• 阿尔文·艾美国舞蹈形成20世50年代很快树立自己激进舞蹈艺术现代舞蹈最主要的典范。

    The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre was formed in the 1950s and quickly established itself as a leading exponent of progressive choreography and contemporary dance.


  • 我们看看约翰逊博士18尔顿的《西达斯》所做评论

    Let's look at the comments that Dr. Johnson made about Milton's Lycidas in the eighteenth century.


  • 想想17天主教莱奥反叛信仰进行了审判诗人威廉·布莱克对艾萨克·牛顿机械论世界观进行了严厉的批评。

    Think of Gallileo's 17th-century trial for his rebelling belief before the Catholic Church or poet William Blake's harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of Isaac Newton.


  • 9的《桑加抄本本入门读物

    The 9th-century Codex Sangallensis is an abecedarium.


  • 大约在公元3,波·尼亚第一次航海这个小岛

    Some time around the 3rd century A.D, Polynesians first sailed to the island.


  • 19欧洲探险家大卫·文斯敦约翰·汉等人来到这里寻找尼罗河源头

    In the 19th century European explorers like David Livingstone and John Hanning Speke came here searching for the source of the Nile.


  • 17荷兰画家米尔德国画家卡斯帕·大卫·弗里希对哈默颇具影响没有人像一样

    Hammershoi was influenced by Vermeer and the 17th-century Dutch genre painters and by Caspar David Friedrich, a German, but there is no one like him.


  • 克里斯托弗爵士认为,富幅画以及取材密尔顿莎士比亚作品的那些画作,乃是探寻18民族神话一部分

    Sir Christopher sees this painting, together with Fuseli's scenes from Milton and Shakespeare, as part of a search for national myths in the late 18th century.


  • 图书馆首席执行官林恩·布林德夫人表示计划弘扬图书馆先驱们19提出所有人普及知识雄心壮志

    Library chief executive Dame Lynne Brindley said the scheme was an extension of the ambition of the library's predecessors in the 19th Century to provide access to knowledge to everyone.


  • 这些发现位于马哈巴普兰寺庙附近马哈普兰寺庙建于公元7有人这些建筑侥幸逃过了诸神惩罚

    The new finds were made close to the 7th Century Mahabalipuram temple, which some say is the structure that survived the wrath of the gods.


  • ·麦克唐纳最近法国梵奇时装选中成为他们艺术指导,又受英航之重新设计这家航空公司制服

    Designer Julien MacDonald, recently tapped as artistic director for the French fashion house of Givenchy, has been commissioned by the national carrier to revamp its staff uniforms.


  • 断定鸠山由生活幻想之中”。

    Hatoyama, Kelly concluded, was living on "fantasy island".


  • 例如波提的《》,16奇家族收藏目录称作《九个人物的波提切油画》。

    Botticelli's Primavera, for example, was described as a "Painting by Botticelli with Nine Figures" in a 16th-century catalog of the Medici family's holdings.


  • 而且如果情况再糟糕不过的话,还可以派出炮舰摆平它,19英国人和美国人北非巴巴海岸过的那样。

    And if the worst comes to the worst, gunboats can always be dispatched to clean the problem up, just as the British and Americans did off north Africa's Barbary coast at the turn of the 19th century.


  • 公元前3,托勒密不放过任何机会去偷过往游客船只上的卷轴丰富伟大的山大图书馆

    In the 3rd century BC Ptolemy stole every available scroll from passing travellers and ships to stock his great library in Alexandria.


  • 法国诗人尧姆·阿波奈尔毕加索传讯过没有被指控

    French poet Guillaume Apollinaire and Pablo Picasso were both taken in for questioning by police, but were released without charge.


  • 17剧作家姆塔特拙劣的修改了,使得原作中李尔王最爱的女儿双双死去悲剧性结尾化为乌有。

    In its place was a heavy-handed adaptation by 17th-century playwright Nahum Tate, who blue-pencilled the tragic double death of Lear and his favourite daughter Cordelia.


  • 伯曼奔跑研究进了哈佛大学19皮博迪博物馆

    Lieberman has taken his research into running into Harvard's 19th-century Peabody Museum.


  • 这个问题另一个角度我们看看,约翰逊博士18尔顿的《西达斯》所做评论

    Another way into this problem: let's look at the comments that Dr. Johnson made about Milton's Lycidas in the eighteenth century.


  • 16晚期荷兰个眼镜工匠汉斯·伯希(HansLippershey)申请第一个望远镜声称发明使地球远处物体看起来更近装置

    In the late 16th century, Hans Lippershey, an eyeglass-maker in Holland, applied for the first telescope patent, claiming invention of a device that made distant objects on Earth appear closer.


  • 华盛顿艺术馆也慧借了所珍藏17时期杰作,《坐在风景中的胡马雍》,幅作品是Payag贾汉吉尔之国王所绘。

    The Freer Gallery in Washington, DC, has sent its treasured 17th-century masterpiece, "Humayun Seated in a Landscape", which was painted by Payag for Jahangir's son, the emperor Shah Jahan.


  • 分离这个短语学院派人物斯坦.米尔格拉姆20世60年代提出。

    The phrase ‘six degrees of separation’ came into usage after the 1960s study by academic Stanley Milgram.


  • 库里尔•邦飞Mortdecai三部曲”就是这样一部未经雕琢钻石。20世70年代一个势力艺术商人出版三个罪犯领衔主演的小说集。

    One such diamond in the rough is Kyril Bonfiglioli's "the Mortdecai Trilogy", a set of three crime novels starring a charmingly snobbish art dealer, originally published in the 1970s.


  • 不过拉乌安纳指出20世70年代法国只有不到50处祈祷场所

    But Mr Elouanali points out that in the late 1970s, France had fewer than 50 prayer Spaces.


  • 摩根·士丹日本三菱部费尔德曼先生称,20世90年代以来,生产率每年1%左右水平上升

    According to Mr Feldman at Morgan Stanley MUFG, since the 1990s productivity has been rising by an average of around 1% a year.


  • 摩根·斯坦elgaBartsch称,20世90年代中期开始欧盟各国竞争已使最高公司税率压低到了10%。

    Competition among EU member nations has forced the top corporate-tax rate down by ten percentage points since the mid-1990s, according to Elga Bartsch of Morgan Stanley.


  • 摩根·斯坦elgaBartsch称,20世90年代中期开始欧盟各国竞争已使最高公司税率压低到了10%。

    Competition among EU member nations has forced the top corporate-tax rate down by ten percentage points since the mid-1990s, according to Elga Bartsch of Morgan Stanley.


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