• 使用组件测试程序进行测试

    Test using the component tester.


  • 所以我们真正拥有组件就是各种测试,再加上一点处理程序

    So the only components we have, really, are the many individual tests, and a small bit of routine for processing.


  • 构建测试数据库驱动的代码需要可提供必要的JDBC驱动程序组件中添加

    To build and test your database-driven code, you need to add libraries to your component that provide the necessary JDBC drivers.


  • 通过使用嵌入式测试服务器运行应用程序集成测试客户机允许单独测试每一个组件

    The integration test client allows you to test each component individually, using the embedded test server to run the application.


  • 这个test组件随后将连同(只有一个)组件部署复合应用程序中,这个组件就是将要被测试组件

    This test component is then deployed in a composite application with oneand only oneother component, and that is the component under test.


  • QA工程师可以通过“'waitfor'”操作测试脚本被测程序组件状态同步

    The 'waitfor' operator allows QA engineer to synchronize operation of test script with desirable state of components of Application Under Test.


  • 开发成功测试分析引擎之后可以打包作为配置(文本)分析组件部署一个应用程序中。

    After you have developed and successfully tested an analysis engine, you can package it to be deployed to another application as a pre-configured (text) analysis component.


  • 现在可以通过下面列出三种方法进行测试其中一个测试都是相继测试应用程序组件

    Now you can test by performing the three methods listed below, where each test sequentially tests the components of the application.


  • 一旦各个组件进行了单元测试容易在应用程序组装连接这些组件

    Once each component is unit tested, it is easier to assemble and wire the components in the application.


  • 现在可以编写一个测试脚本并与测试应用程序一起运行,以检验测试中的组件

    A test script can now be written and run with this test application to exercise the component under test.


  • 应用程序测试目前快速成长随后新的应用技术组件革新

    Application testing is now growing rapidly, followed by innovation of new application technologies or components.


  • 可以编辑所有组件部署描述符许多受支持J2EE应用程序服务器工作台中直接测试运行的应用程序

    You can also edit the deployment descriptors for all your components and test-run your application directly in your workbench on a variety of supported J2EE application servers.


  • 但是对于组件本身最好测试方法位于组件构建针对的环境内部,即复合应用程序

    But for the components themselves, the best way to test them is within the environment for which they are built, that is, a composite application.


  • 类似地稍后开发适配器模块了解数据处理程序组件可能端到端方案进行测试

    Similarly, when you later develop the adapter module, you will understand the data handler component, and you can test the end-to-end scenario.


  • 但在之前需要配置必要的电话组件执行应用程序测试

    Before doing so, you need to configure the necessary telephony components to conduct the application testing.


  • 例如测试环境中测试管理员可以启用方法级度量显示测试应用程序(或应用程序组)组件响应时间

    For example, in the test environment, the tester or administrator might enable method-level metrics to show response times within the components of an application (or set of applications) under test.


  • 某些情况下,在一个单元测试复合应用程序测试多个组件可取。

    In some cases, it may be preferable to test multiple components in a unit-test composite application.


  • 使用手动模拟集成测试客户端将暂停等待输入输出数据然后数据发送模拟组件引用调用程序

    With manual emulation, the integration test client stops and waits for you to enter output data, and then sends that data to the caller of the component or reference that was emulated.


  • 例如使用测试断言巩固需求理想情形开发另一个应用程序调用组件

    For example, an ideal situation for using test assertions to solidify requirements is the development of a component that is called by another application.


  • 大部分精度要求都可以流程部署方面派生出来,可通过应用程序组件持续测试集成来进行此工作,如图1中所示。

    Most of the rigor can be derived in the deployment aspect of the process, using continuous testing and integration of the application components, as shown in Figure 1.


  • 相反我们建议创建简单复合应用程序,其中包含进行测试组件一个测试组件

    Instead, we recommend that you create a simple composite application containing only the component under test and the tester component.


  • 即使开发过程中,也可以通过使用浏览器接口运行各个卡片交互地执行测试应用程序组件

    Applications and components can be executed and tested interactively even during their development by running individual CARDS using the browser interface.


  • 使得业务线用户能够专注组装连接复合应用程序因为每个组件已经进行测试

    This allowed the line-of-business user to focus on assembling and wiring the composite application because each component had already been tested.


  • 场景中测试架构师可利用公共客户数据服务组件简化测试j 2ee应用程序所需运行时环境

    In this scenario, the test Architect takes advantage of the Common Customer Data Service to simplify the runtime environment needed to test the new J2EE application.


  • 验证soa意思是服务复合应用程序组件进行测试

    Validating SOAs means testing components at the service level as well as at the level of composite applications.


  • STD文件通过调用相应SDD文件可以管理应用程序不同部分(组件功能主要区域等等)的回归测试

    The STD files would manage the regression testing of different chunks (components, use cases, major areas of functionality, etc.) of the application by calling the related SDD files.


  • 允许客户端服务提供程序之间交互使用调用模式组件测试所使用的仅同步调用模式分离开。

    It lets you decouple the invocation pattern used by the interaction between client and service provider from the sync-only invocation pattern used by component test.


  • 正在测试一个组件(比如jpanel),而组件最终将要包含应用程序分离的时候,这会特别方便

    This is especially convenient when you are testing a component such as a JPanel separate from the application that will eventually include it.


  • 然后了解如何使用Flex组件构建微型博客应用程序用户界面以及如何使用一些样例XML数据测试

    You will then see how to build the microblogging application user interface using Flex components, and how to test it with some sample XML data.


  • 然后了解如何使用Flex组件构建微型博客应用程序用户界面以及如何使用一些样例XML数据测试

    You will then see how to build the microblogging application user interface using Flex components, and how to test it with some sample XML data.


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