• 引入一个线性状态方程模型描述电液伺服系统动态特性

    A nonlinear theoretical state space model was introduced to describe the dynamic performance of the servo system.


  • 我们寻求控制摄动线性状态调节器问题相应轨道

    We shall seek the optimal control and corresponding trajectories of the singularly perturbed nonlinear state regulator problem.


  • 利用对角技巧研究控制问题摄动线性状态调节器问题

    In this paper, using the diagonalization techniques, considers the singularly perturbed linear state regulator problem in the problems of the optimal control.


  • 同时分析了同步系统稳定性,给出了设计线性状态观测器方法

    At the same time, the stability of the synchronized system is analyzed, with the method for designing nonlinear state observer being proposed.


  • 采用最优控制方法种四维混沌系统设计了一个线性状态反馈控制器

    A linear state feedback controller is designed for controlling a four-dimensional chaotic system by the inverse optimal controlling approach.


  • 本文线性多项式系统综合问题给出一种新的线性状态反馈设计方法。

    In this paper, the design problem of new nonlinear state feedback for linear polynomial system is discussed.


  • 基础上设计线性状态反馈控制规律,使得电力系统运动状态保持稳定

    On the basis of that, linear state feedback control law is designed to ensure the stability and security of power system.


  • 首先通过特征线有限差分得到时间离散空间离散的线性状态方程

    First, the partial differential equations are transformed into discrete space, discrete time nonlinear difference equations through characteristic method and finite difference approach.


  • 针对模糊时滞系统设计线性状态反馈控制器确保闭环系统全局指数稳定

    Global exponential stability of fuzzy control systems with delays is studied, a nonlinear state feedback controller is designed to ensure the global exponential stability of the closed-loop system.


  • 模型线性状态预计温度密度实验结果进行了比较,结果符合较好

    The target temperature and density predicted with the model of linear regime are in good agreement with experimental results.


  • 提出了一类基于线性状态观测器混沌或超混沌同步方案将其应用到保密通信中。

    A linear state observer based synchronization scheme for a class of chaotic systems is presented, and this scheme is applied to secure communication.


  • 建立了带有TCR单机无穷大系统线性状态方程用以简化模拟实际电力系统。

    Nonlinear state equation of single machine infinite bus system with TCR is established to simplify and simulate real power system.


  • 本文讨论了线性状态反馈系统转移矩阵进行配置问题,导出了反馈矩阵统一算式

    In this paper, the problem of state transition matrix assignment in linear state feedback systems is discussed. The general computing formula on feedback matrix is given.


  • 研究了一类切换控制系统稳定性分析问题,切换控制器多个线性状态反馈控制器组成。

    The problem of stability analysis of a class of switched control systems is studied, in which switched controller comprises multiple linear state feedback controllers.


  • 抗绕控制器部分组成:跟踪微分器扩张状态观测器线性状态误差反馈控制

    The auto-disturbance rejection controller is composed of three parts: tracking-differentiator, extended state observer and nonlinear state error feedback control law.


  • 状态观测器设计分为状态观测器降维状态观测器,控制规律时变的线性状态反馈。

    The full-dimension state observer and reduced-dimension state observer are developed respectively. The control law is time-varying linear state feedback.


  • 仿真计算表明SVC发电机励磁线性状态PI协调控制器有效地提高系统暂态稳定性

    Simulation results show that nonlinear state PI SVC controller cooperating with the excitation system of generator can improve dynamic stability of power system effectively.


  • 利用混合单调分解方法研究离散线性时变凸多面体系统线性状态约束集合鲁棒不变性。

    In this paper, the robust positive invariance of given linear state constraint sets of uncertain discrete time systems is studied by means of the mixed monotone decomposition method.


  • 针对反应堆点堆动态线性模型提出了一种线性状态反馈中子通量密度恒值控制方法

    According to the nonlinear dynamic model of a nuclear reactor, a new constant neutron flux density control method based on nonlinear state feedback is presented.


  • 通过设计线性状态观测器构造了两个混沌系统使其保持同步,从而实现加密信号完全再现

    By designing nonlinear state observer, two chaotic systems are constructed and kept synchronized, hence, encrypted signals can be completely recurred.


  • 通过设计线性状态观测器构造个混沌系统使其保持同步从而实现加密信号的完全再现。

    The structure of Liu chaotic system was analyzed, and then linear feedback synchronization method and state observers synchronization method were designed.


  • 本文提出了在交流矢量控制系统设计线性状态观测器思路,并以此重构负载扰动作前馈控制。

    A novel idea of designing and applying linear state observer is presented in this paper to reconstruct the load disturbance for feed forward control in AC. vector control systems.


  • 采用一种稍加修改的强跟踪滤波算法估计状态向量然后利用降阶状态向量估计线性状态函数

    A slightly modified strong tracking filtering algorithm is used to estimate the reduced-order state vector, which is then used to estimate the nonlinear state function.


  • 通过简单线性状态反馈方法,分别系统参数已知未知的情况下研究了陈氏混沌系统的控制问题。

    The control of Chen's chaotic system when its parameters are known apriori or unknown is studied by means of a simple linear state feedback method.


  • 本文利用混合单调分解方法研究离散时滞线性凸多面体系统线性状态约束集合鲁棒变性

    In this paper, the robust positive invariance of given linear state constraint sets of uncertain discrete-time delay systems is studied by means of the mixed monotone decomposition method.


  • 针对这种不足选择现代控制理论中的线性状态反馈控制方法,采用线性二次最优控制器设计方案

    In order to resolve the shortage, the thesis chooses the linear quadratic form optimal controller design scheme by applying linear state feedback control of the modern optimal control theory.


  • 本文研究了不确定线性离散系统线性可镇定性,即是否存在一个能镇定该不确定系统线性状态反馈

    The reliable stabilization problem is discussed for a class of power systems with multiple controllers to guarantee the stability of the system after failures occur in some controllers.


  • 并在系统的扩张状态观测器线性状态误差控制器中引入非线性幂指数函数使系统运算变得更加简单

    A nonlinear exponential function is applied to ESO and nonlinear state error feedback (NLSEF) controller, and it makes the system realize easier operation.


  • 研究存在扰动一般双线性系统线性状态反馈控制方案线性系统进行状态反馈精确线性化的特点

    This paper presents schemes of controlling bilinear systems with disturbances by nonlinear state feedback and characteristics which possess accurate linearizing bilinear systems by state feedback.


  • 研究存在扰动一般双线性系统线性状态反馈控制方案线性系统进行状态反馈精确线性化的特点

    This paper presents schemes of controlling bilinear systems with disturbances by nonlinear state feedback and characteristics which possess accurate linearizing bilinear systems by state feedback.


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