• 我们已经看过肖像雕塑纪念逝者而的半身像,我们也看过了浮雕,或者墙上雕刻

    We've already looked at portrait sculpture which are busts created to commemorate people who had died, and we've looked at relief sculpture, or sculpting on walls.


  • 智囊机构“机器工业纪念基金会机器人可以来帮忙——小到可探测损伤微型胶囊,大至高科技真空吸尘器

    The thinktank, the Machine Industry Memorial Foundation, says robots could help fill the gaps, ranging from microsized capsules that detect lesions to high-tech vacuum cleaners.


  • 县长杨照兴受难地点建造一个纪念公园

    The county chief, Yang Chiu-hsing, said a memorial park would be built on the site.


  • 洪森,我决定南宁参加中国-东盟纪念峰会

    Hun Sen said that he has decided to head a delegation to participate in the China-ASEAN commemorative summit to be held in Nanning.


  • 端午节来源多种,有纪念屈原、龙纪念伍员20多种。

    Dragon Boat Festival has a variety of sources, to commemorate Qu Yuan has said that long, said Mrs. Memory and other members said more than 20 kinds.


  • 芬兰纪念大学经济学家移民专家ScottLynch:“一个渔业加工有关地区都存在人口流失问题。”

    Every single area associated with a fish plant is losing people,” says Scott Lynch, an economist and immigration specialist at Newfoundland’s Memorial University.


  • 芬兰纪念大学经济学家移民专家ScottLynch:“一个渔业加工有关地区都存在人口流失问题。”

    "Every single area associated with a fish plant is losing people," says Scott Lynch, an economist and immigration specialist at Newfoundland's Memorial University.


  • 某种程度上不过公司大胆妄为,”纽约纪念sloan -Kettering癌症中心PeterBach,“制度毫无控制。”

    "At some point it's just corporate chutzpah," says Peter Bach of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York. "There's no check in the system."


  • 怎么哪儿都嫌人多啊?长城有名的旅游景点,当然有各地的游客还有小商贩卖纪念品!哎,不过,你刚才,你第一次长城让你失望后来你再去是不是就感觉好多了?LL: Yeah, thatsecond trip rocked!

    LL: I'm glad you remember that. My first trip to the Great Wall WAS truly a letdown. It was so crowded with tourists and souvenir peddlers.


  • 坐在那里看着睡觉时我突然想起我们第一个结婚纪念过的话:个朋友湖边有一间小木屋我们向他借来度周末

    As I sat there watching him sleep, I remembered something I told him on our first anniversary: we had borrowed a cabin by a lake from a friend for the weekend.


  • 大型邻里间烤肉可能没有任何纪念意义一个小规模感恩节晚餐很大的象征意义

    He says that a large neighborhood barbecue might not commemorate anything in particular, whereas a small Thanksgiving dinner might have great symbolic meaning.


  • 神庙遗迹之间探索象形文字之谜,感兴趣秃鹫粪便:“就像大自然埃及纪念物宣告不是超凡脱俗吗?”

    Among the temple ruins, she interpreted hieroglyphs, while he interpreted vulture droppings "as though Nature said to the monuments of Egypt: 'You will have none of me?"


  • 报社问及为什么他们纪念馆里放纵自己时,伦敦客解释公共场所小便他们传统之一”。

    Asked by the newspaper why they relieved themselves on the monument, Londoners explained that public urinationis a part of their society”.


  • 我们结婚纪念永远初恋

    On our wedding anniversary, I want to say: You are my first love forever.


  • 布里甘蒂提醒,这座纪念成为一个象征符号需要时间

    'I cautioned him it would take time for it to become a symbol,' says Mr. Briganti.


  • 爸爸出生的那天是个值得纪念的日子。

    My father said that the day I was born was a red-letter day for him.


  • 拉斯维加斯纪念拍卖商朱利安亚洲是这个以怀旧为主题行业未来所系。

    Las Vegas-based memorabilia auctioneer Darren Julien says the future of his nostalgia-themed industry lies in Asia.


  • 约翰逊,马丁·路德·金纪念有力彰显美国多元化,礼赞这个国家建国起,在民权领域所取得巨大进步。

    Johnson says the King memorial will be a powerful statement about diversity in the United States — a tribute to how far this country has progressed in the area of civil rights since its founding.


  • 他们由于旅店餐厅要到美国阵亡将士纪念日后营业,他们通常附近中餐馆晚饭

    Because the inn's restaurant is closed until Memorial Day, they often eat dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant, they said.


  • 有些斯塔格斯花园是为了纪念已故资本家斯塔格斯先生命名的,这位先生建造是为了供消遣娱乐。

    Some were of opinion that Staggs's Gardens derived its name from a deceased capitalist, one Mr. Staggs, who had built it for his delectation.


  • 大多数家庭表示纪念很漂亮他们,看到至亲名字永久陈列在这里,深深为之感动

    Most of the families pronounced the memorial beautiful, and they were moved, they said, just to have the names of their loved ones permanently displayed.


  • 狗狗大叫通常是因为他们有需要,”路易斯·马瑞医生,马瑞医生是曼哈顿白石动物纪念医院医学部主任

    "Dogs are usually barking because of some frustration," said Dr. Louise Murray, director of medicine at the Aspca's Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital in Manhattan.


  • 狗狗大叫通常是因为他们有需要,”路易斯·马瑞医生,马瑞医生是曼哈顿白石动物纪念医院医学部主任

    "Dogs are usually barking because of some frustration," said Dr. Louise Murray, director of medicine at the Aspca's Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital in Manhattan.


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