• 模糊时间序列不同经典时间预测之处在于其引入隶属函数概念,在序列的预测演算起到重要作用。

    The fuzzy time series forecasting differ from classic time series forecasting is lead in the conception, named membership function which contribute much to figure the method.


  • 很长一段时间以来,心理学一直与那些指责他们没有从事科学的指控作斗争——这在很大程度上是因为许多经典实验发现被证明不可再现

    Psychologists have been battling charges that they don't do "real" science for some timein large part because many findings from classic experiments have proved unreproducible.


  • 款手表理念经典塑料手镯,表里装有显示当前时间线

    The idea for this watch is a classic plastic bracelet, with incorporated lines inside the watch that show the current time.


  • 手表创意经典塑料手镯合并排列手表之上,以此来显示当前时间

    The idea for this watch is classic plastic bracelet, with incorporated lines inside the watch that show the current time.


  • 我们希望观看伯格曼经典影片,拿出充分时间一个正式的观影报告拿出一部分退休用

    We want to watch the Bergman masterpiece, to give ourselves enough time to write the report properly, to set aside money for retirement.


  • 影片中经典台词数不胜数觉得这些都是经得住时间考验的金句。一部电影总能让你不断回忆起其中的片段。

    There are so many quotable lines and I think that's what stands the test of time; a great movie that you find yourself repeating constantly.


  • 这个三部曲最后一部种选择,是佩戴经典、简约、只时间金质手表,再一种选择是让自己显得光彩照人一点可以通过手表的钻石实现。

    For this final part of the trilogy, you may go one of two ways: a classical, slim, time-only gold dress watch — or blatant bling. The presence of diamonds on your watch will accomplish this for you.


  • 二千多年经典篇章,对我们具有深刻的意义,或许是因为经历时间长河验证

    Often words written two thousand years ago are more effective than words written today, perhaps because they have withstood the test of time.


  • 原因在于,这些经典书籍经得住时间考验透过不同镜头”审视问题,而且它们有可能未来相关

    There are some reasons why classic books can do that: they have stood the test of time, they give you different "lenses" to look through, and they will most likely be relevant even to the far future.


  • 普鲁斯特的“寻找失落时间出来作为一个不通长的时间很早上床睡觉,”其他大多数现代经典结果同样无法使用。

    The opening sentence of Proust’s “In Search of Lost Timecomes out as an ungrammaticalLong time I went to bed early,” and the results for most other modern classics are just as unusable.


  • 段很长时间内,经典跑车法拉利手表奢侈品牌手表制造商芝制造

    During a long time watches dedicated to legendary car Ferrari created by luxury watch-maker Girard-Perregaux.


  • 经典战役中落败已经的了,更何况不到七个时间连输场,这显然糟糕得可以了。

    Losing one classic match is bad enough but to lose two in less than seven months was simply too much.


  • Hibernate继续使用有争议有效目标,就编程模型(经典)另一个(JPA)需要花费时间资源一样。

    The continued use of Hibernate is arguably a valid objective, as moving from one programming model (classic) to another (JPA) takes time and resources.


  • 经典科幻电影时间旅行》(RodTaylor主演)中,主角坐在的神奇机器中,开始未来前进

    In the classic science fiction film, the time Machine, starring Rod Taylor, the protagonist sits in his wonderful device and begins to move forward in time.


  • 4显示是,用户响应时间小于情况下,LotusDomino8.5.2经典讨论数据库XPages讨论数据库。

    Figure 4 shows the classic discussion database and the XPages discussion database on Lotus Domino 8.5.2 with user response times of less than three seconds.


  • 现在只要花1992年少一半时间,就可以制造一辆经典的911Turbo汽车质量反而提高了。

    It now takes Porsche less than half the time it did in 1992 to assemble its flagship 911 Turbo, yet the car's build quality has improved.


  • 支持联邦级别的汽油税假期Gastax holiday,指在一定时间免征汽油税,减轻消费者负担的做法。 -- 译者注),称之为经典华盛顿伎俩“。

    Said he does not support a federal gas tax holiday and called it a "classic Washington gimmick."


  • 上周五访问google.com访问者平均每人额外付出36秒时间用来玩吃豆子游戏,总计浪费了4,800,000小时。 根据RescueTime的研究,上周五取代谷歌主页标志的这款玩的经典游戏共造成4,819,352小时人工成本和120,483,800美元的生产力损失。

    This fully-playable version of Pac-Man on Google's home page may have cost the economy 4.8 million wasted man-hours.


  • 但是如果采用这种朴素经典形式,决策就不会耗费时间裙装的选择也将一件非常简单事情

    But if the classic formula of simplicity is applied decision making can be much less time consuming and dress selection could be a very easy job.


  • 演播室背景经典条文图案林肯纪念碑奥普拉嘉宾们花了很长时间讨论局势变化

    In front of a classical backdrop with columns and an image of the Lincoln Memorial, Oprah and her guests spent their hour gushing over the change in regime.


  • 经典讨论数据库显示支持200个用户响应时间小于的情况下,经典讨论数据库IOP更少

    The classic discussion database showed fewer IOPs for the 200 users supported with response times less than one second.


  • 这个经典科幻寓言之后发行的版本将故事发生时间推迟到了2021年,主要是因为这些年来,现实世界,类人自动化机器的实质进展微乎其微。

    Later editions of the classic sci-fi fable postponed the setting to 2021—largely because, in the real world, so little actual progress had been made in human-like automata.


  • 一个时间地点遇到对的经典案例

    It's a classic case of being in the right place at the right time.


  • 商业一个经典利益交换例子就是时间金钱质量三者之间的关系。

    A classic trade-off in business is the trio of time, money and quality.


  • 大概反映澳洲歌剧团谨慎的风格,澳洲歌剧团大部分时间专心致志经典名著—很少考虑更多现代作品

    This presumably reflects a cautious approach by Opera Australia, which devotes most of its time to the classics-and rarely considers more modern work.


  • 遇上过这样问题时间以后,所有这些经典照片一张都开始指向同一个方向

    As my photo source. The problem I've been running into however is that after a while, all these vintage photos tend to direct each piece in the same direction.


  • 专攻经典车型已经超过时间了。

    I've been specialising in classic cars for over ten years.


  • 《摩登原始人》一部经典动画,在这里恐龙石器时代包围时间多么美妙的事。

    The Flintstones is a classic and it will be wonderful to be surrounded with dino Stone Age fun!


  • 《摩登原始人》一部经典动画,在这里恐龙石器时代包围时间多么美妙的事。

    The Flintstones is a classic and it will be wonderful to be surrounded with dino Stone Age fun!


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