• 或许我们讲讲绿色和平组织以及在那里工作时的经历。

    Perhaps you can tell us something about Green Peace and your job there.


  • 任何类型企业或者组织工作发现这样的情况到处都是!

    If you work in any type of business or organizational setting, there are plenty of these situations to go around!


  • 哪些社会媒体工作纳入非营利组织资源或是建议呢?

    What resources or tips do you have to getting the social media job in your nonprofit organization?


  • 这个意义上组织开展病毒营销工作重要的。

    In this sense, having viral marketing work for your organization is important.


  • 最后加入成为活跃那些专业或者娱乐性组织中去,特别是那些位于生活工作群体

    Finally, join and become active in professional or recreational organizations - especially groups that are local to where you live and work.


  • 这同样适用一个组织的内部职位的申请举荐,说清楚现在工作内容是明智之举

    Similarly for an internal position or promotion in an organisation, it would be sensible to explain you currently work for them.


  • 如果幸运,可以分割图片研发人员一起工作保持礼貌并用文件夹组织文档

    If you're lucky enough to work with a developer who can slice out images for you, please be polite and organize your file using folders.


  • 如果发现自己工作或者试着一些自由职业补充收入使一切运转,以下脱颖而出技巧保持组织然后最终一个工作

    If you find yourself looking for work, or trying to find some freelance gigs on the side to supplement your income, here are some tips to help you stand out, stay organized, and ultimately land a job.


  • 可能在做些资料输入工作帮助一个公司组织他们记录以便可以更好服务他们的顾客

    Perhaps you do data entry, helping a big company to get their records organized so that they can take better care of their clients.


  • 无需掩盖错误,仅仅专注组织有利的工作

    You don't have to cover up mistakes but do what's best for the organization.


  • 更有意思些,组织同事轮流彼此煮饭”。知道呢工作午餐也许真的会变得很有趣

    Take it to the next level and organise your co workers to take turns incookinglunch for each other. Who knows, lunch at work might actually become fun!


  • 组织正致力于支持公益自由人筹款吗?那些事业充满激情、支持自己工作变革者,但是却不知怎么

    Is you're organization looking to support free agent fundraisers and the changemakers who are passionate about your cause, want to support your work, but do it their way?


  • 例如希望自己员工积极主动对待自己工作组织系统以及运转流程改善提出更多的建议。

    For example, let's say that you would like your employees to take more initiative in their jobs and make and implement more Suggestions for improvements to company systems and procedures.


  • 志愿工作委员会附属组织——对在校生来说,这些领导角色展示相关经验的绝好机会

    Volunteer work, boards and affiliations, and — for college students — leadership roles, can be tremendous opportunities to show off your relevant experience.


  • 意味着要把元素,都尽可能组织成一个顺畅工作流程

    That means organizing most every element to allow as smooth a work flow as possible.


  • 一旦着“拉直”身体,骨骼周围肌肉组织将有机会暂时从过度的拉伸和牵引工作解脱出来。

    When you learn to align your bones, the surrounding muscles and connective tissues can relax instead of gripping or overworking, and your posture will begin to feel effortless.


  • 托尼·施瓦茨(原作)标签:管理自己组织文化工作生活的平衡。觉得怎样?

    Tony SchwartzOn: Managing yourself, Organizational culture, Work life balance.How Are you Feeling?


  • 如果正为一家根据501 (c)(3)条款运作的非营利组织工作苹果公司员工也许马上就会成为募捐的对象了。

    If you work at a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization you might want to start reaching out to Apple employees.


  • 回过评估组织中的软件开发工作的全面状况时,看到了什么?

    When you step back to assess the health of software development efforts in your organization, what do you see?


  • 拥有工作或者加入军事组织时,答应跟随这些组织分配领导人

    When you take a job or join a military organization, you agree to follow the leaders the organization puts in place.


  • 但是如果一个漂亮整洁组织工作得到启发完成工作

    Whereas if you have a nice, tidy and organized workspace, you’ll be inspired to get work done.


  • 最好志愿工作自己选择然后朋友一起组织工作

    The best volunteer work is work that you decide for yourself and organize with your friends.


  • 但是小企业愿意利润征税而不对营业处所工作人员征税,因为至少已经挣得的”,肯特州梅德韦的小企业联合会组织安德鲁

    But small businesses would prefer to be taxed only on profits, not on premises or staff, since "at least it's money you've made," says Andrew Aves, the FSB's organiser for Kent and Medway.


  • 为什么资格在家工作-动机组织技巧值得信赖历史以及如果获得了远程办公的许可,为什么得更加优秀?

    Why you are qualified to work from home - your motivation and organizational skills, your history of being reliable and why you would be an even better worker if you were permitted to telecommute.


  • 不该让人灰心的---工作的确很难,而且旷日持久,常常可能会长达数月---也确实说明了为什么需要求职变得组织(井井有条)。

    That shouldn’t be discouragingfinding a new job is hard work and could take monthsbut it does illustrate why you need to be organized about your job hunt.


  • 通过组织每个星期工作提高工作过程处理任务的效率,节省很多时间

    By organizing your weeks to streamline processes and batch tasks you will save a lot of time.


  • 比如或许以为首席软件工程师看中组织中的技术总监一其实钟情于继续她的软件编程工作

    You might, for example, think that your top software engineer has her sights set on your organization's chief technology officer position, when she would actually much rather keep coding software.


  • 比如或许以为首席软件工程师看中组织中的技术总监一其实钟情于继续她的软件编程工作

    You might, for example, think that your top software engineer has her sights set on your organization's chief technology officer position, when she would actually much rather keep coding software.


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