• 三声之内接起电话适当称呼客人,礼貌结束电话

    Respond to all incoming telephone calls within 3 rings, providing proper salutation and closing.


  • 结束电话最后一次潜在客户留下良好印象最后机会

    The end of your call is your last chance to leave a good impression with a potential guest.


  • 直拨电话时,除非往机器里多,否则交费时间结束电话自动断开

    On dial-direct calls, you'll be cut off at the end of the time you paid for unless you put money in the slot.


  • 他们总是结束电话告诉祝你愉快”,最喜欢-那么他接到最奇怪电话什么呢?

    They always tell me "cheers" at the end of the call, and that's my favorite thing. -and what's the weirdest call he's gotten?


  • 如果没有迹象显示用户结束电话手头工作的话,可留下一个便条他们在有空的时候电话—然后走开

    But when users shows no sign of ending their phone calls or pulling themselves away from what they're doing, leave a note on their desk asking them to call you when they are free - and walk out.


  • 难过地记录沃森已经兽医电话,要永远结束他们痛苦

    He notes grimly that the Watsons have called the vet to put their dog out of its misery.


  • 电话会谈永远不会完全结束

    The phone conversation will never be completely out.


  • 电影结束灯光亮时,电话朋友大声讨论那个家伙看电影的整个过程都在发短信有多粗鲁

    When the lights come up at the end of the flick, call up a friend and loudly discuss how rude the guy texting throughout the entire movie was.


  • 总是句话结束我们电话对话死时

    He always ended our phone calls and conversations that way. That was five days before he died.


  • 本次全国范围民意测验通过电话进行的,周五开始周二结束

    The national poll was conducted by telephone starting on Friday and ending on Tuesday.


  • 你们中的很多人,灾难结束时刻,最先想到的家里打个电话通知爸爸妈妈们你们没事。

    For many of you, your first instinct was to call home and let your moms and dads know that you were okay.


  • 电话交谈开场白结束语之间有着本质的不同”朱丽叶·吉伦作为兰开斯特大学数字文学讲师,这样解释

    "Telephone talk has discrete boundaries at points of opening and closing," says Julia Gillen, a lecturer in digital literacy at Lancaster University.


  • 购物结束一个电话就会招回汽车

    A phone call at the end of a shopping expedition would summon the car back.


  • Veronica结束通话挂上电话

    Veronica finishes a phone call and hangs up.


  • 世界报工作人员只见这位缩减开支计划策划者照片但他们却在某个清晨接到一通打破睡眠粗鲁电话被动持股时代宣告结束主管已经偏离权利中心。

    Until then, people at le Monde had only seen pictures of cost-killers; they got a rude wake-up call: gone is the era of passive shareholders and out-of-the-way board of directors.


  • 昨晚睡前泰勒回家告诉今晚酒店的工作结束了,可以休息了。马拉tegent旅馆电话来了。

    After I went to sleep last night, Tyler tells me he came home from his shift as a banquet waiter, and Marla called again from the Regent Hotel.


  • 当晚结束终于鼓足勇气电话号码出于同情而不是其他的因素,电话号码给了

    At the end of the night, he finally mustered the courage to ask for her phone number, which, more out of pity than anything else, she gave him.


  • 如果报道活动这些人回个电话并且活动结束之后去当面会见下对方。

    If no one comes to cover your event, phone around and offer an interview after it is over.


  • 就在之前,连姆·尼加勒比海打来电话假期快要结束时候。

    Just two days before that, Liam Neeson called from the Caribbean, at the end of a holiday.


  • 谈话结束之后电话希拉里告诉发生的一切

    After the conversation ended, I called Hillary and told her about it.


  • 全部结束挂断电话这样制作了一简单幻灯片所有家人都能够轻松回放

    When finished, I hung up the phone, and the result was a simple slide show that anyone in my family could play back with ease.


  • 我们竞选经费无疑清白大选结束时取出支付我们给投票人电话的费用选举日前往各投票站的交通费。

    Our campaign money was undisputably clean money that had been withdrawn at the end of the campaign to pay for our efforts to call voters and offer rides to the polls on election day.


  • 交流结束销售助理电话电话交给中国消费者她们的要求通过一位帮助热线”双语接线员翻译日语

    When communication faltered, the sales assistant picked up a phone and passed it to the Chinese consumers, whose requests were interpreted into Japanese by a bilingual 'help line' operator.


  • 电话会议结束之时已午夜时分,然而美国银行位于北卡罗莱夏洛特市的总部刚刚开始其反间谍之征。

    By the time the conference call ended, it was nearly midnight at bank of America's headquarters in Charlotte, N.C., but the bank's counterespionage work was only just beginning.


  • 已经和25名前员工中的22电话沟通,我还没有来得及另外名打电话我一结束的采访就会去通知他们。”说。

    "I have called now 22 out of the 25 impacted employees, only because I haven't had time to get to the three but I will after we hang up," Brummel said.


  • 已经和25名前员工中的22电话沟通,我还没有来得及另外名打电话我一结束的采访就会去通知他们。”说。

    "I have called now 22 out of the 25 impacted employees, only because I haven't had time to get to the three but I will after we hang up," Brummel said.


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