• 这些小丑纽约长岛地区阻断交通

    The clowns were stopping traffic in the Long Island region of New York.


  • 纽约长岛名女性上司性命捐了一个解雇了。

    New York Long Island woman said she was fired after she donated a kidney to help save the life of her boss.


  • 11月原定于在纽约长岛一个广场举办唱片签售会由于现场失控而不得不取消

    Crowds at a November album signing at a Long Island, N.Y., mall got so out of hand that the event had to be called off.


  • 这就像是打开一个时间闸门,“居住在纽约长岛34岁it工作者德鲁·彼得森说道。”

    "IT was like opening a time capsule," says Drew Peterson, a 34-year-old former IT worker from Long Island, New York.


  • 今年21岁迈克·舒尔茨纽约长岛通讯专业的名研究生滑滑板小精灵跌倒了。

    Mike Schultz, a 21-year-old communications graduate in Long Island, New York, fell over while looking for Pokemon on his skateboard.


  • 1827年,哈里森·格雷·戴尔纽约长岛使用一种电报形式但是放弃这个想法

    In 1827, Harrison Grey Dyer used a form of the telegraph on long Island, New York, but he gave up the idea.


  • 1827年,哈里森森·格雷·戴尔纽约长岛使用一种电报形式但是放弃这个想法

    In 1827, Harrison GREy Dyer used a form of the telegraph on long Island, New York, but he gave up the idea.


  • 美国纽约长岛地区小镇使用谷歌地球”地图搜索引擎,查出大约250个未经申报的私建泳池

    A town on New York's Long Island has used the satellite image service of Google Earth to find about 250 pools whose owners never filled out the required paperwork.


  • 甚至着手在纽约长岛修建座名为瓦登·克里夫的巨型电讯据此来实现对于无线输电构想

    He even started building Wardenclyffe tower on Long Island, New York, an enormous telecommunications tower that would also test his idea for wireless power transmission.


  • 美国工作室Desai Chia纽约长岛已经整修了一间乡间住宅创造了主要住宅形成对比延展空间。

    US studio Desai Chia Architecture has overhauled a country home in Long Island, New York, and created an extension that is meant to be an "expressive counterpoint" to the main dwelling.


  • 最新研究中,纽约长岛阿德尔菲大学博士研究生弗兰克-蒂芙妮-L同事们研究了在高中就读的90兄弟姐妹

    In the current study, Frank Tiffany l., a doctoral candidate at Adelphi University in Long Island, and her colleagues surveyed 90 pairs of siblings in high school.


  • 最新研究中,纽约长岛阿德尔菲大学博士研究生弗兰克-蒂芙妮-L同事们研究了在高中就读的90兄弟姐妹

    In the current study, Frank Tiffany l., a doctoral candidate at Adelphi University in Long Island, and her colleagues survd 90 pairs of siblings in high school.


  • 我们正在纽约长岛之角Montauk海滨度假圣地度过假 期,而假期第一早晨进行18英里跑步并不高兴

    She was none too happy about the 18-miler I had to do on the first morning of our vacation in Montauk, the scenic beach resort at the tip of Long Island, New York.


  • 我们最后一场演奏为了纽约大都会队是从长岛长大崇拜一支球队。

    Our last performance was for the New York Mets, a team I'd idolized while growing up on Long Island.


  • 由于大陆军缺乏经验,长岛曼哈顿纽约原战役中战败

    The inexperienced Continental Army was defeated on Long Island, Manhattan, and at White Plains, New York.


  • 你们肩上负着新的责任希望你们能留在长岛,留在纽约

    Taking on new responsibilities and I hope you will stay here on Long Island. I hope you will stay in new York.


  • 纽约长岛座名为“Amityville Horror”鬼屋。好几恐怖片灵感都来自这座房子,1974年这里还曾发生过一起令人毛骨悚然谋杀案

    There's the Amityville horror house in Long Island, N.Y., the inspiration for several horror movies and site of a gruesome murder in 1974.


  • 纽约所遭受飓风袭击并不多见,但次次骇最近的一次便是1985年的格丽亚飓风肆虐长岛带来了巨大破坏

    Only a few big hurricanes have ever hit New York City. The last of them was hurricane Gloria in 1985, which caused substantial damage on Long Island.


  • 结果是长岛2007年是纽约抵押物赎回权丧失率最高的地区之一,显著影响少数族裔居民的生活。

    Consequently, Long Island boasted some of New York State's top foreclosure rates in 2007, notably affecting visible-minority residents.


  • 经过长岛纽约英格兰的被摧毁的公路命名长岛高速1938年新英格兰飓风)使东北部居民措手不及

    Named after its destructive path through Long Island, New York, and New England, the Long Island Express (a.k.a. the New England Hurricane of 1938) caught northeastern residents by surprise.


  • 据说最强降雪发生新泽西州西部纽约长岛地区。

    It said the heaviest snowfall had occurred in eastern New Jersey, New York City and western Long Island.


  • 8月希拉里切尔西纽约长岛我们朋友利兹罗宾斯一起海滩度过几天的假日。

    In August, Hillary, Chelsea, and I went to Long Island, New York, to spend a few days on the beach with our friend Liz Robbins.


  • 两个主要美国土著部落居住今天纽约的土地,他们分别:居住德逊河谷以及长岛上的Algonquin部落以及西边的Iroquois部落。

    Two major groups of Native Americans lived in what is now New York State: the Algonquin in the Hudson Valley and on Long Island and the Iroquois to the west.


  • 二十年多来除了连接长岛线路外,纽约没有建设过其它新的大型输电线路。

    Save for two underwater connections to Long Island, new York State has not built a major new power line in 20 years.


  • 旧金山每顿饭平均花费38.88美元,是全国第五城市仅次于拉斯维加斯(每餐高达47.53美元)、纽约长岛迈阿密

    The average meal in San Francisco was found to cost $38.88 - fifth highest in the country - behind only Las Vegas, which topped at $47.53, New York City, Long Island, and Miami.


  • 旧金山每顿饭平均花费38.88美元,是全国第五城市仅次于拉斯维加斯(每餐高达47.53美元)、纽约长岛迈阿密

    The average meal in San Francisco was found to cost $38.88 - fifth highest in the country - behind only Las Vegas, which topped at $47.53, New York City, Long Island, and Miami.


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