• 对于个人社会数百万人们而言,失明视力障碍一个主要公共健康问题它造成大批人力经济丧失

    Blindness and vision impairment are major public health problems causing a substantial human and economic toll on individuals and society including of life for millions of people.


  • 如果将来天然气价格不断下降以至于开采活动已经无法承受时候,恩·代尔失去不仅经济基础,同时也丧失部分当地的美景

    And if the price of gas falls so far that drilling becomes unaffordable, Pinedale will not just lose the backbone of its economy. It will have lost some of its natural beauty, too.


  • 人们认为美国国会通过金融纾困计划缺陷对于防止金融市场出现恐慌情绪、避免人们丧失经济的信心,又是必要之举。

    The financial rescue plan passed by the US Congress is viewed as flawed but necessary to head off panic in financial markets and loss of confidence in the economy.


  • 为什么英国经济可能丧失生产能力这一点解释

    There are good reasons why Britain’s economy may have lost capacity.


  • 为什么英国经济可能丧失生产能力这一点解释

    There are good reasons why Britain's economy may have lost capacity.


  • 切尔诺贝利事故导致大量迁居丧失经济稳定性当代以及可能未来世世代代人健康造成长期威胁

    The Chernobyl accident led to extensive relocation of people, loss of economic stability, and long-term threats to health in current and possibly future generations.


  • 卫生保健需求、过早死亡以及丧失工作生产力而言癫痫具有重大经济影响

    Epilepsy has significant economic implications in terms of health care-needs, premature death and lost work productivity.


  • 所有主权突然信心丧失特别是被当作世界无风险债券标竿美国公债,仍然脆弱经济复苏中造成灾难性后果

    A sudden loss of confidence in all sovereign debt, and especially in American Treasuries, the world's benchmark "risk-free" asset, would have calamitous consequences in a still-fragile recovery.


  • 流感流行使劳动队伍丧失生产能力,从而影响经济可加重卫生服务的负担。

    An epidemic can take an economic toll through lost workforce productivity, and strain health services.


  • 丧失这个人口视窗国家将会发现他们全球经济日趋落后

    Countries that miss this demographic window will find themselves lagging increasingly further behind in the global economy.


  • 在美国出现二战以来最为严重经济衰退复苏迹象之际,竞争力丧失可能成为这个全球最大经济快速复苏的另一个障碍

    That loss of competitiveness could prove another obstacle to a speedy recovery as the world's largest economy shows signs of emerging from its deepest recession since the Second world War.


  • 现在美国宏观经济不景气,丧失抵押赎回权持续上升,随着大选的来临,他们很可能真的这样

    As America moves into the election proper, there is every likelihood that it will do so against a backdrop of worsening macroeconomic figures and rising Numbers of house repossessions.


  • 书中任何人类社会中,随着时间的流逝,小型卡特尔游说集团有积聚增多的趋势直到它们开始使一国经济活力丧失殆尽为止。

    In any human society, he said, parochial cartels and lobbies tend to accumulate over time, until they begin to SAP a country's economic vitality.


  • 他们一样经济良好丧失竞争力,另外,葡萄牙希腊一样它也经历了大量持续的经常账户赤字

    Like all of them it lost competitiveness in the good times, and like Portugal and Greece it ran persistent and large current-account deficits.


  • 一些经济学家认为尽管担心中国买家垄断下丧失定价权这么做也毫无意义

    Some economists argue this makes no sense, despite the fear of a loss of pricing power to a Chinese monopsony.


  • 通常来说,如果有一生意经济危机时期提高价格那么定会丧失顾客

    A BUSINESS that jacks up its prices during a recession is usually asking to lose customers.


  • 随着丧失抵押品赎回权风波横扫美国经济危机任何部分没受到如此大的关注,但是却人束手无策

    NO PART of the financial crisis has received so much attention, with so little to show for it, as the tidal wave of home foreclosures sweeping over America.


  • 然而发生经济萧条期,丧失抵押品赎回权在高于水平的情况下造成大量损失

    What has happened, though, is that above a certain level, foreclosures have done a lot of damage during the bad years.


  • 许多经济家认为经济下滑美国房主丧失房屋赎回权拖欠银行抵押贷款引发信贷紧缩所致。

    Many economists trace the economic slowdown to a credit crunch sparked by a wave of home foreclosures and mortgage defaults in the United States.


  • 通常来说,如果有一生意经济危机时期提高价格那么定会丧失顾客

    BUSINESS that jacks up its prices during a recession is usually asking to lose customers.


  • 伴随失业率持续处于高位、更多家庭面临丧失抵押品赎回权、以及经济前景堪忧很多拜访圣诞老人孩子过于清楚维持生计艰难

    With unemployment stubbornly high, more homes in foreclosure and the economic outlook dim, many children who visit Santa are all too aware of the struggle to make ends meet.


  • 前页图表(见上表)所显示的那样,过去十年中德国相反欧洲那些陷入困境的经济已经丧失竞争力

    OVER the PAST decade Europe's troubled economies have lost competitiveness against Germany, as the charts on the previous page show.


  • 因此,我们面临的挑战丧失可信性削弱经济增长两个深涧之间狭路前行。

    So the challenge is to navigate between the twin perils of losing credibility and undermining growth.


  • 人们认为造成目前严重经济衰退的部分原因美国大量房屋丧失赎回权后造成严重信贷紧缩

    The deep economic recession is believed to have been caused, in part, by a severe credit crunch precipitated by a rash of home foreclosures in the United States.


  • 绝大多数分析人士都把美国目前经济困难归咎于房贷违约丧失抵押住房赎回权案子激增所导致的信贷条件紧缩

    Most analysts trace America's current economic woes to tight credit conditions sparked by a wave of home foreclosures and mortgage defaults.


  • 根据周五公布数据显示,美国经济3月份丧失80000个工作岗位连续第三裁员

    According to figures released that day, the economy lost 80, 000 jobs in March, the third straight month that employers have trimmed payrolls.


  • 根据周五公布数据显示,美国经济3月份丧失80000个工作岗位连续第三裁员

    According to figures released that day, the economy lost 80, 000 jobs in March, the third straight month that employers have trimmed payrolls.


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