• 指出现在研究者流行术语动物伙伴贴切的表达出它们经常扮演孩子般的角色

    The prevalent term among researchers is now "companion animal," she said, which is closer to the childlike role they so often play.


  • 项目不断深入所以一定经常回来查看,您将会发现更多互动功能,更多的合作伙伴更多的参与方式。

    This project will continue to evolve, so be sure to check back often-you'll find more interactive features, more partners and many more ways to get involved.


  • 如果不是证明你们经常结对,也不常交换结对伙伴

    If not, this could indicate that you're not often pairing and switching pairs.


  • 同样,把一点应用集成实现商、支持辅助伙伴伙伴上,因为好的软件经常由于差劲实施商而被带到死胡同。

    Do the same for implementation partners, support, and ancillary companies, since good software can frequently run into a rocky road with a bad implementation partner.


  • 玛丽莲找到了米尔顿·格瑞尼的人作为生意伙伴,一个34岁摄影师经常穿黑色丝质衬衫,就乔治。瑞福特青少年时代穿的那种。

    Marilyn had taken on a business partner named Milton Greene, a 34-year-old photographer who wears black silk shirts and looks something like an adolescent George Raft.


  • 作为同事或者生意伙伴水瓶消除双子座紧张,并且双子座经常鼓励水瓶座。

    As colleagues orbusiness partners, Aquarius will often ease Gemini tension while Gemini willencourage Aquarius.


  • 继续指出这种类型异常嫉妒患者经常表现出让伙伴不停地“签到检查同伴电话和通讯录行为

    He goes on to note that sufferers of this form of abnormal jealousy often exhibit behaviors such as calling the mate repeatedly to "check in" and going through the mate's telephone and address books.


  • Twitter进来加快招聘步伐经常联系伙伴公司中的精干人士

    Twitter has been hiring fast lately, often picking up smart people working at partner companies.


  • 经常受到博客伙伴同事们的合作建议当我不能采纳时候,我会使用这种方法委婉地拒绝

    I often get collaboration proposals from fellow bloggers and business associates which I can't participate in and I use this method to gently say no.


  • 作为经常旅行企业主发现这种服务非常有用,尤其是因为业务伙伴住在400英里外的州里

    As a business owner who does a lot of traveling, I've found this to be particularly useful, especially because my business partner lives 400 miles away in a different state.


  • 经常伙伴需要进行衣原体血液检测

    Regular partners should still have chlamydia and blood tests.


  • 不仅如此,这些网站经常举办会员活动比如高端公司合作伙伴赞助的直升机飞行、参观葡萄园航海旅行,等等。

    What's more, the sites host frequent member events, like jet rides, vineyard tours and sailing trips, sponsored by high-end corporate partners.


  • 着的,是一些雄性经常观察到霸道地骑同性伙伴的身上,另外雌性莱桑信天翁也一样

    The most notable include some male bighorn sheep that have been observed to predominantly mount other males throughout their lives, and female Laysan albatrosses - more of which later.


  • 如果经常整理亲密生意伙伴的管理区域或者朋友的习惯,你失败了

    If you're not dealing with your closest business associates or friends, whose territory and tics you've presumably learned, you're lost.


  • 这些奢华聚会上,奥巴马小姐经常招待一些伙伴其中包括所谓的‘先生花生酱教授’。

    At these galas, Ms. Obama would often entertain a number of her associates, including a so-called 'Mr. Fuzzles' and a' Professor Peanut Butter. '.


  • 反对那种仅仅因为学者们不再以前一样经常到访书库就认为学校图书馆及其员工不再智识合作伙伴观点

    She objected to the idea that just because scholars do not visit the stacks as regularly as before, the campus library (and its staff) is any less of an "intellectual partner."


  • 商业伙伴很多有趣的创意有点不切实际,这些创意经常解释不通。

    One eof my business partners has many interesting new ideas, but he's a little impractical, and often they don't hold water.


  • 经常雷德蒙德其他地方出差,在那时候时间主要顾客和合作伙伴见面上。

    Here in Redmond and when I travel-which is fairly often-i spend a lot of time meeting with customers and partners.


  • 很多士兵经常因极度危险遭遇导致精神创伤。 受害者是如此之众,Morgan想法使士兵们摆脱PTSD噩梦同时也能让战场上的伙伴避免产生致命的意识混乱吗?

    With so many in danger, can Morgan's ideas prevent soldiers from slipping into the nightmare of PTSD, and keep others from life-threatening confusion on the battlefield?


  • 方面之间的关系家庭朋友商业伙伴经常密切交织在一起

    In this context relationships between family, friends and business associates are often closely interwoven.


  • 联盟开始我们组织经常从我们的伙伴哪里获得知识

    At the beginning of this alliance, our organization frequently interacts with our partner to acquire new knowledge.


  • 寻求帮助如果孩子持续屈服同伴压力或是经常伙伴一起陷入麻烦,则父母应该咨询专业心理健康机构。

    Seek help. If a child is consistently giving in to peer pressure, or chronically getting into trouble with bad companions, a mental health professional should be consulted.


  • 从前有狐狸成为伙伴他们经常一起行动。

    An Ass and a Fox had become close comrades, and were constantly in each other's company.


  • 意识医学研究者经常疏忽的一点:病人即使参与实验的病人,他们不是研究对象”,而是合作伙伴

    He recognised what medical researchers often miss: that patients, even those participating in experiments, are not "subjects", but partners.


  • 战斗中艾瑞娜提供远程协助,并经常使用法杖其他魔法武器引导法术迷惑敌人保护伙伴

    In battle, Eirena offers ranged support, largely spells channeled through staves and other magic implements to disorient her enemies and protect her Allies.


  • 可以经常业余爱好者伙伴那里得到许多信息贵的建议

    Often you can pick up a lot of information and valuable advice from a fellow hobbyist .


  • 比如这个职位可能要非常小心细致经常因为执着细节伙伴开玩笑

    For example, maybe the position requires an inordinate degree of meticulousness and you frequently get teased for being obsessive about details.


  • 翠华茶馆在青龙街上众多的茶铺中的一家,老百姓经常到那里伙伴一起喝茶聊聊天

    Cuihua Tea House is just one of many old tea houses along the Qinglong Street, where folks often go for a chat with their old pals over a cup of tea.


  • 翠华茶馆在青龙街上众多的茶铺中的一家,老百姓经常到那里伙伴一起喝茶聊聊天

    Cuihua Tea House is just one of many old tea houses along the Qinglong Street, where folks often go for a chat with their old pals over a cup of tea.


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