• 旨在结束内战最新谈判看来走入僵局。

    The latest talks aimed at ending the civil war appear to be heading for deadlock.


  • 总统下台是否结束内战现在还很难说。

    There is no certainty that the president's removal would end the civil war.


  • 只有结束内战这个地区才能恢复稳定

    Stability will only return to the region when the civil war ends.


  • 的“女性争取和平”运动认为有助于瑞比瑞亚2003年结束内战

    Her Women For Peace movement is credited with helping end Liberia's war in 2003.


  • 伊拉克的手机用户比例黎巴嫩。 虽然黎巴嫩20年前结束内战并且人均收入是伊拉克的四

    That is double the rate for Lebanon, where a civil war ended two decades ago and income per head is four times higher.


  • 2009年,我们距离二战结束时间他们距离内战时间还要长;家庭仍然可怕国家创伤感到爱着的亲人的丧失

    In 2009 we are farther in time from the end of the Second World War than they were from the Civil War; families still felt the loss of loved ones from that awful national trauma.


  • 据报导莫桑比克大选出现投票率是莫1992年流血内战结束第四次选举。

    A high turnout was reported in Mozambique 's election, the country's fourth since the end of a bloody civil war in 1992.


  • 据报导莫桑比克大选出现投票率是莫国在1992年流血内战结束第四次选举。

    A high turnout was reported in Mozambique's election, the country's fourth since the end of a bloody civil war in 1992.


  • 古博薇一位活动家,她组织和平运动2003年结束利比里亚第二次内战

    Ms Gbowee is an activist responsible for organising the peace movement that brought an end to the second Liberia civil war in 2003.


  • 尽管矿产丰富中部非洲国家忍受陈旧的基础设施直到2003年结束持续的内战中不断的恢复

    Despite its mineral wealth, the Central African nation suffers from decaying infrastructure and is still recovering from back-to-back civil wars that ended in 2003.


  • 尽管矿产丰富中部非洲国家忍受陈旧的基础设施直到2003年结束持续的内战中不断的恢复

    Despite its mineral wealth the Central African nation suffers from decaying infrastructure and is still recovering from back-to-back civil wars that ended in 2003.


  • 这令人想起了阿富汗伊拉克战争,在那里美国干涉支持反派武装,而且最终结束了身陷两难境地复杂内战

    Shades of Afghanistan and Iraq, where the US intervened to support rebelling minorities and ended up stuck in the middle of maddeningly complex civil wars.


  • 2005年,苏丹内战结束和平带来了一系列令人欣喜的发现,事实上,南部苏丹一直是非洲传统动物天下

    Sudan's civil war ended in 2005. Peace brought the welcome discovery that the south still teems with Africa's iconic animals.


  • 哈利克劳迪娅华盛顿土生土长圣萨尔瓦多人,在1992年他们还是青年时候结束了圣萨尔瓦多内战

    HARRY and CLAUDIA WASHINGTON, born and bred Salvadorans, were barely in their teens when the civil war that ravaged el Salvador for more than a decade ended in 1992.


  • 利比亚内战可能结束了,也可能还没有——如果拿伊拉克作为指示器,显然利比亚内战结束——对于美国来说,无论如何,这场战争花费肯定继续上升

    The Libyan civil war may or may not be over—if Iraq is any indicator, it is far from overbut the cost of the war to the United States is sure to rise in any event.


  • 2002年长达27年内战结束以来,安哥拉成为富有的撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲(大陆)国家之一

    Since ending a 27-year civil war in 2002, Angola has become one of sub-Saharan Africa's richest countries.


  • 重出江湖可能意指,血腥内战结束狮子山本身去除旧时代留下苹果

    His reappearance may suggest that, nine years after the end of the bloody civil war, Sierra Leone has yet to rid itself of bad apples from a previous era.


  • 内战结束有一百多年最高法院关于学校种族隔离的裁决16了,美国黑人不能享有公平正义

    More than a century after the Civil War and 16 years after the Supreme Court's school-desegregation ruling, the American black has not achieved justice or equality.


  • 但是通过和谈结束阿富汗错综复杂的内战必须谨小慎微

    But negotiating an end to Afghanistan's complicated war must be handled with great care.


  • 结束南方北方之间长达数十年内战

    The accord did bring an end to decades of civil war between north and south.


  • 2005年,苏丹内战结束

    Sudan's civil war ended in 2005.


  • 最近结束内战期间,尼泊尔喜马拉雅山旅游产业崩溃了

    During the recently-ended civil war, Nepal's Himalayan tourism industry collapsed.


  • 利比里亚在下月选举进行投票彼时全国造成极大破坏内战结束8

    NEXT month Liberia is due to go to the polls, almost exactly eight years after the end of a civil war that wreaked havoc across the country.


  • 1970年的今天,比夫拉认输尼日利亚内战结束

    1970 - Biafra capitulates, ending the Nigerian civil war.


  • 坐落于(纽约)63号12号的建筑,其历史可上溯内战结束时,50年代,它的正面覆盖上了一层

    The building, at 12 East 63rd Street, dates from just after the Civil War, but in the 1950s the facade was covered with white brick.


  • 泰米尔记者罗查纳·拉迈亚(Sulochana Ramaiah)希望内战结束预示一个新的繁荣纪元

    Sulochana Ramaiah, a Tamil journalist, hopes the end of the war heralds a new era of prosperity.


  • 多次强调如果目前动荡局面尽快结束利比亚面临长期内战的威胁,然而,许多人知道这次语调是否轻微的改变。

    Although he reiterated the threat that Libya could face a prolonged period of civil war if the current unrest didn't come to an end, many would wonder if there was a slight change of tone this time.


  • 多次强调如果目前动荡局面尽快结束利比亚面临长期内战的威胁,然而,许多人知道这次语调是否轻微的改变。

    Although he reiterated the threat that Libya could face a prolonged period of civil war if the current unrest didn't come to an end, many would wonder if there was a slight change of tone this time.


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