• 经济合作发展组织国家中,20%医生来自国外

    In countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), around 20% of doctors come from abroad.


  • 热烈欢迎大家参加第六全球世卫组织国家办事处负责人会议

    Let me extend my very warm welcome to all of you as we begin this sixth global meeting of heads of WHO country offices.


  • 组织国家办事处进一步提出家禽杀者提供个人防护设备

    The WHO country office has further offered to supply personal protective equipment for poultry cullers.


  • 粮农组织国家项目-—来自实地计划管理信息系统(FPMIS)。

    FAO Projects in the country - from the Field Programme Management Information System (FPMIS).


  • 古里亚金融市场经济活动改善经合组织国家带来复苏希望

    Gurria said improved financial markets and business activity are giving OECD economists hope for recovery.


  • 世卫组织国家办事处正在协助卫生部国家现场小组区县卫生官员开展工作。

    WHO Country office is assisting the MOH national field team and the District health officials.


  • 32个富裕经合组织国家内,经济衰退及其余波致使1700万失去工作

    In the 32 rich OECD countries the downturn and its aftermath threw over 17m people out of work.


  • 经合组织国家2006年生物柴油乙醇支持总计超过100亿美元。

    Total support to biodiesel and ethanol in OECD countries in 2006 amounted to over $10 billion.


  • 全球金融危机之前二十年间,所有经合组织国家家庭实际可支配收入都有增加

    In the two decades leading up to the global financial crisis real disposable household incomes increased in all OECD countries.


  • 经合组织国家中,83%适龄男性工作,而适龄女性工作的比例只有64%。

    Across the OECD countries some 83% of men of working age are in the Labour market, compared with 64% of women.


  • 在世卫组织非洲区域办事处世卫组织国家办事处的协助下,卫生部进行一次调查

    An investigation was carried out by the Ministry of Health, assisted by the WHO Regional office for Africa and the WHO country office.


  • 经合组织国家残疾人就业率(44%)略高于健全人就业率(75%)一半

    In Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, the employment rate of people with disabilities (44%) is slightly over half that for people without disabilities (75%).


  • 而且,尽管中国雄心勃勃,但目前经合组织国家核发电量超过全球核电总产量的八成。

    And grand though China's ambitions are, for now OECD countries produce more than 80% of the world's nuclear electricity.


  • 确保组织国家工作队具备足够能力开展会员国商定组织国家核心职能

    Ensuring that the capacities of WHO country teams are sufficiently strong to carry out the core functions of the Organization at country level, as agreed with the Member State.


  • 确保会员国实施全球战略进行有效合作协商建立了世卫组织国家对口实施单位全球网络

    A global network of WHO national counterparts is established to ensure effective collaboration and consultations with Member States on implementing the global strategy.


  • 不过经合组织国家可能因为国家政策变化地区更强硬的反对普遍放弃核电技术

    But there could still be a widespread withdrawal from the technology by OECD countries, caused by national changes in policy or stiffer local opposition.


  • 同时欧佩克组织通过出口石油积累了巨大财富,欧佩克组织国家增长延缓石油震荡

    OPEC, meanwhile, amassed enormous wealth from oil exports and the growth of OECD nations was slowed with the oil shock.


  • 卫生部畜牧水产部世卫组织国家办事处人员组成一个工作组正在进行调查证实感染

    A team from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and the WHO Country Office are conducting investigations to confirm the source of her infection.


  • 华尔街日报的报道,去年经合组织国家中18 - 29岁年龄段青年的失业率接近20%。

    The average jobless rate between 18-29 years was nearly 20% last year in OECD countries, the Wall Street Journal has reported.


  • 如果按照全职工作的标准来衡量,经合组织国家男女就业率差距就会扩大三分之一左右

    Measured by how many full-time jobs those hours would add up to, the average employment gap between men and women in the OECD widens to around a third.


  • 该国卫生部世卫组织国家办事处喀土穆国际捐助者提交了一项预防控制人间疾病计划

    The Ministry of Health and WHO Country Office have presented a plan for the prevention and control of the disease in humans to international donors in Khartoum.


  • 美国欧盟日本其他经合组织国家必须马上行动起来填补一缺口否则更多人民挨饿受苦。

    The United States, the European Union, Japan, and other OECD countries must act now to fill this gap - or many more people will suffer and starve.


  • 尽管很多经济合作与发展组织国家共同问题,但美国现金支付比例过去几十年间显著下降

    Though this is a problem in many OECD countries, in America the proportion of out-of-pocket spending has declined sharply in the past few decades.


  • 世界各地世卫组织国家办事处以及全球疾病暴发预警应对网络查明应对疾病暴发方面国家提供业务支持

    WHO country offices around the world, together with the Global outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), provide operational support to countries in identifying and responding to disease outbreaks.


  • 当然需要根据世卫组织国家合作战略开展这些工作去年编写良好指南可以协助你们开展方面的工作。

    These are, of course, part of the WHO country cooperation strategies, and you have last year's excellent guide to assist you in this work.


  • 相信许多经合组织国家探索治理结构走过了漫长道路我们希望接下来能够学到他们经验

    I believe many OECD countries have gone a long way in search for such a governance structure and we expect to learn their lessons particularly in the following two days.


  • 穷人相对缺少改善生活机遇:和其他经合组织国家相比英国父亲收入程度上决定了儿子的收入。

    Opportunities for the poor to better themselves relatively are hard to come by: a father's income determines his son's to a greater extent in Britain than in any other OECD country.


  • 穷人相对缺少改善生活机遇:和其他经合组织国家相比英国父亲收入程度上决定了儿子的收入。

    Opportunities for the poor to better themselves relatively are hard to come by: a father's income determines his son's to a greater extent in Britain than in any other OECD country.


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