• 纽约医院预防心脏病项目负责人莫斯卡博士说。

    Lori Mosca, director of preventive cardiology at New York-Presbyterian Hospital.


  • 纽约医院康奈尔医学中心科学家,已人类海马齿状分离出脑细胞前体

    Scientists at New York Hospital Comell Medical Center have isolated the progenitors of brain cells from the human dentate gyrus section of the hippocampus.


  • 纽约医院康奈尔大学医疗中心Steven Spandorfer博士与其同事106位准备IVF的患者进行了研究,这些患者均接受HPVHIV原体淋病检测

    Dr. Steven Spandorfer and colleagues at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center studied 106 patients scheduled to have IVF. They were all tested for HPV, HIV, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.


  • Yehuda纽约退伍军人管理医院首席精神病学专家。

    Yehuda is the chief psychiatrist at New York's Veteran's Administration Hospital.


  • 一家著名的研究医院给她提供了一份薪水不错的工作。

    A famous research hospital in New York had offered her a job with good pay.


  • 如果没有父母帮助我们指导孩子计划将会失败,”纽约皇后医院小儿胃肠病医师适合儿童的项目负责人安东尼·波尔图博士说道

    "Without the help of parents, we are setting a child up for failure," says Dr. Anthony Porto, a pediatric gastroenterologist at New York Hospital Queens and the director of the Fit Kids program.


  • 使用脏话需要技巧因为一种非常紧张激烈沟通方式,”研究论文执笔者之一、纽约医院精神病医生丹尼尔-奇莫曼说道

    "Swearing always has to be used very tactfully, because it is a very intense communication," said study co-author Daniel Zimmerman, a staff psychiatrist at a hospital in New York.


  • 一个雾蒙蒙十月上午,结束多化疗,傍晚时母亲开车纽约长老教会医院,一边和所有搭乘公车乘客一样交通报道

    On a hazy October morning, after months of chemotherapy, my mother and I drove down to New York-Presbyterian Hospital in the near-dark, listening to traffic reports like all the other commuters.


  • 比如过去一年中,在加利福尼亚纽约意大利波兰医院已经提供Zamboni式疗法——由于不在保险范畴之内,因此其开销为10000美元更多

    In the past year, for instance, hospitals in California, New York, Italy and Poland have offered the Zamboni treatment—at a cost of $10,000 or more because it is not covered by insurance.


  • 1988年接受一职务,州里的精神病医院大约25000张床位OM H所运营,到我2002年离开纽约时,大约为4500张(现在可能少了)。

    When I assumed this role, in 1988, there were almost 25, 000 psychiatric state hospital beds operated by OMH, and when I left New York in 2002, there were about 4, 500 (and there are even fewer now).


  • 纽约的“Montefiore医疗中心使用可以进行远程管理遥控监测器械将老年患者医院就诊人数减少了30%

    The Montefiore Medical Centre in New York has reduced hospital admissions for older patients by more than 30% by using remote monitors which allow doctors to manage them at a distance.


  • 纽约卢克·罗斯福医院睡眠失调研究所提出了以下几个改善睡眠质量方法。

    Here are some tips from the sleep Disorders Institute at New York's St. Luke's Roosevelt hospital to help you get the sleep you need.


  • 图中为查得(Richard Xia)先生纽约皇后区医院酒店的施工现场

    Richard Xia, at the site at the site of a hospital and hotel project in Queens.


  • 纽约联合医院家庭健康关注项目经理CarolLevine指出这项研究没有提到医院系统中的家庭护理人员

    Carol Levine, director of the families and health care project of the United hospital Fund in New York, noted that the study failed to mention the role of family caregivers in a hospital setting.


  • 这个议题如此关键以至于纽约要求距离病人20分钟路程范围医院救护车配备冷却设备

    It's so critical that New York City requires ambulances to take some patients up to 20 minutes out of the way to hospitals with cooling equipment.


  • 纽约大学教室里,就在这座伟大城市各家公司董事会会议室里,就在学术会堂里,就在我们一所所优秀医院手术室里。

    In the classrooms of NYU, in the board rooms of the businesses of this great city, in the halls of academia, in the operating rooms of our great hospitals.


  • 去年纽约已经想出了一个改善方法,议会赞成关闭那些经营不善的医院疗养院

    New York saw a hint of progress last year, when a state commission recommended closing underused hospitals and nursing homes.


  • 几年纽约一直通过提供高额的公共医疗补助系统津贴来维护那些医疗水平欠佳医院疗养院,该系统一直在提供一些没有必要的服务

    For years New York has subsidised inefficient hospitals and nursing homes through high Medicaid reimbursement rates, providing an incentive to provide unnecessary services.


  • 立刻送往纽约一家顶级医院世界许多地方专家们都由于受伤严重,她可能永远不能行走了。

    She was rushed to a top hospital in New York and specialists from many parts of the world said that because of her severe injuries, she would never walk again.


  • 玛丽医院阿姆斯特丹纽约

    St. Mary's Hospital, Amsterdam, New York.


  • 来到设在雷溪纽约州立结核病医院那儿工作了将近两年

    He had gone to the Tuberculosis Hospital of New York State at Ray Brook where he worked for close to two years.


  • 纽约消防局表示吊车皇后区发生车祸,导致若干受伤其中一部分受伤人员送进医院

    The New York City Fire Department says a crane collapsed in the borough of Queens, injuring several people, some of whom have been hospitalized.


  • 纽约消防局表示吊车皇后区发生车祸,导致若干受伤其中一部分受伤人员送进医院

    The New York City Fire Department says a crane collapsed in the borough of Queens, injuring several people, some of whom have been hospitalized.


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