• 计划经济方式相反,描绘了一种所谓“社团管理市场愿景。具体而言就是,“生产者组织”为农产品的市场价格设定最高最低值(而意味着修改欧盟竞争)。

    Instead he paints a corporatist vision of managed markets, in which "producer organisations" fix maximum and minimum market prices (this would mean changing EU competition rules).


  • 作者调制经济调制路径展开论述认为经济调制特殊品格调制性经济

    The author launches elaboration from the way of "law - regulation law - economic regulation law" and thinks regulation and efficiency are special characters of economic regulation law.


  • 本文运用投入产出十堰市这一特定经济区域内的各产业之间相互关系相互作用进行了深入分析

    This paper gives an input-output analysis of the relations and effects between the industries in the special economy zone of Shiyan City.


  • 经济视野下国家市场关系重构――共和主义为视角…………… 李永成刘德刚

    Reconstruction of the Relationship Between Government and Market through Economic Law in View of Republicanism………………………………………………LI Yongcheng LIU Degang.


  • 本文运用人地关系协调分析经济分析特别是替代弹性不变生产函数分析C。

    The paper applies combined analysis, especially the analytical methods of Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production Function and the analysis of Man-land coordinate relationship.


  • 同作为信息经济调控工具,信息道德信息有着功能一致性

    As control tools of information economy, information morality and law both bear consistency of functional.


  • 作为调整社会关系的普通促进经济效率作为核心价值目标,应该追求效率过程中来实现公平平等

    And the basic laws should aim their central value to accelerate the economic efficiency, and carry out justice and equality in the procedure of seeking efficiency.


  • 全球律化经济一体化我国高校国际贸易教学产生了重大影响对之提出更高要求。

    Global Legalization and economic Integration has greatly influence Our teaching of international economic law in colleges and universities.


  • 经济调整长期交易形成的有机经济组织角色组织协调关系角色相互之间的协调关系。

    What the economic law regulates is the coordinated relationships of each role and its organization inside and among these roles, which has been formed by long term transaction.


  • 本文还探讨了如何金融关系研究引入我国经济现实中来。

    Furthermore, we think about how to introduce the research on the law? Finance nexus to China's economic reality.


  • 试验采用土壤养分状况系统研究,根据土壤养分状况研究瓜籽经济性状、瓜籽产量效益的影响。

    Soil nutrients systematic evaluation method was adopted to study soil nutrients and effect of potassium on economic character of seed of melon and seed-melon, yield and benefit of seed-melon.


  • 软化过程经济进行了评述,并将膜软化的制水成本常规软化进行了比较

    The economy of membrane softening process and its cost comparing with conventional lime softening are also discussed in this paper.


  • 恰好经济重要理念——国家适度干预经济一脉相承的。

    This just comes down in a continuous line from the country's appropriately intervention of the economy.


  • 传统道德论证对侵权解释不同经济分析一种建设性前瞻性的解释。

    Different from the traditional moral justification, economic analysis is a constructive and predictive kind of interpretation.


  • 环境正义经济效率、环境安全经济自由相辅相成,共同构成循环经济目的价值系统

    The system of the goal values of the circular economic law consists of the environmental justice, the economic efficiency, the environmental security and the economic liberty.


  • 主要通过对国家职能演进经济关系以及国家经济秩序假定的探讨,重在研究国家经济体系中的地位问题。

    Its functional evolution, relationship with economic law, and the "state economic man" and or-der hypothesis are studied with the stress on the position of state in the economic law sys-tem.


  • 经济外部性经济影响共通之处,是指经济的制定实施活动对此活动无关的第三人利益的影响。

    Externalities of the economic law have common sense with influence of the economic law in which enacting and enforcing the economic law brings unexpected costs or benefits to the third.


  • 目的寻找一种较为简便经济实用临床菌种保存对纸片CRYOBANK菌种保存进行比较。

    Objective To seek for a more simple, economical and practical method of preservation of strains by means of comparison of paper method and CRYOBANK preservative tube method.


  • 中国经济能够解释传承中国文化

    The law can explain and pass on Chinese culture.


  • 社会整体经济效益经济效益两个不同概念

    The social general economical benefits and benefits of economic law are two different conceptions.


  • 经济范式转换问题上,经济权均不同

    On the issue of the transformation mode of economics, there exist differences between the right of civil law and that of the economic law.


  • 竞争调整竞争关系观点违背了民商经济基本原理。

    The point that competition law regulates the relation of competition violates the principal rule of civil law and economic law.


  • 虽然社会性只是经济属性一个方面经济理论实践提供新的路径

    Although the sociality is only an aspect of the character of economic law, it provides a new way for the theory and practice of economic law.


  • 市场服务现实中存在构建成必要性,市场服务有着独特的调整对象原则内容体系,应成为经济部门的组成部分。

    In fact, it is quite necessary to establish the law of market service which has its own object and principle and system, which is becoming a branch of the Economic law.


  • 国家超越市场利益关系经济进行干预调节,国家干预由此构成经济基本哲学范畴理标志

    A state interferes and regulates its economy beyond the market interest relationship, which falls within the scope of basic philosophy and jurisprudence of economic law.


  • 实行物价变动会计模式,采取存货流动计价,依照后进先出采用经济寿命计算加速折旧

    Accounting mode for price changing use with stock floating price, and use with accelerating depreciation method in respect of last-in first-out method and economic life.


  • 研究同一问题集中参数相比,直观、方便,经济意义明显,具有实用价值。

    The economic meaning of the distributed parameters control model is very intuitionistic, and the present method has an important worthiness of practicality.


  • 对现实中存在滩地垦植现象依照加以严格规范实现生态效益经济效益结合

    It's necessary to regulate flood-plain reclamation phenomenon according to the Water Law, in order to realize the combination of ecological benefits and economic benefits.


  • 论文从比较与法经济分析两个视角公司资本制度基本原理、公司资本形成规则、公司资本维持规则进行了重思。

    This dissertation is addressed to rethink the fundamental principles of the capital system, the rules of capital raising and capital maintenance from comparative and economic analysis perspectives.


  • 论文从比较与法经济分析两个视角公司资本制度基本原理、公司资本形成规则、公司资本维持规则进行了重思。

    This dissertation is addressed to rethink the fundamental principles of the capital system, the rules of capital raising and capital maintenance from comparative and economic analysis perspectives.


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