• 到19世,那不勒斯的面包师拉法尔卡·埃斯西托才开始销售第一批现代披萨。

    It was the nineteenth century before Rafacla Esposito, a baker from Naples, began to sell the first modern pizzas.


  • 大约在公元3利·尼亚第一次航海这个小岛

    Some time around the 3rd century A.D, Polynesians first sailed to the island.


  • 一种属于21神奇物质能够保护房屋远离爆炸冲击能够清除油料泄露,甚至能帮助人类火星

    A MIRACLE material for the 21st century could protect your home against bomb blasts, mop up oil spillages and even help man to fly to Mars.


  • 亚克的拉图尔酒人们依靠马匹耕作葡萄园14那样那个时候,葡萄藤第一次这个庄园里种植

    At chateau Latour in Pauillac, horses plough the vineyards just as they did in the 14th century, when vines were first grown on the estate.


  • 这种趋势就曾发生古罗马17中国明代18皇族,20大不列颠以及最近苏联的身上。

    That, he argues, was what happened to Ancient Rome, the Ming dynasty in 17th-century China, the Bourbons in 18th-century France, 20th-century Britain and, most recently, the Soviet Union.


  • 例如利的《》,16奇家族收藏目录称作《九个人物提切利油画》。

    Botticelli's Primavera, for example, was described as a "Painting by Botticelli with Nine Figures" in a 16th-century catalog of the Medici family's holdings.


  • 无线因此需要超大望远镜,”21扩展型VLA (EVLA)的研究者里克

    "Radio waves are very long and so you need very large telescopes," said Rick Perley, who is working on the 21st century Expanded VLA, or EVLA.


  • 斯特拉地理学家时候写作形容山脊城市高墙陡峭至极难于攀登

    Strabo the geographer, writing in the first century, described the city walls high on the crest of a hill, as being steep to the very top and difficult to ascend.


  • 但是在将近1亿年前现代蛇类近亲们靠着它们船桨似的尾巴白垩的水流里随起伏,拖曳着它们短小而笨拙的后腿。

    But nearly 100 million years ago relatives of modern snakes undulated through Cretaceous period waters aided by a paddlelike tail and dragging a pair of short, footless hind legs.


  • 20世90年代中期,籍着合作畅销书《基业常青》,吉姆·科林斯杰里·愿景塑造”的复兴作出了主要的贡献。

    Jim Collins and Jerry Porras were largely responsible for a revival of interest in the "visioning thing" in the mid-1990s with their best-selling book "Built to Last".


  • 冰川时期数据表明20世70年代80年代,老海一旦流入一般就能安然渡过当年夏天冰融季节

    Ice age data show that back in the 1970s and 1980s, old ice drifting into the Beaufort sea would generally survive the summer melt season.


  • 我们今天所熟知单词piratepyrate”,大概是在公元前中期的时候,罗马历史学家利比乌斯(Polybius)首次使用的词“periato”演变而的,意思是“海洋掠夺者”。

    The word we know today as 'pirate' or 'pyrate' comes from the Roman historian Polybius around the mid 100 BC era, who used the word 'periato' to describe sea marauders.


  • 20世20年代烈放弃了现代时尚界领军人物的角色转而投身于嘉伯丽·香奈儿的服装公司。

    By the late 1920s Poiret abdicated his role as fashion's leading modernist to Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel.


  • 15佛罗伦萨居民包括了布鲁内,吉贝尔蒂,多纳太罗,马萨乔因扎吉里皮,法兰克福机场安吉利哥,韦罗基奥提切利,达芬奇米开朗琪罗

    The inhabitants of fifteenth century Florence included Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Donatello, Masaccio, Filippo Lippi, Fra Angelico, Verrocchio, Botticelli, Leonardo, and Michelangelo.


  • 19之交柯达推出第一相机(1888年),这里纳尔所说记录包括轻巧便携的柯达相机快照

    At the turn of the 19th century, the "notes" Bonnard made included snapshots that he took with his flexible hand-held Kodak camera, which had first been introduced in 1888.


  • 中叶,在大阪建都”,它作为日本古老城市久经繁荣沧桑。

    By the middle of the seventh century, the capital of Osaka "Namba Palace", as Japan's oldest city and well-vicissitudes of life and prosperity.


  • 20著名童星秀兰·邓儿·布莱克与世长辞,享年85岁。

    Shirley Temple Black, who was one of the most iconic child stars of the 20th century, has died. She was 85.


  • 可以预料21具有良好机动性、耐性、续航力攻防较强的隐身潜艇成为海战主力军,它标志著海上隐身作战时代的到来。

    We can anticipate that in 21centery, the flexible anechoic submarine, which is shockproof and has strong attack and defence capability will become the main force of the sea fight.


  • 副理事长主持筹备会议

    Vice Chairman Ji Mingbo chaired preparatory meetings.


  • 20初,保罗·烈将妇女从紧身胸衣解放出来。

    Poiret is recognized with freeing women form the confines of the corset in the first decade of the 20th century.


  • 科学家首次19世30年代发现但是一直没有想到纺锤可能跟睡眠深浅程度相关

    Scientists first spotted them in the 1930s, but they didn't suspect they were involved in how deeply people sleep.


  • 名字来自于一个17的有名别墅贝瑞塔,瓦尔切拉区的东部地区维罗纳

    Its name comes from the splendid Villa Beretta, built in the 17th century in Mizzole, in the eastern part of the Valpolicella zone, Podestà (municipal ruler) of the city of Verona.


  • 文中提供一些海底沉积物地质分析14C测年等资料采用研究方法今后南海北部大陆架的第四地质海底以及海底稳定性研究参考价值

    Some of the geological analyses on seafloor sediments, 14C data and the adopted methods provided in the paper have all a certain reference value for future studies on Quaternary geology, …


  • 专辑生化女爵》充满未来感的超现实的基调强力出击,第一单曲《今晚灵魂出窍了!》世人展示浴火重生的声线,准备21电音当道舞池中狠狠的燃烧一把。

    Her new Bionic boasts a futuristic album cover and buzzing first single that show off her renewed desire to hit the dance club with high-powered beats from the 21st century.


  • 专辑生化女爵》充满未来感的超现实的基调强力出击,第一单曲《今晚灵魂出窍了!》世人展示浴火重生的声线,准备21电音当道舞池中狠狠的燃烧一把。

    Her new Bionic boasts a futuristic album cover and buzzing first single that show off her renewed desire to hit the dance club with high-powered beats from the 21st century.


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