• 吉尔博士研究小组通过提取位志愿者粪便中的细菌DNA得出结论的。

    Dr. Gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial DNA from the feces of two volunteers.


  • 给了真核生物基因原料使它们能够积累新的基因规模上来讲,重大基因家族调节系统对于细菌来讲完全无法负担的”莱恩博士

    "This gives eukaryotes the genetic raw material that enables them to accumulate new genes, big gene families and regulatory systems on a scale that is totally unaffordable to bacteria," said Dr Lane.


  • 通过比较,吉尔博士首次确定细菌利用反应帮助人类消化植物化合物大致过程

    This comparison helped Dr Gill identify for the first time the probable enzymatic processes by which bacteria help humans to digest the complex carbohydrates in plants.


  • 但是借助基因工程范德·梅尔博士同事们已经细菌中的发光反应与和处理污染有关的新陈代谢过程连结起来。

    But using genetic engineering Dr Van der Meer and his colleagues have coupled the light-generating reactions in bacteria to metabolic processes associated with handling pollution.


  • 郭顿博士提出, 对极进行节食会改变他们内脏细菌组合方式.

    He showed that putting obese people on a diet changes the mix of their gut bacteria.


  • 特纳博士所用噬菌体能够寄生于细菌中。

    The normal versions of Dr Turner's phages are able to parasitise four types of bacteria.


  • 众所周知可以杀菌于是博士推测,如果迫使细菌近距离接触银,这种金属实际上不会吸附而是使它解体。

    Silver is well known to kill bacteria, so Dr Cui conjectured that forcing bugs to pass close to the metal without actually trapping them might lead to their destruction.


  • 合成染色体公司该公司具体研究哪种分子产品讳莫如深文特博士兴趣之一就是利用改造过细菌生产燃料

    Synthetic Genomics itself is a bit cagey about exactly which molecular products it is working on, but one of Dr Venter's interests is in using modified bacteria to make fuels.


  • 要想知道那些遗留基因是否是带有博尔纳病毒基因,利普金博士这些基因种植细菌上。

    To see if these genes came from the cause of borna disease, Dr. Lipkin transplanted them into bacteria.


  • 无论工作原理如何结果Whitten博士将之描述一个微型的“蟑螂笼子”(细菌有去无回)。

    However it works, the upshot is what Dr Whitten describes as a micro-sized "roach motel" (" Bacteria check in, but they don't check out ").


  • 博士rothberg承认现有模型进行测序病毒细菌少数基因表示未来车型更加强大

    Dr. Rothberg acknowledged that the existing model was good for sequencing a virus or bacterium or a handful of genes, and indicated that future models would be more powerful.


  • 格勒威利博士说, “猕猴桃果皮中的氧化剂含量是果肉的能对抗葡萄球菌大肠杆菌这些导致食物中毒细菌。”

    The skin contains three times the anti-oxidants of the pulp; it also fights off bugs such as Staphylococcus and E-coli, which are responsible for food poisoning.


  • 博士新型净水器,不是细菌过滤掉,而是它们统统杀死

    Dr Cui's filter, though, does not screen the bacteria out. It kills them.


  • 斯坦威克博士人们甚至可以通过水池传播超级细菌

    People can even transmit a superbug through the tank, Stanwick said.


  • 阿克力博士我们居家糟糕的“隐形杀手”细菌那些我们看不到闻不到但是却可以七个小时内单一的个体繁殖成千上万细菌群了。

    According to Dr Ackerley, the worst bacteria in our homes are 'silent killers' that we cannot see or smell but that can multiply from a single bacterium to several million in just seven hours.


  • 不止一种细菌Blackwell博士团队发现了升高不是降低AHL方法

    In at least one bacterium, Dr Blackwell and her fellow researchers are working on a way to turn up the volume instead of turning it down.


  • 威德博士目前在研究叫做Vibriofischeri荧光细菌细菌对于各种污染非常敏感

    Dr Widder is working with a bioluminescent bacterium species called Vibrio fischeri that is sensitive to a wide variety of pollutants.


  • Kishony博士小组研究对象是两个大肠埃希杆菌的菌群,这种细菌使人类肠道内再普通不过细菌了但有时也能引起人的食物中毒尿感染

    Dr Kishony's team studied two strains of E. coli, a common gut-bacterium that nevertheless sometimes causes food poisoning and urinary-tract infections.


  • 康伦博士同事发现一个改变它们分子结构办法使它们人体细胞毒性变小,杀灭细菌的能力

    Dr Conlon and colleagues have discovered a way to tweak their molecular structure, making them less toxic to human cells but more powerful germ killers.


  • 阿克力博士我们居家糟糕的“隐形杀手”细菌那些我们看不到闻不到但是却可以七个小时内单一的个体繁殖成千上万细菌群了。

    According gto Dr Ackerley, the worst bacteria in our homes are 'silent killers' that we cannot see or smell but that can multiply from a single bacterium to several million in just seven hours.


  • 阿克·特曼博士说:“重构世纪来细菌传播途径实在让人兴奋。”

    "What's exciting is that we are able to reconstruct the historical routes of bacterial disease over centuries," Dr. Achtman said.


  • 为了培育这种品种,贝莱斯博士让一些蚊子染上一种可以阻止昆虫携带病毒细菌

    To create the strain, Dr. Velez infected mosquitoes with bacteria that block the insects from picking up the virus.


  • 胃溃疡压力造成”——公认医学诊断直到马歇尔博士通过使自己感染细菌发炎证明造成胃部发炎的是幽门螺旋菌。

    "Stomach ulcers are caused by stress" - accepted medical diagnosis, until Dr. Marshall proved that H. pylori caused gastric inflammation by deliberately infecting himself with the bacterium.


  • 卡顿波斯博士。 “重要的是我们更多了解除除人类外的动物细菌抗生素利用还有自然界中,抗生素扮演的(几乎没人研究过的)角色

    Importantly, it will also tell us more about the exploitation of bacterial antibiotics by animals other than humans and about the, as yet, surprisingly little-studied role of antibiotics in nature.


  • 一种非常普遍、无处不在细菌,”美国小儿科学会传染病委员会成员佩内洛普 丹内利博士

    "It's a very ubiquitous bacteria that's everywhere, " says Dr. Penelope Dennehy, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' committee on infectious diseases.


  • Venter博士估计可以零做起年内合成一个可以工作细菌基因组

    Dr Venter reckons he will be able to synthesise a working bacterial genome from scratch within two years.


  • Venter博士估计可以零做起年内合成一个可以工作细菌基因组

    Dr Venter reckons he will be able to synthesise a working bacterial genome from scratch within two years.


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