能概念作用组成结构实施探讨铁路信息系统中的应用

    Writer explains the concept, functions, component, structure and implement of Business Intelligence, then discuss applying Business Intelligence in the Railway Information System.


  • 本文数字电视原理结构出发,讨论数字电视播出系统实施

    This Article will, beginning from the theory and structure of digital TV, discuss the implementation of digital TV broadcasting system.


  • 组织结构僵化系统缺乏柔性严重地制约经济动员实施

    The rigescent organizational structure of the system has greatly restricted the implementation of the Economy Mobilization.


  • 介绍了多媒体视频会议系统网络结构设备需求实施策略发展趋势

    The paper introduces and discusses the network structure, facilities and implementation strategy and development trend for multi-media video frequency meeting system.


  • 提出结构模块组合方法易于评估专家系统实施使系统具有良好可维护性

    The method of substructure block combination is presented in the paper and it makes the assessment expert system easy realize, and the system has a good maintainability.


  • 文件系统部分组成文件管理有关软件、被管理的文件以及实施文件管理所需数据结构

    File System consists of three parts: document management and related software, document management and document management required for the implementation of the data structure.


  • 因而中国传统道德结构便是道德本体、道德表达方式、道德实施途径相互协调、相互制约有机系统

    So the traditional moral structure in China was an organic system coordinating and conditioning each other among the dual morality, its expression and way to enforce.


  • 本文详细阐述一汽汽车销售预测系统系统分析系统设计系统实施过程,并给出了清晰的系统结构流程图

    This paper is mainly concerned about the system analysis, design and implementation process of automobile marketing prediction system in FAW. Plain flow chart of system architecture is also shown.


  • 阐述物理基础实施条件系统结构应用软件功能

    The physical property, testing condition, system structure and function of applied software were issued.


  • 文中提出了智能控制方案控制输出实施方案介绍控制器硬件结构软件系统设计

    It puts forward a control plan and the control output implementation scheme. The structure of controller hardware and the design of software system are also introduced.


  • 提出解决方案具有系统结构简单可靠性实施成本的特点,设计思路适合其它控制网络管理网络的数据通信

    The raised solution possesses simple structure, high reliability and low cost, which can be applied in other communication system between control network and management network.


  • 然而林分一个结构复杂影响因子相互关联生态系统,其生长周期,且对所实施管理决策的容错性差,这些特点合理经营决策增大了难度

    But the stand is a ecosystem with complicated structure and many related influence factors. Add to the long growth period long, it is difficult to carry out the proper management policy.


  • 深圳供电局,介绍了容灾备份系统结构实施方案以及事故演习情况。

    Taking Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau as an example, this paper describes the structure, implementation scheme and anti-accident drills of the system.


  • 针对重型燃气轮机放气系统放气活门结构设计上存在问题,经过分析论证,提出改进方案,通过计算验证了该方案可以实施

    Some improvements were presented by analyzing and demonstrating for the structural design deficiency of the bleed valve of a heavy duty gas turbine bleed system.


  • 最后,针对螺旋霉素工业发酵过程计算机控制系统实际课题,运用上述方法系统结构设计实施方案详细介绍

    Finally the structural design and the implemented scheme of a computer control system for an industrial spiramycin fermentation process is described in detail for illustration.


  • 重点讨论水电厂(站)系统硬件体系结构软件体系结构以及实施中的有关问题

    Specifically has discussed the hardware system structure and software system structure of hydropower plant subsystem. And the problems concerned. During the implementation.


  • 医院药库数字化管理系统结构功能作一介绍,并结合实际提出实施过程注意问题,分析实施效果并提出相应的解决对策。

    The structure and function of the digital hospital drugstore system, as well as the problems that need attentions in the implementation process have been introduced in this paper.


  • 照相物镜移植应用不同系统物镜因成像功能相似,故可实施光学结构优化替代

    The fact of the transplantation application of photographic lens is the optical systems optimum replacement of different instruments that with the similar image forming function.


  • 据此得到模块化分解数据库结构方案可以保证系统实施稳定性灵活性,同时使系统保持较高的运行效率

    The scheme of the module analysis and the data base construction would guarantee the stability, the adaptability and better operational efficiency for the REMIS.


  • 着重对该系统文件库结构索引安排的编制,数据的检索保护文件库的修改实施方案进行了论述。

    And it emphasizes the executive scheme of the file library's structure, the index arrangement, the data sorting and protecting, the code making and the file library's modification.


  • 分析LI最新国际标准动态,给出了LI的基本流程系统结构提出了我国如何实施合法侦听的建议

    This thesis analyzed the latest international standard and prospect, and presented LI basic flow and system architecture. At last authors also presented advice for LI implementation.


  • 本文较详细地讨论了结构系统分析结构系统设计实施方法工具

    In this paper, the methods and tools for structural systematic analysis and structural systematic design are discussed.


  • 生产计划调度系统作为实施CIMS工程中的重要组成部分CIMS功能结构模型不可缺少一个层次

    As an important part of CIMS, the production planning and scheduling system is an obligatory layer in the CIMS function structure model.


  • 提出了多种经营系统组织结构产业结构、总部职能重组战略正在实施

    The paper puts forward the reengineering strategy of organization structure, industry structure, group function, which is being implemented.


  • 详细介绍系统设计思想基本结构实施方案以及实现技术

    The design strategy, basic structure, execution procedure and implementation techniques are discussed in details.


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