• 集-共基组合放大电路具有更好宽带放大特性

    The CC-CE combined amplifier has the nicer wide band magnifiable characteristic.


  • 对于给定图像各种过滤器ca类型组合可以生成更好更差结果

    For a given image, different combinations of filters and types of CA could produce better or worse results.


  • 因此构建这些组合服务需要更好方法这些应用程序之间管理维护一致标记

    Thus, to build these composite services you need a better way to manage and maintain a consistent set of tags across these applications.


  • 一个强大的组合管理员开发者可以更好控制环境

    It is a powerful combination that gives administrators and developers a great deal of control over their environment.


  • 是否这样说更好包含上述数据数据库只是这些字符组合的一个子集。

    A positive database containing all the data in question would be a small subset of those combinations.


  • 确认某种词语组合是否其他更好或者确定适当语速

    This is a good way to identify whether certain word combinations are funnier than others or the pacing is appropriate.


  • 老龄化劳动力市场愈发依赖技术的经济组合意味着各国不得不更好利用女性人才

    The combination of an ageing workforce and a more skill-dependent economy means that countries will have to make better use of their female populations.


  • 考虑应用组合管理工具(例如ibmRationalPortfolioManager)使得公司管理能够更好的得以进行。

    Consider applying a portfolio management tool such as IBM Rational portfolio Manager to better enable corporate governance.


  • 他们过‘如果变得更好,眼前就最好。’”25ArtGarfunkel,Simonand Garfunkel民谣摇滚二重唱组合的一员说。

    "They were saying, 'If you want to get better, here's the route,'" says Art Garfunkel, 25, half of the folk-rock duo, Simon and Garfunkel.


  • 使用这些技术组合只使用单项技术更好保护SOA攻击。

    A combination of these technologies can better protect SOAs from attack than a single item can.


  • 有助于识别所有可移动部分了解它们如何组合起来发挥作用的,并且重要的是—您启示,教您如何能更好地将它们融入应用程序中。

    This will help you identify all of the moving parts, see how they work together, and - most important - give you hints as to how you can more deeply incorporate them into your application.


  • 组合充满按照最好实践网站设计标准顶级作品时,最终更好项目诞生。在这些更好的项目中,客户将看到这些东西价值

    When your portfolio is full of top-of-the-line work that follows best practices and web design standards, it will lead to better projects where clients care about the value of these things.


  • 由于SIP超文本传输协议(HTTP)之后建模的,所以许多用户希望知道如何组合这些技术获得更好用户体验

    As SIP was modeled after the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), many people have been looking at how to combine these technologies for a better user experience.


  • 两个概念组合起来,您可以创建有效信息结构更好满足特定用户群体需要

    Combined, these two ideas let you create effective information structures to better meet the needs of a particular user group.


  • 如果使用组合方法发现:不需要太多注释描述方法代码(实际上函数方法要求注释),而且更好命名函数。

    If you use composed method, you'll find much less need to have comments to delineate sections of code within methods (actual method calls do that), and you'll find that you use better method names.


  • 这种方法更好遵从了面向服务架构组合原则,因而可以利用现有粒度服务组成新的粒度服务。

    This approach also better serves the principle of composability for service-oriented architectures, whereby new, coarser grained services can readily be composed from existing finer grained services.


  • 为了更好理解如何使用SOA实现灵活性我们了解一下通过服务组合一概念所带来灵活性的程度

    In order to better understand how to achieve flexibility using SOA, let's explore the degrees of flexibility afforded through the notion of Service Composition.


  • 我们重新命名了每个组合小部件,以便源代码能够更好地区它们,同时在每个组合旁边放置一个标签使用标签文本每个选项进行了说明。

    We renamed each combo widget to make them easier to distinguish in our source code, and placed a label next to each one with a text word for each option.


  • 组合方法生成可重用构建有助于产生更好设计

    Composed method helps design because it generates reusable building blocks.


  • Jacob (Simpli5):看到了一些加入videoaudio组件特性例如皮肤功能,或者更好组合页面中。

    Jacob (Simpli5) : I see additional features added to video and audio components, such as the ability to skin, or composite into the page better.


  • 爵士伟大的马龙-斯托克顿组合公牛更好第三罗德曼第四库科奇爵士的霍纳塞克拉塞尔出色

    Finally, the Jazz had a great 1-2 in Malone and Stockton, but the Bulls had better third and fourth options as they had Rodman and Kukoc, compared to Hornacek and Russell.


  • 第三价值在于更好管理轻松地表达Web服务WSDLXSD之间关系,例如包含两个或者多个服务的组合服务两者之间的关系。

    The third value is to better manage and easily express the relationship between web services WSDL and XSD, such as in the composite services that combine two or more services.


  • 命令中,我们可以更好控制classpath这样可以分解每个步骤,最终再组合起来,就可以使整个工作顺利简单

    From the command line, we have much more control over the classpath so breaking the steps up makes everything smooth and easy.


  • Groovy高级语言语法特性(参考资料)我们能够编写出可读性更好代码在与组合方法SLAP补充技术相结合尤其如此。

    Groovy's advanced language syntax and features (see Resources) make for more readable code, especially when combined with the complementary techniques of composed method and SLAP.


  • 喜欢组合,我得到该组的投入有些项目更好如果一个他们工作

    I like a mix, with a group I get the group input, but some projects are done better if just one person is working on them.


  • 这个年龄孩子已经可以更好字词组合,也可以听清字词不同处

    Children at this age can hear the sound of letter combinations better now and can hear the phonic differences.


  • 结果表明,融入时效函数适应递推优化组合预测模型采用其它预测模型预测的结果更好

    The results show the self-adapt optimized combination forecast model covering the aging function is better than the other forecast models for gas demand forecast.


  • 这个组合作为一段热情激烈的婚外情更好占有欲束缚白羊热爱自由的天性。

    This union is better as a hot passionate affair. Your possessiveness will cramp the Aries free-loving nature.


  • 这个组合作为一段热情激烈的婚外情更好占有欲束缚白羊热爱自由的天性。

    This union is better as a hot passionate affair. Your possessiveness will cramp the Aries free-loving nature.


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