• 也是最大中德住房储蓄银行经营特色

    It is also the largest Sino-German housing savings Banks in operating characteristics.


  • 突出主题经营特色

    To highlight the theme of the operating characteristics.


  • 品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户信任

    To many varieties management characteristic and the principle of small profits and quick turnover, win the trust of the majority of customers.


  • 努力经营特色山西地方文献工作一定前景光明,大有可为。

    If we develop its characters well, the work for Shanxi's local documents must be of a bright future.


  • 第三目标市场定位突出经营特色有助于企业形成竞争优势

    Third, the target market to highlight the operating characteristics, and help enterprises to create competitive advantage.


  • 公司成立以来,把“精品”诚信作为公司经营理念,逐渐形成自己经营特色

    With the exact and honest as the management idea, the company has grown up its own management characteristic.


  • 能够搜索到的网上书店总共有188家,笔者它们经营特色入手对其进行分类研究。

    Be able to search online bookstore total of 188, I start from their operating characteristics of the classification was carried out.


  • 瞅准食客心理需求餐厅经营特色定位食客敏感点上这样成功可能

    Psychological needs to be aimed at the diners, the restaurant located on the operating characteristics of the most sensitive point of diners may have such success.


  • 我们激烈市场竞争秉承宗旨:“之所想,做客之所做薄利多销经营特色

    We are in fierce competition in the market by adhering to the tenet is: "to customers are thinking, doing a guest of" small profits for the operating characteristics;


  • 要素配套组合优劣与否,很大程度决定企业目标市场上的竞争地位经营特色

    Four big essential factor necessary combination's fit and unfit quality or not, have decided the enterprise to a great extent in the target market competition status and the management characteristic.


  • 信用合同保证产品质量以多品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得了广大客户的信任

    Re credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety of operating characteristics and the principle of small profits, won the trust of our customers.


  • 我们重信用合同保证产品质量以多品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户的信任

    We re-credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety principles of operating characteristics and puerile, and win the trust of our customers.


  • 同时重信用合同保证产品质量,以品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户的信任

    At the same time re-credit, defends the contract, to ensure product quality, operating characteristics of many varieties and the principle of small profits, win the trust of our customers.


  • 公司重信用合同保证产品质量以多品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户的信任

    The company re-credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety of operating characteristics and the principle of small profits, win the trust of our customers.


  • 公司实力雄厚合同守信用质量生命以多品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得了广大客户的信任

    The strength of the company, heavy contract, keep promise, quality of life, variety operating characteristics and principles of small profits but quick turnover, won the trust of our customers.


  • 大生金融机构诞生、营运、兴盛失败过程可以看到它具有当时一般社会金融机构不同的地方经营特色

    Analyzing the process of naissance, management and failure, the characteristics can be showed up which were different from the other financial organizations.


  • 凭着实力雄厚重信用合同保证产品质量,以品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户的信任

    With strength, credit, defends the contract, to ensure product quality, operating characteristics of many varieties and the principle of small profits, win the trust of our customers.


  • 经营特色根据客户的不同要求,经专业化的“量体裁衣”,为客户提供具有最佳性价比产品服务

    The SUNNY Feature: "According to our customers' requirements and actual circumstances, we supply our customers with our products and services of the best proportion between function and price."


  • 本厂实力雄厚,重信用合同保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户的信任

    Factory strength, credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety principles of operating characteristics and puerile, and win the trust of our customers.


  • 本公司实力雄厚,重信用合同保证产品质量以多品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户的信任

    The strength of the company, credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety of operating characteristics and principle of small profits, win the trust of our customers.


  • 家乡土特产实力雄厚重信用合同保证产品质量,以品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得了广大客户的信任

    Hometown native strength, credit, defends the contract, to ensure product quality, operating characteristics of many varieties and the principle of small profits, won the trust of our customers.


  • 秀尔眼睫毛实力雄厚重信用合同保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户的信任

    Shor eyelash factory strength, credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety principles of operating characteristics and puerile, and win the trust of our customers.


  • 经销产品价格种类繁多,款式齐全,价格合理,保证产品价格质量,以多品种经营特色薄利多销的原则,赢得广大客户的信任

    With a wide range of products, complete models, reasonable prices and high quality, it has won the trust of customers under the principles of various categories and low price.


  • 广州诚汽车用品有限公司实力雄厚重信用合同保证产品质量,以品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户的信任

    Ltd Cheng military strength, credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, operating characteristics of many varieties and the principle of small profits, win the trust of our customers.


  • 观光农业农业生产过程、农村风貌、农民劳动生活主要经营特色,农业旅游业结合形成新型产业,具有“农游合一”的性质。

    Touring-agriculture is a new kind of overlapping industry, which takes agricultural activities as the foundation and it is also a combination of agriculture and tourism.


  • 缙云县方伊锯业有限公司销售部实力雄厚,重信用合同保证产品质量以多品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户信任

    Ltd. Sales Iraqi strength, credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety principles of operating characteristics and puerile, and win the trust of our customers.


  • 本着客户第一、重信用合同保证产品质量以多品种经营特色薄利多销原则赢得广大客户的信任。欢迎各界朋友莅临指导、参观和业务洽谈。

    In the customer first, credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety principles of operating characteristics and puerile, and win the trust of our customers.


  • 如果当时看到条信息可能以为多尔西打算开始经营一家奇特的小鸟特色宠物商店

    If you saw this message back then, you might have thought Mr. Dorsey was starting a pet shop that specialized in exotic birds.


  • 因特网成了特色产品零售业的东风,是因为能让公司无需实体存储货物就能拥有量的经营品种。

    The Internet lends itself to specialty retailing because it allows companies to offer huge product portfolios without having to stock inventory in bricks-and-mortar shops.


  • 因特网成了特色产品零售业的东风,是因为能让公司无需实体存储货物就能拥有量的经营品种。

    The Internet lends itself to specialty retailing because it allows companies to offer huge product portfolios without having to stock inventory in bricks-and-mortar shops.


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