• 解释这个卫星奇异的半白半黑的外貌17凡尼·西尼首先注意到这点。

    This would explain the moon's strange half-black, half-white appearance, first noted by Giovanni Cassini in the late seventeenth century.


  • 比顿夫人还没出现之前英国餐桌礼仪高度就是如此当然笑话这些礼仪过分精细。

    This is the height of British table manners five centuries before Mrs Beeton. And Chaucer, of course, is laughing at this over-refinement.


  • 这项技术14艺术家托··邦多纳作品上,评论家认为此君意大利文艺复兴奠基者之一

    The technique was used on works by the 14th century artist Giotto di Bondone, considered by critics to be one of the founders of the Italian Renaissance.


  • 1958年,修复者们又将19加上部分重新了,只剩下托创作的部分,即如今教堂访客们可以肉眼欣赏的部分。

    In 1958, a restoration removed what the 19th century restorers added, leaving what remained of the original Giottos and what visitors to the church see today with their naked eyes.


  • 19复原者们受损部分托壁画进行,在那些地面不见精彩部分新添上了自己的创作。

    The 19th century "restorers" painted the parts of the Giottos that had been damaged, adding their own brushstrokes to highlight what was no longer visible from the ground.


  • 15世意大利佩鲁贾瓦尼·巴蒂斯·但丁铁翼羽毛尝试飞行,他掠过广场教堂顶上。

    Giovanni Battista Danti tried it with pinions of iron and feathers in15th-century Perugia, hurtling over the piazza and crash-landing on the church.


  • 启蒙运动有待救援,至少纳森·伊斯雷尔杰出17荷兰历史学家这样认为

    THE Enlightenment needs rescuing, or so thinks Jonathan Israel, the pre-eminent historian of 17th-century Holland.


  • 诺姆·姆斯基等人认为相同,也有人认为不同后者观点20美国语言学家本杰明··沃尔夫提出的,争论说,不同的语言会改变束缚大脑的思考方式。

    The latter view was propounded by Benjamin Lee Whorf, an American linguist of the early 20th century, who argued that different languages condition or constrain the mind’s habits of thought.


  • ·劳伦·贝尼尼(1598- 1680)被公认为是17伟大雕塑家。在教皇亚历山大世的授意,贝尼尼1656年至1667年间,重新设计了梵蒂冈教堂前的广场。

    The man who most consider the greatest sculptor of the 17th century, Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), redesigned the square from 1656 to 1667, under the direction of Pope Alexander VII.


  • 借助望远镜观察奇妙壮观的土星时,17天文学家尼·多美尼科·卡西尼知道找到项可以为之付出毕生努力的伟大事业

    When the 17th century astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini stared through a telescope at mighty Saturn, he knew he had found his life's great work.


  • 这些作品包括伦敦交易商艾玛纽··拜耳提供万尼-保罗-西莫里尼16创作的幅名为“死亡之”的素描幅素描描绘了死神忙碌时的景象(底部幻灯片)。

    Among these works Emanual von Baeyer, a London dealer, will show "The Aviary of Death", a 16th-century etching of the Grim Reaper busily at work, by Giovanni Paolo Cimerlini (see slideshow below).


  • 棵大树下一个重要树枝就是汉斯·斯(Hans Jonas),透过偏颇的立场从20早期存在主义那里看到了灵知主义。

    The next major branch on this tree is Hans Jonas, who also saw gnosticism through peculiar lenses; in his case, those of early 20th century existentialism.


  • 但是这个观点20世六、七十年代诺姆·姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)语言学理论大行其道就不再受科学家认可

    But the idea went out of favor with scientists when Noam Chomsky's theories of language gained popularity in the 1960s and '70s.


  • 多米拉。范思哲好像一直等待这个时刻可以将兄长万尼[百度注:已故前任范思哲设计师]在上时间80年代的锋利轮廓,金属网面的设计感觉延续21数字时代

    It was as though Donatella Versace had been waiting for this moment to project her late brother Gianni's heritage from the hard-edged, metal mesh of the 1980s into the 21st-century digital age.


  • 20世60年代语言学家诺姆·姆斯基提出一观点,目前受到了质疑

    This idea, put forward by Noam Chomsky in the 1960s, is no longer unchallenged.


  • 15佛罗伦萨居民包括了布鲁内,吉贝尔蒂,多纳太罗,马萨因扎吉里皮,法兰克福机场安吉利哥,韦罗基奥,波提切利,达芬奇米开朗琪罗

    The inhabitants of fifteenth century Florence included Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Donatello, Masaccio, Filippo Lippi, Fra Angelico, Verrocchio, Botticelli, Leonardo, and Michelangelo.


  • 14享有盛名。

    Chaucer flourished at the end of 14th century.


  • 比利·最喜爱的本书《误闯亚瑟王宫》,作者是马克·吐温:这本短篇小说经典的讽刺小说,书中讲述了一个来自19美国康乃迪克州年轻人穿越亚瑟王时代的故事。

    Billy Joel, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain: This short story is a classic satire, transporting a young man from 19th century Connecticut back to Arthurian times.


  • 14,杰弗里·写作时根本没有拼写规则,虽然如此仍然写下了众多引人入胜的诗篇。

    When Geoffrey Chaucer was writing in the 14th century there were no set spelling rules, but he managed to compose interesting texts nonetheless.


  • 多米尼加万尼吉米·纳诺,讨论14(高夫1971)技术

    The Dominican, Giovanni da San Gimignano, discuss the techniques at the beginning of the 14 th century (Le Goff 1971).


  • 19早期瓦尼·贝索尼埃及神庙陵墓中又抢。

    Giovanni Belzoni smashed and looted his way through temples and tombs of Egypt in the early 19th century.


  • 16初期意大利一位重要画家意大利文艺复兴盛期的艺术家中独具特色

    Correggio is an important Italian artist in the early 16 century, who has unique characteristic in his period.


  • 《21世中学生英文报》编辑纳森森·哈根说:“西方人通常视为和一样冷血爬虫。”

    "Western people usually see dragons as cold-blooded reptiles, like snakes," said Jonathan Haagen, copy editor for the Teens.


  • 15意大利佩鲁贾瓦尼·巴蒂斯·但丁铁翼羽毛尝试飞行,他擦广场摔落教堂顶上。

    Giovanni Battista Danti tried it with pinions of iron and feathers in 15th-century Perugia hurtling over the piazza and crash-landing on the church.


  • 专家表示美国西部早期探险者20克托语,这种语言传播到了全国

    Experts say early explorers in the American West spoke the Choctaw language in the nineteenth century. The language spread across the country.


  • 专家表示美国西部早期探险者20克托语,这种语言传播到了全国

    Experts say early explorers in the American West spoke the Choctaw language in the nineteenth century. The language spread across the country.


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