• 装配组合成一个完整结构组件的过程。

    ASSEMBLY, the fitting together of a complete structure or unit.


  • 模板引擎处理简单占位符元素时,可以组件作为页面一部分结构替换这些元素。

    You can then replace simple placeholder elements with values, components, or structures that become part of the page when the template engine processes them.


  • 文档转换结构后,其中每个组件用于驱动发布过程控制格式特定信息,都可以被识别

    Converted to structure, each of these components is identified, along with any special information that might be needed to drive the publishing process or control formatting.


  • 组织结构中对某人进行授权职责权限通信(治理静态结构组件)。

    Chains of responsibility, authority, and communication that empower people within an organizational structure (static or structural component of governance).


  • 这种机制就是属性结构(attribute structure),主要使所有类型信息本身类的方法字段其他组件相关联

    This mechanism is the attribute structure, which basically allows all kinds of information to be associated with a class itself or with the methods, fields, and other components of a class.


  • 关键组件建立维持职能角色职责联系着“治理框架结构概念

    This key component (enabling and sustaining functions, roles, and responsibilities) is linked to the concept of "governance framework or structure."


  • 一看,这种结构似乎创建所有组件位于相同进程虚拟内的系统

    This construction, at first glance, appears to create a system where all pieces reside in the same process or virtual machine.


  • 可以使用UM l结构AUTOSAR软件组件建模并且对ecu建模(某种程度上)。

    You can use UML class or structure diagrams for modeling AUTOSAR software components, as well as modeling ECU (to some extent).


  • 提供体系结构构建组件示例有助于选择软件产品以及产品应用程序之间互操作性需求

    It provides examples of architecture building blocks and components that can assist in the selection of software products and interoperability requirements between products or applications.


  • 是因为图为所有其他结构提供基本构建组件对象(仅仅是些例子)。

    This is because the class diagram provides the basic building blocks for all other structure diagrams, such as the component or object diagrams (just to name a few).


  • IT体系结构需要能够流程活动作为软件组件服务进行设计实现

    The it architecture needs to be able to design and implement the process activities as software components or services.


  • 安全模型要求能够交互标识每个组件可以网络体系结构级别通过使用通用应用程序标识实现

    The security model requires only that each of the components can be identified in an interaction, which can be achieved at network architecture level or through use of generic application identities.


  • 选择技术实现特定体系结构构建功能组件

    Choice of technology to implement a particular architectural building block or functional component.


  • 数据存储库后端包含所有人工模型组件完整模型结构它们处理所有必要数据源中的集成业务数据。

    The data repository tier, or back-end tier, comprises all of the model artifacts and the full structure of the models, which handle integrated business data from all required data sources.


  • 有时也其称为SOA分层体系结构”,其中介绍了各个层次概念(业务流程服务服务组件)及其相互间的关系。

    Sometimes referred to as "the SOA layered architecture", this model introduces layers and concepts such as business process, service, or service component, as well as the relationships between them.


  • SOA应用程序主要结构元素服务不是子系统系统组件

    The primary structuring element for SOA applications is a service as opposed to subsystems, systems, or components.


  • 客户机应用程序组件使用JDBCSQLJ访问EII服务器管理的异类数据服务器透明地集成不同种类的数据,结构返回这些数据。

    Client applications or components use JDBC or SQLJ to access disparate data managed by an EII server, which transparently integrates heterogeneous data and returns it in a tabular structure.


  • 此时设计人员来说,C11C12C13体系结构构造(组件);其中每个构造具有显式定义外部接口

    At this point, to this designer, C11, C12, and C13 are architectural constructs (or components); each of them has explicitly defined external interfaces.


  • IDS基本体系结构包括三个主要组件数据存储器内存结构后台处理器虚拟处理器。

    Basic IDS architecture has three major components; data storage, memory structure and background or virtual processors.


  • 系统体系结构使用很多透视图例如软件组件视图上下文视图操作视图。

    There can be many perspectives on the architecture of a system: a software component view, a contextual view, or an operational view, just to name a few examples.


  • 模块结构完全不透明的,这意味着没有字段组件需要访问(如果不能做到)。

    The pool structure is completely opaque to modules, meaning that it has no fields or components that you need to access (and can't even if you wanted to).


  • UML2结构例如图(Class diagram),展示组件之间的关系。

    UML 2 structure diagrams, such as a class diagram, show relationships between classes or components.


  • 界定了该领域身份验证服务器ASKerberos基础结构组件)的权威机构属于领域的主体 (principal)提供身份验证。

    It bounds the authority of an authentication aerver or AS (a component of Kerberos Infrastructure) of that realm for providing authentication to the principals who belong to the realm.


  • 可以源代码控制文件库划分一个多个单独组件(Components),每个组件具有自己文件夹文件树形结构具有自己的变更历史记录。

    The source-controlled file base can be partitioned into one or more separate Components, each with their own tree of folders and files, and their own history.


  • 可以Web服务系统组件体系结构(System Component Architecture,SCA)服务后者特例——作为 SCA 服务公开的超类。

    That might be a Web service, a System Component Architecture (SCA) service, or as special case of the latter, a subprocess that is exposed as an SCA service.


  • 专栏中一般不会设法多种不同应用程序(Web应用程序”、“基础结构组件”、“本地应用程序”setuid应用程序”)分门别类。

    In this column, I'm usually not going to try to separate different kinds of applications (such as "Web applications," "infrastructure components," "local applications," or "setuid applications").


  • 所述整体感测器包括由所述涂覆材料区域形成大体上围绕至少个光学组件安置的一个多个隔膜结构

    The unitary sensor includes one or more diaphragm structures formed from thin regions of the coating material and disposed generally about at least one of the optical components.


  • 用于修饰说明计算机体系结构模式主要部件配置方法,使得所有特殊安装组件放在一个公用的组合块中。

    Pertaining to the mode of a computer organization or configuration of the primary units so that all components at a specific installation are held in a common pool.


  • 宽松XAML不是具有部署打包基础结构应用程序模型特定组件功能

    Loose XAML is not a specific component or feature of an application model with a deployment and packaging infrastructure.


  • 通过孔径、膜材料、膜结构组件结构温度流速压力控制可以减轻控制污染

    The fouling can be diminished by controlling membrane pore size, module structure, flow speed and the temperature of feed solution as well as the pressure.


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