• 疾病的受害者应当拥有结束自己生命权利如果想的话

    The victim should have the right to end his life, if he wants.


  • 为什么离开强迫结束自己生命事情处境问题呢

    Why don't you leave that thing or situation or problem which force you to finish your life.


  • 那个决定结束自己生命年轻人告诉,他相信他的父母朋友死亡中恢复。

    I'm told that young people who decide to take their lives believe their parents and friends will get over the loss.


  • 许多抱怨长期见到自己钟爱亲人老人,很有可能孤独忧郁中结束自己生命

    Many pensioners who complain about not seeing enough of their loved ones might end up in this category.


  • 有些担心放宽安乐死法律导致安乐死案例增加使人们被迫结束自己生命风险

    Some people fear that relaxing the law on assisted suicide would lead to an increase in cases, and put people at risk of being pushed into taking their own lives.


  • 感到悲痛真实痛苦巨大的、而且真正存在结束自己生命风险

    The distress you feel is real, the suffering immensely painful, and there is a very real risk of ending your own life.


  • 所知只是一种推测让加里选择结束自己生命也许更加私人原因

    But as far as I know that's just speculation, whatever has lead Gary to take his life is probably more personal than illness.


  • 刑事检察处处长九月颁布了规定,旨在那些帮助别人结束自己生命面临指控的人不必担心。

    The director of public prosecutions issued guidelines in September designed to make it easier for those helping someone taking their life to know if they would face charges.


  • 药物严重不良反应有些病人身上出现较晚他们感到沮丧甚至到了结束自己生命程度

    For some, the worst adverse effects came later, when they felt depressed - even to the extent of thinking about ending their life.


  • 看看农场动物遭受痛苦,看看数十亿动物怎样苦难中成长,又是怎样在残忍的屠刀结束自己生命的。

    Please be aware of suffering of farm animals, and how so many billions of them are raised in unmerciful ways, ending their lives in cruel methods of slaughter.


  • 因而研究者断定18000个本科生中,1080个人年内至少有一次想要想要打算结束自己生命

    Therefore, the researchers posit, at an average college with 18,000 undergraduate students, some 1,080 undergraduates will seriously contemplate taking their lives at least once within a single year.


  • 兄妹俩告知父母决定结束自己生命意向但是从来提到具体时间只是:“我们不会你们过圣诞节了。”

    The siblings had been informed of their parents' intentions to end their lives but the couple had never mentioned a specific date, saying only: "We won't be here for Christmas."


  • 巴马:“各位一样对于名因同性恋者而遭受欺凌嘲笑最后结束自己生命年轻人的死去,感到震惊和悲伤。”

    BARACK OBAMA: "Like all of you, I was shocked and saddened by the deaths of several young people who were bullied and taunted for being gay, and who ultimately took their own lives."


  • 目前争论的核心在于协助结束自己生命患者自杀是否合法,这种合法化是否病人残疾人年迈老人形成压力并导致他们选择先行结束生命

    At issue is whether it should be legal to help a sufferer who wants to take his own life, or whether this might put pressure on the sick, the disabled and the elderly to call it quits early.


  • 事实上他们有时会结束自己生命因为他们遭受虐待因为他们相信自己重生自由生活自己土地上

    In fact, they sometimes take their own lives because they are treated so badly, and because they believe they will be born again, free and living in their own land.


  • 临终病人应有放弃治疗结束自己生命

    Those terminally ill patients should have the right not to receive treatment and die as a result.


  • 认为终止这些麻烦的唯一方法就是结束自己生命

    She thought the only way to end her troubles was to end her life.


  • 质量恒星超新星爆发中结束自己生命并将重元素喷洒太空中,它们在那里重新结合下一代恒星及其周围的行星

    Massive stars end their lives with supernova explosions that spray the heavy elements into space, where they are incorporated into the next generation of stars and help seed the formation of planets.


  • 另外还有案例关注焦点个人是否可以得到帮助结束自己生命以及如何得到帮助。

    Several other recent stories, too, have focused attention on whether and how a person may be helped to end his life.


  • 必须这么至少现在再也没有指责了。唯一后悔的事情就是结束自己生命

    I had to do it because now no one can point fingers at him. My only regret is that I couldn't end my own life.


  • 唯一后悔的事情就是结束自己生命

    My only regret is that I couldn't end my own life.


  • 明显,英国这样需求正在增长,身患绝症心智健全人们,需要良好监管合法权利可以根据自己选择结束生命

    There is clearly a growing demand in this country for a well regulated, legal right for people with terminal illness, who are mentally competent, to end their life if they choose to.


  • 报道视频网站留言在撺掇结束自己生命

    Reports also suggest that commenters on the video website itself encouraged him to end his own life.


  • 想象一下,自己生命结束回顾过去。

    Imagine you are at the end of your life, looking back.


  • 声明中还说: “在共同幸福生活54年后他们决定结束自己生命不是继续严重健康问题作斗争。”

    The statement continued: "After 54 happy years together, they decided to end their own lives rather than continue to struggle with serious health problems."


  • 一直以来我们听到天才画家文森特·梵高故事这样结束的:贫困潦倒郁郁不得志的画家自己胸脯开结束自己生命

    The Vincent van Gogh story is that the poverty-stricken and unappreciated artist took his own life with a shot to the chest.


  • 似乎下定决心结束自己生命后来我们知道一系列奇怪事情(只狗偷了面具?)的发生竟抱定唯一对他来说有意义的联系:他Jimmy友情

    He seemed resolved to end his life, but the weird sequence of events that transpired (a random dog stealing his mask?) led him to cling to the only tie that matters: his friendship with Jimmy.


  • 遗书写道,他之所以结束自己生命,为的是一项虚无主义实验”的哲学研究

    In the note Heisman wrote that he took his life as part of a philosophical exploration he called "an experiment in nihilism."


  • 4个圣诞节以前一个至交结束自己生命

    Four Christmases ago, a very dear friend of mine took his own life.


  • 4个圣诞节以前一个至交结束自己生命

    Four Christmases ago, a very dear friend of mine took his own life.


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