• 阿尔文·艾利美国舞蹈形成20世纪50年代很快树立自己激进舞蹈艺术现代舞蹈最主要的典范。

    The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre was formed in the 1950s and quickly established itself as a leading exponent of progressive choreography and contemporary dance.


  • 19世纪著名艺术家文森特·梵高起初并不是一位画家。

    The famous artist in the 19th century, Vincent Van Gogh, was not a painter at the beginning.


  • 北极反馈最强莫过于海冰积雪米勒,他第四纪科学评论杂志关于过去“北极的放大效应”一文的主要作者。

    The most powerful of feedbacks in the Arctic is sea ice and snow cover, said Miller, the lead author on a paper about past "Arctic amplification" in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews.


  • 19世纪欧洲探险家大卫·利文斯敦约翰·汉等人来到这里寻找尼罗河源头

    In the 19th century European explorers like David Livingstone and John Hanning Speke came here searching for the source of the Nile.


  • 1965年纪子丈夫文仁秋筱宫亲王出生后,日本皇室一直添男丁,因此一时间出现了继承人危机

    No imperial boys had been born since Kiko's husband, Prince Akishino, in 1965, raising the possibility of a succession crisis.


  • 文森梵高平生传纪,比起萦绕数十浪漫故事还要令人心碎动人心魄

    THE story of Vincent van Gogh's life is more heartbreaking, and heart-lifting, than the romantic myth that has enshrouded him for decades.


  • 正如JoelKotkin城市”一文中所说,公元10世纪末中国城镇展示出亚历山大开罗提克,威尼斯一样大都市融合景象。

    As Joel Kotkin points out in "the City", Chinese towns at the end of the first millennium AD showed the same cosmopolitan mixture as did Alexandria, Cairo, Antioch and Venice.


  • 20世纪50年代一黄金时代小亚瑟•施莱辛曾写到伟大衰落”一文,伟人离去美国失去自身特色感到惋惜。

    In the 1950s, that golden age, Arthur Schlesinger Jr wrote "the Decline of Greatness", lamenting the departure of great men and the nation's descent into bland conformity.


  • 世纪拉丁文写成的诗引起这样一个问题,那就是我们想知道髑髅地的那强盗名字究竟象我们通常所承认的那样,叫狄马斯哲斯塔斯呢还是叫做狄斯马斯哲斯马斯。

    These verses in sixth century Latin raise the question whether the two thieves of Calvary were named, as is commonly believed, Dismas and Gestas, or Dismas and Gesmas.


  • 落基研究所研究员默里洛文斯提出一个有前景建议20世纪90年代指出消费者用来提供服务一度或是一点并不兴趣。

    One promising proposal came from Rocky Mountain Institute researcher Amory Lovins, who pointed out in the 1990s that consumers aren't interested in the kilowatt-hours or oil used to provide services.


  • 实验室负责人卡文迪许18世纪留下笔财富捐给剑桥

    So, he was the director of the laboratory, and Cavendish made a fortune in the 1700s, and willed it to Cambridge.


  • 俳文(haibun)是个日文名称,源于17世纪僧侣诗人松尾芭蕉(BashoMatsuo)的嵌俳句的诗文云游日记

    Haibun is the Japanese name for 17th Centurey poet-monk Basho Matsuo's poetic-prose travel journals which were studded with haiku.


  • 想法如果这份文献在,1世纪末期写许多学者所认为一样,可能希腊糟糕

    One way to think about this is if this document was written toward the last part of the first century, as a lot of scholars think it is, he may — and I said remember his Greek is bad.


  • 同样该国长期以来官僚深为自豪——而这些官僚同样可回溯至17世纪以来武从文武士

    The country has also long been immensely proud of its bureaucrats-they, too, date back to the samurai who sheathed their swords and became pen pushers from the 1600s onwards.


  • 文洛克以英格兰施罗普希尔的马奇文洛克命名19世纪举行一次运动会成为现代奥林匹克运动会的灵感之一。

    Wenlock is named after Much Wenlock, a village in Shropshire which held an event in the 19th century which inspired the modern Games.


  • 殷墟安阳发现甲骨文,是20世纪十大最重要考古发现

    The oracle bone inscriptions found in the Yin Dynasty Ruins in Anyang, top the ten greatest archaeological discoveries in 20th century.


  • 哈姆雷特一位文艺复兴时期英雄学识智慧高贵品质局限性悲剧代表着16世纪与17世纪之交人文主义者的特征。

    Hamlet is a hero of the Renaissance. His learning, wisdom, noble nature, limitation and tragedy are all representative of the humanists at the turn of the 16th and the 17th centuries.


  • 海德格尔审美现代性思想批判意义在于代表了20世纪欧陆人文主义哲学对于审美现代性问题探讨最高成就

    The significance of Heddegger's critical aesthetic modernity lies in that it represents the highest achievement in the study of aesthetic modernity by the 20th century European humanist philosophers.


  • 演出19世纪包括夏洛特高纬恢复原来案文着重更大现实主义

    Performances in the 19th century, including Charlotte Cushman's, restored the original text, and focused on greater realism.


  • 美国凯文·曼尼媒体潮》一书中预测,21世纪媒体之争品牌之争。

    Kevin Manny, an American people, calculates in his book named the big upsurge of medias, those competitions of the medias in the 21st century will be competitions of brands.


  • 20世纪以来随着现代主义、后现代主义解构主义思潮兴起,小说这一文学形式发生很大的变化。

    The form of novel has changed a lot since the development of Modernism, Postmodernism and Deconstruction from 20th Century.


  • 无文,恍若白垩纪侏罗纪只大爬虫

    The primitive and uncivilized nature of my life made me feel like a giant reptile during the Cretaceous or Jurassic periods.


  • 无文,恍若白垩纪侏罗纪只大爬虫

    The primitive and uncivilized nature of my life made me feel like a giant reptile during the Cretaceous or Jurassic periods.


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