• 薇薇安·托马斯没有接受过正式的医学训练努力抗击重重困难成为了心脏外科医生最终获得约翰·霍普金斯大学荣誉博士学位。

    Vivien Thomas, who had no formal medical training, in struggling against overwhelming odds, he became a cardiac surgeon and eventually to receive an honorary doctorate from Johns Hopkins University.


  • 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的内科项目2011年采取同样政策

    Johns Hopkins'internal-medicine program adopted the same policy in 2011.


  • 约翰霍普金斯大学经济学费拉罗事实上扶贫环境保护这两个目标常常视为相互冲突的。

    In fact, poverty alleviation and environmental protection are often viewed as conflicting goals, says Paul Ferraro, an economist at Johns Hopkins University.


  • 约翰霍普金斯大学社会学家安德鲁·尔林,对于为什么不同国家的生育率不同,“没有人能给出一个好的答案”。

    "No one has a good answer" as to why fertility varies among countries, says sociologist Andrew Cherlin of The Johns Hopkins University.


  • 约翰霍普金斯大学布隆伯格公共卫生学院社会流行病学家托马斯·格拉斯说:“大多数专家认为这些变化环境有关。”

    "Most experts agree that the changes were related to something in the environment," says social epidemiologist Thomas Glass of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


  • 约翰·霍普金斯大学麦库西克·内森遗传医学研究所注册营养师安吉拉·皮皮托内说:“典型美国人饮食蛋白质的含量我们想象的要。”

    "The typical American diet is a lot higher in protein than a lot of us think," says registered dietitian Angela Pipitone with Johns Hopkins McKusick Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine.


  • 2011年,约翰·霍普金斯大学内科医学项目采用同样政策

    Johns Hopkins' internal-medicine program adopted the same policy in 2011.


  • 约翰霍普金斯大学培养神经元不同于那些肿瘤中挑选出来的神经元,它们没有癌变因此作为研究工具更具价值。

    The neurons cultivated at Johns Hopkins—unlike those culled from tumors are not cancerous, and accordingly are much more valuable as research tools.


  • 引用约翰霍普金斯大学的一项研究研究发现约旦妇女有时第四个女孩第二个男孩之后才开始避孕

    She cites a Johns Hopkins University study that found that women in Jordan sometimes start to use contraceptives only after the birth of their fourth girl or second boy.


  • 约翰·霍普金斯大学位于巴尔的摩,该校劳伦斯·普林西比认为这种想法17世纪18世纪仍然存在。

    In the view of Lawrence Principe of Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, such thinking was also around in the 17th and 18th centuries.


  • 他们基金会支助约翰霍普金斯大学医学院精神病学系其他团体

    The foundation supports the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry and other groups.


  • 一些线索来自于长期受忽略约翰霍普金斯大学档案

    Some of it we turned up in documents long overlooked in the archives of Johns Hopkins.


  • 施瓦茨展示了关于由约翰霍普金斯大学研发高性能非常灵巧义肢视的视频称之为“现有最好的义肢”。

    Schwartz also showed video of a high-performance, extraordinarily dexterous prosthetic arm developed at Johns Hopkins University, which he calledthe best prosthetic in existence.


  • 波士顿约翰霍普金斯大学对几位年龄11岁至13岁的天才少年进行几多项数学能力测试

    Tests of mathematical ability were carried out by Johns Hopkins University in Boston on gifted children aged between 11 and 13.


  • 巴尔的摩约翰-霍普金斯大学研究小组发现,美国的总体自杀一期间增长了0.7%,其中,40至64岁白人男性的自杀上升了2.7%,中年白人女性的自杀率则上升了3.9%。

    The overall suicide rate rose 0.7% during this time, but the rate for white men aged 40 to 64 rose 2.7% and for middle-aged women 3.9% , the team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore found.


  • 过去曾担任约翰霍普金斯大学保罗h尼采高级国际研究学院(SAIS)院长和国际关系教授

    He was previously Dean and Professor of International Relations at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of the Johns Hopkins University.


  • 约翰·霍普金斯大学研究人员接着旋转乐高了解不同角度下会出现什么结果为了获取他们所需要统计数字,他们扔进了几百小球

    The Johns Hopkins researchers rotated the Lego board to see how different angles affected the results, and dropped hundreds of balls to obtain the statistics they needed.


  • 这种物质约翰霍普金斯大学医学院罗杰·克莱姆教授理查德甘耐尔教授在研究训练老鼠特定声音电击联系在一起课题时发现的。

    Roger Clem and Richard Huganir of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine made the discovery while studying mice conditioned to associate a particular sound with an electric shock.


  • 一些有趣事情发生,我们不能理解。”约翰·霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室空间物理学家,该研究的主要作者BrianAnderson

    "There's something very intriguing going on with that that we don't understand yet," said study lead author Brian Anderson, a space physicist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.


  • 约翰霍普金斯大学健康行为社会系副教授RajivRimal主张,对公共卫生而言,社会媒体潜能尚未被挖掘出来。

    Rajiv Rimal, associate professor in the Department of Health, Behavior and Society at Johns Hopkins University, contends that social media hold untapped potential for public health.


  • 国外网站“the Foxnews”11月22日报道约翰霍普金斯大学项研究表明,一种新型药物技术可以去”人们痛苦记忆

    Ccording to the Foxnews on November 22, painful memories of people could be erased from their mind by a new medical technology, a research made by Johns Hopkins University suggests.


  • 为了寻找答案,约翰-霍普金斯大学AlkisTogias博士Roche其他一些健康志愿者吸入一种叫做六甲铵的药物

    To find out, scientists led by Dr. Alkis Togias of Johns Hopkins University had Roche and other healthy volunteers inhale a drug called hexamethonium.


  • 过去曾耶鲁大学(1970- 73年)约翰霍普金斯大学(1981年)任教

    He taught previously at Yale (1970-73) and John Hopkins (1981).


  • 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的儿科学助理教授拉拉霍华德博士笑着说:“很多小孩子都会顺手牵羊随便别人东西的。”

    Most children will take something sometime, ” said Dr. Barbara Howard, cheerfully.


  • 如果个咖啡爱好者,没有约翰霍普金斯大学研究报告,也会知道每天一的咖啡可以增加幸福感快乐感

    If you’re a caffephile, you don’t need this Johns Hopkins study to tell you that a cup or two a day increases your sense of well-being and happiness.


  • 以下内容作者为史蒂芬妮·亨利我们律师助理之一即将开始约翰霍普金斯大学读传媒学硕士

    The following is by Stephanie Henry, one of our legal assistants, who will soon be starting the Masters in Communications program at Johns Hopkins University.


  • 最近趋势调查发表之前已经发表了份关于巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯大学缅甸援助工作者援助努力具有争议的报告

    A recent expression of this tendency followed a controversial report on the aid effort prepared by Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and a group of Burmese aid workers.


  • 这次的估算还是第一涵盖全美而不是根据地区年龄选择部分人口做调查,来自约翰霍普金斯大学研究报告作者这样说道

    The estimate is the first to cover the entire United States instead of select populations according to location or age, said the study authors from Johns Hopkins University.


  • 如何监测癌症病人接受医学治疗进展情况? 美国约翰霍普金斯大学研究人员已经开发出一种新的方法,它通过大量DNA进行迅速测序解码而达到目的。

    Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have developed a way to monitor the progress of a patient’s cancer treatment using a new technique for rapidly sequencing, or decoding, large amounts of DNA.


  • 如何监测癌症病人接受医学治疗进展情况? 美国约翰霍普金斯大学研究人员已经开发出一种新的方法,它通过大量DNA进行迅速测序解码而达到目的。

    Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have developed a way to monitor the progress of a patient’s cancer treatment using a new technique for rapidly sequencing, or decoding, large amounts of DNA.


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