• 当天晚上几百英里之外,希姆莱到波罗海边吕贝克的瑞典领事馆内会见纳多特伯爵

    That very evening several hundred miles away Heinrich Himmler was meeting with Count Bernadette in the Swedish consulate at Luebeek on the Baltic.


  • 虽然贝尔纳多不是瑞典宫廷的首选,但唯一一个亨利四世(俩都出生于波城)一样,愿意为了王座转变信仰的。

    Though Bernadotte was not the Swedish emissaries' first choice at the imperial court, he was the only one who, like his fellow townsman Henry IV, was prepared to change his religion for a throne.


  • 出生于贝恩地区著名虚构人物达达尼昂,大仲马《三个火枪手》的主角之一,有人这个人物的原型就是贝尔本人

    The most famous fictional son of Bearn is D'Artagnan, of the King's Musketeers, whom some say was modeled by Dumas upon none other than Bernadotte himself.


  • 林,作为球队老板,发誓从今以后,我绝对不会向任何名快船队组织成员喝倒彩

    I, Donald Sterling, do swear that from this day forward, I will never boo a single member of the Clippers organization.


  • 例如上周邮政总局局长·宣布了周六停止购物中心送货计划此举每年可以节省30亿美元。

    Last week, for example, Postmaster General Pat Donahoe announced plans to stop mall delivery on Saturdays, a move he says could save $3 billion annually.


  • 例如上周美国邮政总局局长·宣布计划停止周六邮件派送服务这一举措每年可以节省30亿美元。

    Last week, for example, Postmaster General Pat Donahoe announced plans to stop mail delivery on Saturdays, a move he says could save $3 billion annually.


  • 这些品系随后迪亚、潘那加、坎普尔浦那的试验田种植。

    These strains were subsequently planted in test plots at Ludhiana, Pantnagar, Kanpur, Pune and Indore.


  • 请参阅·霍恩布莱恩·文撰写的关于气候变化政治部分系列文章。

    See two-part series on climate change and politics with Art Horn and Bryan Donavan.


  • 认为韩国患有孤独症孩子世上其他地方,这样想法毫无道理。”李文瑟尔

    "There's no reason to think that South Korea has more children with autism than anyplace else in the world," says Bennett Leventhal, another author of the study.


  • 心理学家普拉巴·谢米·斯斯为进一步统一以前各有关研究文献观点,大学开展了一项后续性实验。

    To tighten the focus on those early findings, psychologists Prathiba Shammi and Donald Stuss conducted a follow-up study at the University of Toronto.


  • 同一天卡斯雷萨会见罗森博格的儿子爱德华

    That same day, Castresana met with Rosenberg's son Eduardo.


  • 亚历克·科布Donabate附近处宅里渐渐长大只是挂在他家客厅绘画中的一幅。

    When Alec Cobbe was growing up in a mansion near Donabate, the painting was just one of many in his family drawing room.


  • 阿里补充说道菜里放强劲·辣椒Jolokia叫印度它们都被认为世界上辣的咖喱品种

    The dish contains the potent Dorset naga and the Jolokia, or ghost naga, both reputed to be among the hottest varieties chillis in the world, Ali added.


  • 德·华(Donald Watson)这个土生土长英国64年前一手创立素食学会(vegan Society)创造了“vegan”这个,不幸他95高寿时与世长辞。

    Native Briton Donald Watson, the man who had founded the vegan Society and coined the term "vegan" 64 years earlier, recently left this earthly existence behind at the age of 95.


  • 恩斯名市场调查员对5200户家庭进行调查最近的一次调查中,梅尔·卡产品根据经济价值位列第一。

    Mercadona products were ranked number one, in terms of value for money, in a recent survey of 5,200 households by TNS, a market researcher.


  • 强尼·德普莱奥纳多·迪卡普里奥、好莱坞情侣朱莉并列第二

    Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio and Hollywood couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie all tied for 2nd.


  • 与此同时常务副总裁戴夫利、比尔•维迪扎达克获得了晋升,以后直接首席执行官李艾科汇报工作

    Meanwhile, EVPs Dave Donatelli, Bill Veghte, and Jan Zadak are all getting promoted and will report directly to CEO Leo Apotheker. (All Things D)


  • 莎士比亚学者,斯坦利·威尔斯教授出面宣称,放在Donabate)的那件不显眼的绘画作品唯一幸存的、威廉·莎士比亚在他在世时在现实生活中所留下来肖像画。。

    The Shakespeare scholar, Professor Stanley Wells, has come forward to claim that the inconspicuous work from Donabate is the only surviving portrait of William Shakespeare, painted from life.


  • 发现两侧感染了肺结核,他纽约沙拉著名疗养院寻求治疗

    Discovering that he had contracted tuberculosis in both lungs, he sought treatment at the famous Trudeau Sanatorium in Saranac Lake, New York.


  • 购买的这葡萄酒也是同一个波尔酿制的苏恩白葡萄酒,只是的这瓶酒酿制称为“彗星之”的1811年。

    Vanneque's bottle is also a sweet Sauternes from the same Bordeaux chateau, though his purchase was produced in 1811, a year also known as the 'comet year.


  • 多特认为一种可能发发损伤可能源自发发2010年的肿瘤

    Nardott believes there is a possibility that Fafa has liver damage, which may have arisen from a cancerous tumour Fafa had in 2010.


  • 克·莫弗斯一个沙人的是第一中的加·相同基础人物模型

    Nack Movers is a Trandoshan, using the same basic character model as Gha Nachkt from Season One.


  • 饲养员托马斯·非恩一起。全身心投入工作的非恩降生后一直住在动物园内以便给克提供全天候照顾

    Knut and his keeper, Thomas Doerflein. The dedicated Doerflein has slept in the zoo since Knut was born in order to provide round-the-clock care.


  • 德·彼得歌德目前担任美国新罕布什尔州尔顿米尔德·莱德c莱克小学校长

    Donald Bidgood is currently the principal of the Mildred C. Lakeway Elementary School, in Littleton, New Hampshire, USA.


  • 这些人是真正阿森球迷他们希望去看预备队的比赛,或者青年队比赛他们在埃米尔球场线比赛一样

    But these are real Arsenal fans who like to go to reserve games at Barnet or go and watch the youth team as much as they see the first team play at the Emirates.


  • 喷泉设计者·沃克是个极简主义者喷泉少即”的经典例子

    Designed by Peter Walker who is a Minimalist, the tanner fountain is a classic example of "less is more".


  • 喷泉设计者·沃克是个极简主义者喷泉少即”的经典例子

    Designed by Peter Walker who is a Minimalist, the tanner fountain is a classic example of "less is more".


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