• 我们相信医院污水汇入城市污水后流入巴拉或者其他河流最终到了海滩

    We believe that hospital sewage goes into municipal sewage and gets to the Guanabara Bay or to other rivers and finally gets to the beach.


  • 葡萄牙人1502年1月1日发现了里约热内卢纳巴拉名字意思为“一月”。

    The Portuguese discovered Rio de Janeiro and Guanabara Bay on January 1, 1502 and its name translates as 'January River'.


  • 这座雕塑坐落海拔700科科瓦多山顶,站在那里可以将瓜巴拉的美景尽收眼底。

    Located at the top of the 700-meter Corcovado Mountain, it offers a sweeping *panorama of Guanabara Bay.


  • 法老约瑟,叫撒发忒巴内亚,又将安城祭司波提非拉的女儿亚西

    Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife.


  • 同时,根据马斯博士同事卡维塔·巴拉所述,这项技术可能可以应用网络零售方向

    In the meantime, according to Dr Marschner's colleague Kavita Bala, the technology might have an application in online retailing.


  • 美国去年巴拉发动了直升飞机袭击,打死青年党一名领导人卜汉

    A U.S. helicopter strike last year in the town of Barawe killed an al-Shabab commander, Salah Ali Salah Nabhan.


  • 新作《纤维中的马哈巴·哈拉特》中,麦克唐先生为阿姆·巴尼故事添加最新的资料,加上了关于迪卢柏2002年逝世章节以及随后位兄弟穆柯西尼尔之间世仇

    In his new work, "Mahabharata in Polyester", Mr McDonald brings the story up to date, adding chapters about Dhirubhai's death in 2002 and the subsequent feud between his two sons, Mukesh and Anil.


  • 拉曼·桑、威尔考克斯印度冰川学家萨义德·以邱巴尔·哈斯正在协同工作计算炭黑冰川融解所造成损失

    Ramanathan, Wilcox and an Indian glaciologist Syed Iqbal Hasnain are working to figure out the impact of black carbon on glacial loss.


  • “革旧鼎新”一词已然难以公平描述印度籍作家巴拉格•壮志雄心

    The term “sweeping” hardly does justice to the ambition of Indian-born Parag Khanna.


  • 巴萨罗塞维利亚曾经是社会党的强力支持者,然而社会党在此次选举失去两座城市控制权,同时还是去了两座城市:拉曼查和亚拉贡

    The Socialists lost control of traditional strongholds like the town halls of Barcelona and Seville, and the regional governments of Castilla La Mancha and Aragon.


  • 我们亚历山大一起观赏最先出现那些风景一个和蔼铁路工程师莫斯科南面柯劳(Kolomna)来,这次是巴拉宾斯克(Barabinsk)去出差几天

    We Shared many of the early scenic pleasures with Alexander, a kindly train engineer from Kolomna, just south of Moscow, who was travelling to Barabinsk for a few days' work.


  • 马托格罗索离主要大豆港口2000公里巴拉瓜港口无法承载大型现代船只

    The fields of Mato Grosso are 2,000km from the main soyabean port at Paranaguá, which cannot take the largest, most modern ships.


  • 同年马拉多加入了巴赛罗西班牙人球队转会费达70亿里拉

    In the same year Diego was engaged by the Spaniard team Barcellona, that paid for his transfer the record sum of 7 billion liras.


  • 1984年,经过长时间艰苦谈判那不勒斯足球队支付了130亿里拉的高价后,终于马拉多入巴赛罗队。

    In 1984 after a long, difficult negotiation Naples Football Team succeeded in engaging Maradona, paying 13 billion liras to Barcellona.


  • 41:45法老赐名约瑟撒发忒巴内亚,又将安城祭司波提非拉的女儿亚西,给

    Gen 41:45 Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife.


  • 最近,志工再度到西南部巴拉,展开发放,帮助了330户人家

    Recently, volunteers arrived in Bombita of Barahona Province to help distribute aid to 330 households.


  • 转会前线切尔西继续埃辛紧追不舍阿森沮丧签约里奥-巴蒂斯塔追逐中败给皇马后仍急于寻求维埃拉的替代者。

    On the transfer front Chelsea continue the chase for Essien whilst Arsenal seek to make a signing to replace Vieira after sadly losing out to Real Madrid for the signature of Julio Baptista.


  • 巴拉稻田农夫亚空下跌的出产量地下水资源的减量,迫使重新考虑密集使用化工肥料的种田方法

    Paddy farmer Nayakom from the Palakkad district says falling yields and declining ground water resources forced him to rethink his chemical fertilizer-intensive farming methods.


  • 令人担忧安保不完备接待·巴拉肮脏的水域都给即将到来的2016里约奥运阴影。

    Concerns over security, incomplete accommodation and filthy water in Ganabara Bay have blighted the run up to Rio 2016.


  • 令人担忧的安保、不完备接待·巴拉肮脏的水域都给即将到来的2016里约奥运阴影。

    Concerns sover security, incomplete accommodation and filthy water in Ganabara Bay have blighted the run up to Rio 2016.


  • 巴萨主教练瓜迪奥拉确认普约尔几乎铁定无缘周三冠军杯客战阿森

    Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola has confirmed that defender Carles Puyol is almost certain to miss Wednesday's Champions League tie against Arsenal due to injury.


  • 约克斯吉特并不满足一名阿罗过滤公司的安全系统技术员,为了发财,把提班气体秘密卖给巴拉格温武器设计师赫米·奥德尔,奥德尔再将提班气体注入爆能枪能量夹。

    Not content as a security systems technician at A'roFilter, Yoxgit supplemented his income by secretly selling Tibanna gas to the Baragwin weapons designer Hermi Odle for infusion in blaster packs.


  • 都柏林又一期间,他会见未来妻子诺拉·巴克尔。

    He stayed in Dublin for another year, during which time he met his future wife, Nora Barnacle.


  • 麦达正在鲁迪·佩雷兹训练,佩雷兹先前训练过莫拉·雷斯的职业对手,马可·安东尼奥·巴雷拉

    Maidana is now being trained by Rudy Perez, who previously trained Morales' career rival, Marco Antonio Barrera.


  • 巴拉·戈尔,婆罗门学者儿子

    He lived at Baranagore and was the son of a brahmin pundit.


  • 星期一摩托车枪手开枪打死了省议员拉扎。海德尔保镖,当时他们正在卡拉奇的兹马巴德城区参加海德尔一个亲戚葬礼

    On Monday, gunmen on motorcycles shot and killed lawmaker Raza Haider and his bodyguard as they attended the funeral for one of Haider's relatives in the Nazimabad area of the city.


  • 星期一摩托车枪手开枪打死了省议员拉扎。海德尔保镖,当时他们正在卡拉奇的兹马巴德城区参加海德尔一个亲戚葬礼

    On Monday, gunmen on motorcycles shot and killed lawmaker Raza Haider and his bodyguard as they attended the funeral for one of Haider's relatives in the Nazimabad area of the city.


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