• 20世50年代末,菲利普·奈特俄勒冈大学田径队中长跑运动员,他的教练比尔·鲍尔

    In the late 1950s, Philip Knight was a middle-distance runner on the University of Oregon track team, coached by Bill Bowerman.


  • 无论如何,只有阿尔特清楚阿黛勒愿望,就是肖像留给生前热爱的维也纳,一个20初期那个充满了活力精采和宽容大气城市,而不是一个犹太人的生活再也无从寻觅的地方( Jewish lifehadgone那段历史看,我倾向于译为生命消失)。

    She wanted the paintings left to the Vienna she knew, the vibrant, glittering, tolerant city of the early 20th century; not to a place from which all Jewish life had gone.


  • 可能比它伟大画作,比如大卫》,《最后的晚餐》或者西斯廷教堂》,但是要论绝对魅力的还要数15中叶的帖那的壁画

    There may be more important works of art, like the David or the Last Supper or the Sistine Chapel, but for sheer charm there's nothing like these 15th-century frescoes by Mantegna.


  • 三个时间线上杰克挽救垂死妻子而最终他去到25耀眼星云太空船上,那里的泡沫中有棵垂死的生命之树。

    In three timelines, Jackman tries to save his dying wife, eventually traveling in the 25th century to a blinding nebula in a spaceship bubble bearing a dying tree of life.


  • 克劳斯托马斯·长子现在似乎(至少看来)越来越可以肯定,在20最伟大小说家中,托马斯·必居其一。

    Klaus was the eldest son of Thomas Mann, who now seems (to me anyway) more and more certainly one of the two or three greatest novelists of the 20th century.


  • 一些人则对作者栩栩如生地19骑兵艰苦生活,以及他们战马尤其是感兴趣

    Others will be even more intrigued by the author's vivid recreation of the tribulations of 19th-century cavalrymen. And of their horses, especially Comanche.


  • 克里特岛尼底斯相传生于公元前7,他290旧约所云,诺亚活了950士撒拉活了969岁。

    Epimenides of Crete was said to have lived for 290 years, starting in the 7th century BC, and according to the old Testament, Noah lived to be 950 years old and Methuselah 969.


  • 1619也门成为奥托帝国一部分;一些时期伊玛目控制也门。

    By the 16th century and again in the 19th century, north Yemen was part of the Ottoman Empire, and in some periods its Imams exerted control over south Yemen.


  • 利伯奔跑研究进了哈佛大学19皮博迪博物馆

    Lieberman has taken his research into running into Harvard's 19th-century Peabody Museum.


  • ·明斯基——20美国经济学家——对一观点的论述尤其著名

    This view was famously expounded by Hyman Minsky, a 20th-century American economist.


  • 几乎同时代关于主题罗马著作实例展示了一份可能米尔顿·弗雷德(20著名货币主义者)很难超越的分析报告。

    An example of nearly contemporary Roman writing on the subject shows an analysis which Milton Freidman (a famous 20th century monetarist) would have been hard pressed to better.


  • 普斯堡皇室打败奥托18大量克罗地亚人脱离了土耳其人的统治,1797年- 1815年之间转为由哈普斯堡皇室的君主统治(奥地利的君主政体或者仅仅是奥地利)。

    Habsburg thwarted the Ottomans, and by the 18th century, much of Croatia was free of Turkish control and came under Habsburg Monarchy (Austrian Monarchy or simply Austria) between 1797 and 1815.


  • 使得牛顿有充分理由相信炼金术,而且绝大多数17试验科学家相信”,教授解释道。

    It was perfectly reasonable for Isaac Newton to believe in alchemy,” said Dr. Newman. “Most of the experimental scientists of the 17th century did.”


  • 这座教堂哥特式格拉斯哥大教堂顺路而昵称大教堂,是因为这个地方,6的主教建造了第一座教堂。

    The church is just down the road from the Gothic Glasgow Cathedral, nicknamed Saint Mungo's Cathedral because it's on the spot where the sixth-century bishop built his first church.


  • 20世70年代以前,花园一直伦敦市场供应蔬菜花卉

    As late as the 1970s, the Newman gardens supplied vegetables and flowers to London's markets.


  • 13马可波罗经过这儿时曾土库地毯赞不绝口游客可以Tolkuchka市场(中亚最大市场之一)条带回家中

    Marco Polo raved about Turkmen carpets when he passed through in the 13th century; visitors can buy one to take home at the Tolkuchka Bazaar, one of the largest markets in Central Asia.


  • 美国20福克斯(20th Century Fox)国际家庭娱乐总裁基思•费尔Keith Feldman)认为:“人们有喜好收集心态”。

    There’s a collecting mentality, ” suggests Keith Feldman, the head of international home entertainment at 20th Century Fox.


  • 摩根·士丹利日本三菱部费尔先生称,20世90年代以来,生产率每年1%左右水平上升

    According to Mr Feldman at Morgan Stanley MUFG, since the 1990s productivity has been rising by an average of around 1% a year.


  • 欧卡左岸遍布茂密森林,19世60年代一位名为考夫的俄罗斯教授注意到一种奇怪变迁物种。

    All the left bank of the river Oka is covered with a dense forest. In the 60s of the XIXth century one Russian professor Kaufman took notice of a strange transitional nature in this place.


  • 20世70年代初期俄勒冈大学竞赛教练比尔鲍尔太太比利时格子饼贴膜上加热聚氨酯,打造出第一个有软垫鞋子底,后来促成了NikeAir运动鞋的问世。

    University of Oregon track coach Bill Bowerman created the first cushioned mid-sole by heating polyure-thane on his wife's waffle iron in the early 70s, which later led to the creation of Nike Air.


  • 1270年,马可波罗穿越波斯称赞地毯奇迹17世,科地毯投入生产。

    Marco Polo, travelling through Persia in 1270, praised the carpets of Kirman as a particular marvel.


  • 18世50年代加州淘金热退去后,由于戈德·菲尔德当地历史学家罗布·菲尔的发现,成为最主要金矿聚集地。

    Goldfield was a leading gold mining hub in the 1850s after the California gold rush subsided, according to Rob Feldman, a local historian.


  • 此行重头戏应该红衣主教约翰·亨利·宣福礼此人为备受英国国教天主教派所喜爱的19世自由神学家

    The highlight of the trip should be the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman, a liberal theologian much beloved of Anglo-Catholics.


  • 20世60年代保罗·艾克首创领域以来,心理学家们已经找到其通用特色面部表情帮助衡量定义各种好奇情绪

    Since the 1960s when Paul Ekman pioneered the field, psychologists have looked for universal, characteristic facial expressions to help measure and classify emotions.


  • 将近18末期法国猎人命名条河流为“黄石(Roche Jaune)”,可能丹人(Minnetaree名字Mitsia-da-zi”(RockYellowRiver)翻译而来。

    Near the end of the 18th century, French trappers named the river "Roche Jaune, " which is probably a translation of the Minnetaree name "Mi tsi a-da-zi" (Rock Yellow River).[10]


  • 哈坎古老建筑之一建于18,当时14城堡守卫着这座城市。哈坎是如今存的两座中的座。

    Fort Mahakan is one of the oldest structures in Bangkok, built in the 18th century as one of 14 citadels guarding the city. Only one other fort remains.


  • 类似休考古队行动很快来自英国法国学者效仿,到了20意大利日本美国的学者也加入到这个行列。

    Archaeological teams like Humann's were soon followed by scholars from Britain and France, and into the 20th century from Italy, Japan and America.


  • 类似休考古队行动很快来自英国法国学者效仿,到了20意大利日本美国的学者也加入到这个行列。

    Archaeological teams like Humann's were soon followed by scholars from Britain and France, and into the 20th century from Italy, Japan and America.


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