• 结合实践经验介绍了汽车塑料外饰自动涂装线主要构成特点

    Based on experience, primary structure and characters of automatic painting line for automotive plastics outer parts were introduced.


  • 沟流嘴合适位置可用本文提出理论计算方法结合实践经验确定。

    The suitable position of iron and slag runner's nose can be determinated by the theoretical calculation method presented in this paper and according to actual experience in design practice.


  • 本文结合实践经验理论上分析了真空断路器机械参数选择原则经验数据

    This paper analyzes selection principle of mechanical parameters of a vacuum breaker and empirical data in theory combined practical experience.


  • 根据图谱设计螺旋桨方法原理结合实践经验开发了渔船螺旋桨设计软件系统

    According to the principle of propeller design by atlas method and combined with practical knowledge the software system for the propeller design of fishing vessels is developed.


  • 最后结合实践经验提出提高动力卡盘精度的方案,以后研究提供了理论实践基础

    Based on the working experience, several methods to improve the power chuck's precision were put forward, which provides an academic and practical foundation for the later research.


  • 结合实践经验详细介绍了雷达高度(也称为雷达有效地理视距图)制作原理方法

    The drawing method and principle of radar chart with iso beam height (radar range chart) were described based on the practical experience.


  • 本文结合实践经验分析直接发包”模式优点实践过程中存在问题提出相应建议

    Based on practical experience, the papre expains the advantages and problems of "direct contracting", and puts forwond some countermeasures.


  • 根据玻璃纤维增强塑料性能特点,结合实践经验,探讨了玻璃纤维增强塑料法兰结构设计成型工艺

    The structure design and molding technique of GRP flange are studied according to GRP property and combined with the practical experience.


  • 结合实践经验提出仪器仪表设备故障诊断基本思路归纳引起故障的原因故障诊断的方法

    In this paper, from own practice experience the author made out a basic thought of the instrument trouble shooting and concluded several ordinary causation and diagnosis method of fault.


  • 结合实践经验介绍了固定式大功率输送机传动机架点、焊接、加工工艺应注意事项相应采取措施。

    Based on the practice experience, the paper introduces group weld technology of heavy belt conveyer driving supporter and the appropriate measures.


  • 这里DO- 178B指导结合实践经验详细阐述了开展各项软件配置管理活动具体方法策略

    Based on the direction of DO - 178b and the author 's engineering experience, this paper describes the detailed method and strategy of SCM.


  • 结合实践经验详细分析PC - 2 0 X30等离子切割机常见故障成因,给出维修步骤的流程图

    In accordance with the experience, the paper discusses the trouble reason and its solution to the PC-20X30 numerical plasma cutter in detail, and then introduces the maintenance flow chart.


  • 船舶内燃机烟道积灰燃烧产生原因及消除方法进行初步探讨,并结合实践经验,对火花熄灭器的设计安装提出一些看法

    Based on the authors practice experience, the paper puts forward some viewpoints as to the design and installation of spark extinguisher.


  • 通过光面爆破原理影响因素的分析结合实践经验,给出了相应岩石巷道掘进光而爆破主要技术参数理论计算方法经验数值

    Calculation method and values of smooth blasting parameters in rock tunnels are presented in this paper after smooth blasting principle and influence factors are analyzed with practice experience.


  • 分析磁场触头结构出发,建立了真空弧室纵磁场触头种简单实用数学模型结合实践经验,举例说明这一数学模型的应用

    By analyzing the structure of longitudinal magnetic field of vacuum interrupter, a practical mathematical model of longitudinal magnetic contact is established and applied.


  • 方法1理论研究采用文献整理,结合临床实践经验方法

    Methods: 1, the theories research adopts bibliographic retrieval method, combine the experience of clinic practice.


  • 作者根据自己实践经验结合实例分析怎样弹好钢琴即兴伴奏中的六点关键性的要素进行了研究论述

    In this article, the writer talks about six essentials in piano improvisatory accompaniment and offers some advice in terms of practical experience and case analysis.


  • 缺乏实践经验情况下,现代企业制度建立就必须结合中国实际情况的前提下,充分借鉴国外的成功经验,并吸取失败的教训。

    Being lack of the practice experience, the establishment of the modern corporation system in China asks for the combination of China's reality with the overseas experience and lessons.


  • 介绍代理服务器功能安装设置方法以及IP路由的设置方法,结合工作实践经验针对常见问题提出解决方法

    This paper introduces the function and setup means of proxy server and IP route, combines experience of work practice, aim at familiar problem, put forward resolvent.


  • 说明勘界测绘完成需要传统方法先进的测绘技术规范以及实践经验结合

    It shows that the border survey need the combination of the traditional methods, the advanced survey technique and standard, and the practical experience.


  • 因此论文结合个人实践经验对TUXEDO中间件大型系统中的应用做深入探讨研究

    Therefore, the papers combined personal practical experience, study and research the TUXEDO middleware in large system.


  • 知识必须训练实践经验严格安全原则结合,才能发挥作用。

    Knowledge must be linked with training, practical experience and strict adherence to safety.


  • 本文作者结合多年司法实践经验挪用公款犯罪一些疑难问题进行专题研究

    This article is the special study for some hard problems of crime of misappropriating public funds which the author combine many years' judicial practice experience.


  • 本文结合自身实践经验阐述教师教学语言五个特点

    This article is combined with my practical experience, and it sets forth five characteristics about teaching language.


  • 分析t 91焊接基础结合电厂实践经验提出将T 91管材直接焊接工艺措施。

    Based on the analysis of the weldability of T91 steel and combining the practical experience of power plant, the welding technology of T91 and high-temperature superheater header was put forward.


  • 本文通过文献资料逻辑等研究方法结合运动训练实践经验游泳水中专项力量训练理论、手段方法进行探讨分析

    Through the literature material law, logic research methods and combining the experience of sports training in swimming water, special strength training theory and method are discussed and analyzed.


  • 本文通过文献资料逻辑等研究方法结合运动训练实践经验游泳水中专项力量训练理论、手段方法进行探讨分析

    Through the literature material law, logic research methods and combining the experience of sports training in swimming water, special strength training theory and method are discussed and analyzed.


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