• 美国历来卖座的电影(票价比率换算)列表显示制作成本6,100万美元(今日价格计算《飘》(GonewiththeWind)是票房收入最高的电影。

    A list of the highest-grossing films in America (adjusted for ticket-price inflation) reveals thatGone with the Wind”, which cost just $61m to make (in today’s prices), made the most money.


  • ICD所有世卫组织会员国1990年它们正式同意作为报告疾病死亡的一个标准

    The last version of ICD was adopted in 1990 by all WHO Member States, which have formally agreed to use it as a standard to report diseases and deaths.


  • 许多医生发现替代依普利酮药品,而且比依普利酮早出产,应用面更广。它就是安体舒这种每天只需花费不到20美分。同依普利酮每月大约133美元的用费相比,它实惠很多。

    Many doctors saw an alternative: wider use of an older relative of Inspra, spironolactone, a generic medicine that costs less than 20 cents a day, versus about $133 a month for Inspra.


  • 允许TRPV1道(一种辣椒素受体进入细胞可保证其止痛特效,这个细胞中痛觉中表达。

    But antipain specificity is ensured by allowing it to enter via the TRPV1 channel, a capsaicin receptor found only in pain-sensing neurons.


  • 目的旨在探讨心络胶囊防治皮腔内冠状动脉成形术后再狭窄临床作用机制

    Objective: To probe probe the clinical effect and mechanism of Tongxinluo capsule in preventing and treating coronary restenosis after PTCA.


  • 中国古代,就六艺”之说,可见,倡导健身意义不止强身健体,更是一种修身养性,培养君子风度的好方法

    Since ancient China, to digest the Five Classics and six arts has been admired, that follows that the meaning of exercise is not only for keeping fit but also a way of building one's personality.


  • 如果智利西班牙话,用无线电越过安第斯山脉加勒比海纽约中转,电缆大西洋然后电话线欧洲大陆马德里

    A call from Chile to Spain had to be radioed over the Andes and the Caribbean to New York, across the Atlantic by cable, and over telephone wires through Europe to Madrid.


  • 颈静脉静脉(HV)成形术

    Recanalization and angioplasty via right jugular hepatic vein (HV).


  • 目的探讨血管内超声溶栓动脉硬化闭塞症闭塞动脉可行性

    Objective To investigate the feasibility of recanalizing occluded arteries in arteriosclerosis obliterans by intravascular ultrasound thrombolysis through percutaneous approach.


  • 结论:颅多普勒超声动态观察监测梗死血管情况

    CONCLUSION the dynamic state observation of TCD can monitor the condition of recanalization of blood vessel after cerebral infarction.


  • 方法2-乙酰基苯并噻吩起始原料3步反应合成齐留

    Methods:Zileuton wassynthesized via 3-step reactions with 2-acetyl benzothiophene as the starting material.


  • 列缺:太阴之络联络大肠任脉宣肺治疗之联系疾病组合运用变化无穷

    Lieque: lunar the contact point, contact the large intestine through, pass Ren, can Xuanfei gas, after treatment of the diseases associated with it, combined use of endless variations.


  • 世界最早的唐朝咸(868年)木刻板印刷品金刚》;还有许多佛教用的法器等物品

    The earliest printed book "The Diamon Sutra" dated 868 AD (the ninth year of Xian Tong of Tang Dynasty) as well as some religious objects were found there too.


  • 结果血栓注射液12倍稀释后试剂反应无干扰作用

    Results; Xueshuantong injection did not interfere with limulus agent in 12 diluted concentration.


  • 提出宇文恺规划营建东都洛阳,是西苑水和洛河皇城前黄道渠

    When Yuwen Kai designed and constructed Luoyang city, the Gu and Luo Rivers were introduced from Jicui pool at Xiyuan through Huangdao trench in front of the imperial city to Tongji trench.


  • 方法治疗阻塞引起泪溢80只随访6个月,做了回顾性研究。

    Methods The results of probing in 80 eyes with epiphora due to nasolacrimal duct obstruction were studied retrospectively after a mean follow up of 6 months.


  • 哑巴咗,唔黄连唔成?

    Sister is already dumb, and it still fails I eat Coptis?


  • 分析认为层面反射依赖充填介质力学属性流体充填,断层面对透过波表现为滤波特性

    It is considered by analysis that the fault plane reflection relies on the mechanical attributes of infilling materials and is characteristics of band pass filter when infilling materials are fluids.


  • 多普勒超声不仅可以检测颅内病变动脉狭窄闭塞或再而且可以直接间接促进血栓溶解

    Transcranial Doppler can not only detect the stenosis, occlusion and recanalization of intracranial artery, but also accelerate clot lysis directly or indirectly.


  • 方法分析168急性心肌梗死急诊状动脉介入治疗,冠状动脉再心律失常的发生情况

    Methods Emergency percutaneous coronary intervention was performed in 168 patients with acute myocardial infarction to analyze arrhythmias which occurred after coronary reperfusion.


  • 标称化的低滤波器给出有关的算法公式这些公式变换推广应用于非标称化的低、高滤波器。

    Taking nominal low-pass filter for example, presents necessary algorithmic formulae which can extend to non-nominal low-pass, high-pass and band-pans filters after some transformation.


  • 结果:116例病人抗凝、溶治疗一周复查、超声示血栓段静脉缩小血流,血栓再

    Results:Color Doppler showed that the venous lumen decreased and the blood resumed to flow smoothly after one-week anticoagulant therapy and thrombolytic therapy.


  • 方法:5 0 4证实有一侧双侧输卵管不孕症患者,采用自制选择性输卵管再导管进行

    Methods:504 patients with infertility due to one or both fallopian tube obstruction were treated with self made selective fallopian tube recanalization catheter by means of improved technique.


  • 相关分析氮素物质生产效率含量与氮素子粒生产效率显著相关。

    Furthermore, the results of correlation and path analysis show that nitrogen dry matter production efficiency (NDMPE), grain weight and nitrogen content are significantly correlated to NGPE.


  • BWI渠道计划非常受欢迎IBDN鉴定的系统买主CSV)计划相似。

    The structure of the BWI Channel Program will be similar to the highly popular Belden IBDN Certified System Vendor (CSV) Program.


  • 结果表明零件渗碳磷化NH3,能够保证渗碳层均匀

    The results show that the carburized case uniformity can be ensured through sand blasting or phosphating before carburizing, and NH3 is filled during carburizing.


  • 这种蚊子认为1985年东南亚艘装载轮胎货船德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿口岸入境,从此在美国南部的大部分地区逐渐蔓延

    The mosquito is thought to have arrived in 1985 via the port of Galveston, Tex. , in a shipment of tires from Southeast Asia and has since gradually spread through much of the south.


  • 感谢客户对贸易「奇趣魔术嘉年华支持所有入场门完毕。

    Thanks you for your excellent support to Tradelink Customer Carnival - Magical Night. We are pleased to announce that all tickets have been redeemed.


  • 年(868)雕金刚就是成熟精美雕版印刷品

    The Diamond Sutra, which was printed in Xiantong 9 (868) of the Tang Dynasty, is an example of fine and mature work of block printing.


  • 年(868)雕金刚就是成熟精美雕版印刷品

    The Diamond Sutra, which was printed in Xiantong 9 (868) of the Tang Dynasty, is an example of fine and mature work of block printing.


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进来说说原因吧 确定