• 现在有关玛丽莲·梦露书籍记录片是借去世三十周年纪念机而发行的。

    The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death.


  • 每年五月五日划龙舟纪念

    A year after the May 5 rowing in memory of it.


  • 先生生前件小事分享读者以为纪念之

    Mr. quarter had a few things to share to the readers that the Memorial.


  • 每年五月五日龙舟纪念之6端午

    May 5 after a year to commemorate the dragon boat 6, the Dragon Boat Festival food dumpling.


  • 尽管周围这么关于佩纳先生纪念之物,但这三个女人长久以来还是无法相信已经死了

    Despite beingsurrounded by so many reminders of Mr. Pena, the three women were long indenial about his death.


  • 照片一直电脑存放,未曾拿出来给旁人评赏,小洁在09年夏天远离,老徐思念,想逝去的岁月纪念之

    The photos are kept in the computer and never Shared with other people. Xiaojie has left in the summer of 2009. I missed her and the passing moments.


  • 我们彼此交流伤感情,我们为哭泣聚集在一起纪念感受明显失落

    We reach out to each other, we cry, gather for memorials and experience a very palpable sense of loss.


  • 带走的爸爸妈妈所以,为了纪念他们要为奋斗

    IT took him and her from me, so I'm fighting for the cure in their memory.


  • 朝圣者徽章这些旅行纪念如果圣人的遗物有所接触那么神圣气便会附在他们身上。

    Pilgrim badges were souvenirs of these journeys and, if brought into contact with the church's reliquary, holy objects themselves.


  • 船长拜恩方案为了纪念渎职而被处死水手)不失为答案一家银行倒闭谋求杀鸡儆猴效。

    One answer would be the Admiral Byng solution, in memory of the sailor executed for incompetence; let a big bank go bustto encourage the others”.


  • 船长拜恩方案(为了纪念渎职而被处死水手)不失为答案一家银行倒闭谋求杀鸡儆猴效。

    One answer would be the Admiral Byng solution, in memory of the sailor executed for incompetence; let a big bank go bust "to encourage the others".


  • 一棵树或者,或者再找一些其它合适方式纪念死者,参加一些慈善活动(如乳腺癌筹集善款的慈善赛跑)纪念所爱

    Plant a tree or garden, or memorialize the person in some fitting way, such as running in a charity run or walk (a breast cancer race, for example) in honor of the lost loved one.


  • 超过三分(35%)受访者坦称她们留有曾经穿过的“具有昔日美丽纪念意义”的牛仔裤一直希望自己下来能够再次穿条裤子。

    More than a third (35 per cent) of those surveyed admitted owning a pair of " trophy" jeans they used to fit into and kept in the hope they would slim down enough to wear.


  • 还有些小玩艺儿,一些小小的饰物,以及一些表示持续怀念精美纪念品,想必一颗爱心冲动财,一双纤手制作的。

    There were trifles, too, little ornaments, beautiful tokens of a continual remembrance, that must have been wrought by delicate fingers, at the impulse of a fond heart.


  • 宣布纪念阵亡将士底斯堡公墓落成,同时发出鼓舞人心请求,请求国民以这样的方式表达他们的敬意:实践值得牺牲信念——自由平等

    As he helped dedicate a cemetery to Gettysburg's fallen soldiers, he issued a stirring plea for the country to pay them tribute by honoring principles - liberty, equality - worth dying for.


  • 兜售纪念品的小店里存放着大量杯子,用来纪念小镇上上宾-诸如普京,默克尔

    The souvenir shops stock mugs celebrating the town's most important visitors, such as Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel.


  • 同时社会出现了其他友好迹象三月里,来自诗人艘被俘获的秘鲁战船上进行了一次书友会,并将此战停泊智利的一个港口旁当做纪念博物馆

    There are other signs of goodwill. In March poets from both countries held a reading aboard a captured Peruvian battleship moored as a museum in a Chilean port.


  • 纪念具有标志性的物品是30英尺高的雕像,在雕像中马丁·路德浮现一块希望石上。

    The memorial features a 30-foot statue of Dr. King emerging from the stone of hope.


  • 纪念具有标志性的物品是30英尺高雕像,在雕像中马丁路德金浮现一块希望石上。

    The memorial features a 30-foot statue of Dr.King emerging from the stone of hope.


  • 我们渐渐临近荣军纪念时候很难相信我们孩子里有百分四十的人不知纪念哪一

    "As we approach Remembrance Day it is hard to believe that 40 per cent of our children do not know when it is."


  • 衣阿华州别名- - -为了纪念一位伊利诺亚州附近生活多年,被称为黑鹰印第安首领

    "Iowa's nickname, the" Hawkeye State, "is in honor of Black Hawk, an Indian chief who spent most of his life in neighboring Illinois!"


  • 去年4月15日,这个很多美国人不及日子,却正是马克心脏移植10周年纪念日。

    Last April 15 — a day many Americans dread — the Landaus celebrated the tenth anniversary of Mark's transplant.


  • 拍卖会主办方本周一表示,女星黛比 雷诺兹好莱坞纪念拍卖会上周末结束,拍卖总价高达2280万美元。 其中,玛丽莲 梦露1955出演电影》时所穿的一件经典地铁裙”打破了此前的成交纪录

    earned $22.8 million over the weekend and included the record-breaking sale of Marilyn Monroe's iconic "subway dress" from 1955 movie "The Seven Year Itch," organizers said on Monday.


  • 拍卖会主办方本周一表示,女星黛比 雷诺兹好莱坞纪念拍卖会上周末结束,拍卖总价高达2280万美元。 其中,玛丽莲 梦露1955出演电影》时所穿的一件经典地铁裙”打破了此前的成交纪录

    earned $22.8 million over the weekend and included the record-breaking sale of Marilyn Monroe's iconic "subway dress" from 1955 movie "The Seven Year Itch," organizers said on Monday.


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