• 来自气候策略政策网络报告警告如果这个反对组织得逞了,欧盟失去得以达成气候协议有力武器

    But a report from policy network climate Strategies warns that if the group succeeds, the EU will lose its most powerful weapon in the fight for a new climate treaty.


  • 这份报告介绍了那些建立了先进电子垃圾管理中心回收地区废物管理建设现有有力组织国家

    The report recommends countries establish e-waste management centers of excellence, building on existing organizations working in the area of recycling and waste management.


  • 透露贝卢斯科尼强烈的否认联系,他指控承诺放宽国家看来作为打击组织犯罪有力武器严厉监狱制度

    According to leaks, Mr Berlusconi, who furiously denies any link, is accused of promising to relax the tough prison regime that has become the state's most effective weapon against organised crime.


  • 世卫组织儿童基金会协同提供技术领导这一联盟继续开展有力工作主要因素

    The technical leadership provided by WHO and UNICEF working together is an important part of this Alliance's continued strong performance.


  • 世卫组织应当获得授权支持以便起到有力带头作用

    WHO should be empowered and supported to take a strong lead.


  • 星期美国方言协会杰出会员提到,“占领已经成了本年度各种社团组织“年度词汇”的有力竞争者,排在了“获胜退步”之前。

    This week, a prominent member of the American Dialect Society noted that "occupy" is now the leading contender for the organization's Word of the Year, running ahead of "winning" and "downgrade."


  • 结果表明永久团队组织结构的一部分,不是塞进组织的,能使他们有力更有效率

    The result is permanent teams that are built into organizational structures rather than just shoehorned in, making them that much more powerful and effective.


  • 所有有力候选人很快测试第一项考验就是筹集资金组织机构。

    All of the serious candidates will be tested quickly. The first test is raising money and putting an organization together.


  • 组织发挥有力领导作用,有助于促进众多卫生合作伙伴采取协调一致的行动最大限度地发挥效用。

    Stronger leadership from WHO will promote greater coherence in the actions of multiple health partners to maximize their impact.


  • 过去30年里全球接纳了《世卫组织基本药物标准清单》提出基本药物概念作为一个有力手段促进卫生公平

    For the past 30 years the WHO Model List has led to a global acceptance of the concept of essential medicines as a powerful means to promote health equity. WHO continues its work in this area by.


  • 世卫组织烟草行动主任DouglasBettcherMPOWER战略成为遏制烟草流行的强有力对策

    Dr Douglas Bettcher, Director of WHO's tobacco Free Initiative, said the six MPOWER strategies would create a powerful response to the tobacco epidemic.


  • 组织变化计划目标方向一个普遍理解非常有力

    It is powerful to have common understanding of the goals and direction of your change program across the organization.


  • 说:“我们需要有力位置上,能够到一个我们可以和那样组织进行和解的位置上。”

    "We need to be in a much stronger position to, in fact, get to a point where we reconcile with organizations like that," he said.


  • 一直相信人力资源能够成为组织非常有力部分但实际情形又常常不是。

    I'd always believed that human resources could be a very powerful part of an organization and often wasn't.


  • 应该组织的管理层一个远景,其中应该包括构建有力软件开发能力

    There should be a vision at the organization's executive level that includes building strong software development capability.


  • 团队协作有力敏捷性预测指标因为促进了个人协作,并且使组织可以发现实现最有可能想法

    Teamwork is a strong predictor of agility, because it fosters input from multiple people and allows an organization to discover and implement the best possible ideas.


  • 人们组织包装展示分享接收知识方法才使得知识变得如此有力

    How knowledge is organized, packaged, presented, Shared, and received by others is what makes knowledge so powerful.


  • 通过知识分享他们创造一种自强文化—而正是我们所能创造有力组织学习形式。

    What they are doing is creating a self-reinforcing culture of knowledge sharing - the most powerful organizational learning we could every create.


  • 接受这种方法将节约大量工作一个组织面临熟悉工作时它还是降低风险有力机制

    Adopting such a methodology saves a tremendous amount of effort and offers a powerful mechanism for reducing risk when an organization undertakes unfamiliar types of work.


  • 很多蓝色海洋协会这样组织正在实施潜在有力介入出版海产指南帮助消费者购买海产时能做出明智选择

    A potentially powerful intervention is being implemented by organizations such as Blue Ocean Institute publishing seafood guides to help consumers make informed choices when buying seafood.


  • 我们倡导活动代表着世界上数百万病人以及我们有力合作伙伴比如世卫组织全球基金

    We advocate on behalf of millions of patients worldwide and our strong partners such as WHO and the Global Fund.


  • 如果说我们作为个体需要好的推动摆脱自己舒适的话,那么范围更广的组织更需要有力的撞击。

    If we as individuals need a good push to get us out of our comfort zones then unwieldy organisations need a mighty shove.


  • 组织文化有力影响着一个公司业绩至少我们这样认为的。

    Organizational culture powerfully influences a company's performanceor at least we say so.


  • 社会企业家组织机构成本有力社会网络和对顾客和群体的深刻洞察做出了贡献

    Social entrepreneurs and organizations contribute lower costs, strong social networks, and deep insights into customers and communities.


  • 但是拉美组织独特围巾却一直追求公正有力象征

    But its distinctive white shawls remain a potent symbol of the quest for justice in Latin America.


  • 这次强化行动意味着组织推荐的治疗方案(2006年始推行,奈韦拉平药物治疗更优)可以更加快速有力度地得到实施

    This ramping up means the WHO-recommended treatment protocol - introduced in 2006 and a far superior solution to the single therapy Nevirapine - can be implemented much more quickly and intensively.


  • 希望组织继续将大部分工作转向非洲其它地区许多未满足卫生需要使健康受过良好教育自信妇女女童能够拥

    I see a WHO that continues to bias much of its work towards the many unmet health needs in Africa and beyond, and to the empowerment of healthy, well-educated, self-confident women and girls.


  • 2008年1月罗马最近15个国家爆发禽流感的情况表明H5N1型病毒全球依然是一个威胁需要给予密切监测有力防治粮农组织今天

    January 2008, Rome - Recent avian influenza outbreaks in 15 countries demonstrate that the H5N1 virus remains a global threat and requires close monitoring and strong control efforts, FAO said today.


  • 随着埃及有力国家重新组织力量继续利用人们对于安全缺失恐惧,穆巴拉克一派或许能够如愿以偿。

    As Egypt's powerful state regroups its forces and continues to capitalise on fears of insecurity, Mr Mubarak's men may have their way.


  • 随着埃及有力国家重新组织力量继续利用人们对于安全缺失恐惧,穆巴拉克一派或许能够如愿以偿。

    As Egypt's powerful state regroups its forces and continues to capitalise on fears of insecurity, Mr Mubarak's men may have their way.


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