• 约翰根(John Logan )布莱恩斯特尔茨(BrianStults )发明了个相异指数为了消除种族隔离,必须搬家,与陌生人为邻,然后用相异指数来确定这组人中黑人邻居百分比-一下公共校车的例子。

    John Logan and Brian Stults created a dissimilarity index, which identifies the percentage of one group that would have to move to a different neighborhood to eliminate segregation -- think busing.


  • 国教授约翰·邓斯基建议:“先用你最喜欢的笔和颜色阅读课本,然后把重要的想法写在小卡片上,这样做实际上是自我测验。”

    John Dunlosky, a professor in the US, suggests that "you start by reading a textbook with your favorite pens and colors, and then write down the important ideas on small cards while doing so you actually try to test yourselves on them."


  • 2004年竞选总统期间,在爱荷华活动停留时,马萨诸塞州参议员约翰·克里捕猎雉鸡

    Massachusetts Senator John Kerry hunts for pheasant during a campaign stop in Colo, Iowa during his 2004 run for the presidency.


  • 牧师,不用一定要把案子闹到“星室”去;纵二十个约翰斯塔夫爵士,他也不能欺侮勃特沙娄绅士

    Shallow: sir hugh, persuade me not; I will make a star-chamber matter of it; if he were twenty sir john falstaffs he shall not abuse robert shallow, esquire.


  • 在阿尔·布莱顿绊倒约翰利用粒点球完成了自己的大三元但是结束哨响径直走出球场,既没有比赛用球没有鼓掌

    Balotelli wrapped up the hat-trick with a penalty, awarded after Marc Albrighton upended Johnson, but on the final whistle he walked straight from the field without taking the match ball or applause.


  • BBC说:“阿森松岛达尔文收到剑桥导师约翰的信。”

    He told the BBC: "Awaiting Darwin on Ascension was a letter from his Cambridge mentor, John Henslow."


  • 知道孩子约翰以及她的伴侣里斯。坦普斯曼将多么怀念她。

    I knew how much her children, John and Caroline, and her companion, Maurice Tempelsman, would miss her.


  • 威廉·莎士比亚约翰·弥尔顿克利斯朵夫·这样作家们几乎只用素体文写作。

    Writers such as William Shakespeare, John Milton and Christopher Marlowe almost exclusively used blank verse in their famous works.


  • 实际上,彼得-斯特上司“满嘴谎话”,而约翰-霍华德则指责科斯特傲慢又狂妄自大。”

    Mr Costello in effect called his boss a liar, leading Mr Howard to accuse Mr Costello of “indulging in hubris and arrogance”.


  • 约翰.建议查尔斯.达尔文博物学者身份,自费乘坐英国舰船贝格尔号出去考察

    John Henslow suggested that Charles Darwin take the unpaid position of naturalist for a trip on the British ship H.M.S. Beagle.


  • 马里兰大学约翰·认为短期内犯罪率浮动一定特殊性想掌握犯罪趋势则通过长期观察

    John Lott of the University of Maryland argues that short-term fluctuations in the crime rate are fairly idiosyncratic, and that trends should be observed over a longer period.


  • 约翰·AARP政策主管问题不是老人津贴丰厚而是医疗通货膨胀太高美国人没有退休足够的储备。

    John Rother, AARP's policy director, says the problem is not that old people's benefits are too generous, but that medical inflation is too high and Americans do not save enough for retirement.


  • 上一个英国人在澳网进入决赛还要追溯到1977年的约翰·德。

    John Lloyd was the last Briton to reach a final here, in 1977.


  • 对于约翰辛格•萨金特其他巴黎精进自己技艺艺术家来说,麦卡先生作品给予了独到的见解,就像理解奥古都斯•圣•高登一样,令人印象深刻

    Mr. McCullough brings a similar, impressive understanding to the paintings of John Singer Sargent and other artists who came to Paris to perfect their craft.


  • 或者就像电子前沿基金会约翰.佩里.巴去年预测的那样:“我们正在回归城邦。”

    Or, as John Perry Barlow of the Electronic Frontier Foundation predicted last year: "We're going back to the city-state."


  • 戈尔·布朗女儿女婿约翰·哈维夫妇(也就是查尔斯的父母)接待了他们。

    Gore-Browne's daughter and son-in-law Lorna and John harvey-charles's parents-were their hosts.


  • 戈尔·布朗女儿女婿约翰·哈维夫妇(也就是查尔斯的父母)接待了他们。

    Gore-Browne's daughter and son-in-law, Lorna and John harvey-charles's parents-were their hosts.


  • 曼城亚当·约翰(Adam Johnson)受伤之后一直寻找具有创造力的球员,曼奇尼认为皮尔球队带来不同的变化。

    Manchester City struggled for creativity when Adam Johnson was injured recently and manager Mancini feels Pirlo could bring a different dimension to his developing side.


  • 约翰内斯堡中心商业区以南12英里卡托洪(Katlehongtownship,卡贝·古梅德表示,越来越多的外国人来到南非,这导致了失业

    Kabelo Gumede of Katlehong township, located some 12 miles south of Johannesburg Central Business District (CBD), says he is fed up of foreign nationals coming to South Africa to make him jobless.


  • 菲亚特控股权家族34岁继承人约翰·埃尔康 ,即将取代卢卡·蒙泰泽(Luca di Montezemolo)成为菲亚特集团董事长的消息一起,鼓励了广大投资者

    This, along with the news that John Elkann, a 34-year-old scion of the Agnelli family which holds a controlling interest in Fiat, would replace Luca di Montezemolo as chairman, cheered investors.


  • 减排工程聚焦于城市街道照明能效参与城市包括德班、开普敦约翰内斯堡、茨瓦内(Tshwane)、勒斯滕堡、波Polokwane伊丽莎白

    There have also been carbon reduction projects focusing on energy efficiency in street lighting in Ethekwini, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Tshwane, Rustenburg, Polokwane and Port Elizabeth.


  • 年轻费利西蒂·尼卡兹诺·贝尔德拉尔夫·贝尔德夫妇在约翰内斯堡动物园附近玩拼字游戏

    Young marrieds Felicity Nyikadzino Berold and Ralph Berold, both 33, enjoy a game of Scrabble near Johannesburg's Zoo Lake.


  • 最早收录这个词语的词典约翰·里奥的意词典AWorldeof Wordes(《单词的世界》,1598)。

    The earliest dictionary to record the word is John Florio's Italian- English dictionary, "A Worlde of Wordes" (1598).


  • 在剑桥遇到了约翰·亨斯(johnHenslow),他是植物学家并且还是一位牧师

    There, he met John Henslow, a plant scientist and clergyman.


  • 英国劳动者的文学形象以前便出现皮尔斯·曾在某个夏日田野莽夫不期而遇;约翰·克莱尔笔下的牧羊人会耐心观察卷心菜地和筑巢飞鸟;d·h·劳伦斯描述的那些沉默寡言的矿工则会在炉火前洗掉他们身上污垢。

    ENGLISH working men had been heard from before. Piers Plowman, chancing one summer day upon a field of folk; John Clare's shepherd, observing cabbage fields and nesting birds; d.h..


  • 这些让步激怒了诸如参议院自由派人是约翰他曾经宣称本周鲍卡斯提案不会得到投票”)。

    Worse yet, such concessions have attracted the ire of such liberals as Senator John Rockefeller, who declared this week that the Baucus bill "will not have my vote".


  • 约翰·吉·贝尔德1928年制造出第一彩色电视机直到1938年第一个彩色电视节目播出

    John Logie Braid constructed the first colour TV in 1928, but it was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast.


  • 星期四,艾格妮丝凯瑟琳·约翰斯通朋友邀请,上用茶点允许她们这种场合戴干净布。

    Agnes and Catherine Johnstone were invited to take tea with some friends at Lowton last Thursday, and I gave them leave to put on clean tuckers for the occasion.


  • 星期四,艾格妮丝凯瑟琳·约翰斯通朋友邀请,上用茶点允许她们这种场合戴干净布。

    Agnes and Catherine Johnstone were invited to take tea with some friends at Lowton last Thursday, and I gave them leave to put on clean tuckers for the occasion.


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