• 上周密尔基进行比赛约翰·亨利·威廉姆没有出场。

    John Henry Williams was a no-show at last week's game in Milwaukee.


  • 20世纪初,一位名叫约翰·埃尔弗雷·特金的美国工程师对今天的生活进行了预测。

    At the start of the 20th century, an American engineer named John Elfreth Watkins made predictions about life today.


  • 几乎没有会认为由罗宾·威廉/约翰·特拉塔出演残忍的 被骚扰的父亲有喜剧成分。 应该感谢评论家能够忍受本不必忍受电影

    Barely anyone saw this surreally atrocious Robin Williams/John Travolta harassed-father “comedy”, the kind of film you thank critics for suffering through so you didn’t have to.


  • 亚拉巴马州理查德·谢尔比、华盛顿州的德·戈顿、阿拉加州特德·史蒂文田纳西州弗雷德·汤普森弗吉尼亚州约翰·了作伪证罪的反对票。

    Senators Richard Shelby of Alabama, Slade Gorton of Washington, ted Stevens of Alaska, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, and John Warner of Virginia voted no on the perjury count.


  • 米歇尔·特雷罗在约翰敦生活了一辈子,养育5个儿子,她抱怨花了36这个地方不行。

    Michele Trevorrow, a lifelong Johnstowner and mother of five boys, complains that Mr Murtha spent 36 years making the area dependent on him.


  • 劳伦·代替不幸生病约翰·特雷休伊来拜访我们

    Laurence Waters visited us in place of John Trethewy who was unfortunately ill.


  • •艾什·沃斯孙子约翰发现笔记本是着的,于是就给她极为礼貌网络搜索请求拍了张照片

    May Ashworth's grandson Ben John found her laptop open and took a photo of the unusually polite online request.


  • 安东尼·戴维、考尼古拉·约基奇以及克里·塔普·波尔津吉组成大个子队;托马、戈登·约翰·以及德文·布克代表后卫们参赛。

    Anthony Davis, Cousins, Nikola Jokic and Kristaps Porzingis will represent the bigs while Thomas, Gordon Hayward, John Wall and Devin Booker will hold it down for the guards.


  • 来自德克萨沃斯堡市达瑞尔·约翰希望永远都不要失业

    Darryl Johnson of Fort Worth, Texas, hopes no longer to be unemployed.


  • 约翰托马伊尔林格沃斯商业旅行者第一塞缪尔10,塞缪尔死亡然后自己35

    John Thomas Illingworth was the commercial traveller for Samuel the First, and had been for some 10 years at Samuel's death, himself then aged 35 years.


  • 约翰·沃斯这个经典英国品牌中国获得新生不过现在属于中国人所有了,中国的工人在南京的一个工厂装配

    JOHN VAUSE: This is the rebirth of a British classic, but now the famous MG brand is owned by the Chinese, assembled by Chinese workers in a factory in the Chinese city of Nanjing.


  • 由于2005皮特5婚姻宣告失败,因此安妮·一些男性联想在一起,比如单身的约翰·梅尔演员·

    Aniston has been linked to a number of men, including singer John Mayer and actor Vince Vaughn, since her five year marriage to Pitt came to an end in 2005.


  • 虽然有目共睹今天每个瓦尔拉均衡帕累托有效的,知道复杂证明1936年制定亚伯拉罕尔德约翰冯诺依曼在1938年。

    While it is known today that every Walras equilibrium is Pareto efficient, this was not known until more complex proofs were devised in 1936 by Abraham Waldand John von Neumannin 1938.


  • 昨天恩·赛德列车相撞事故中死亡人数上升人,家住彼得·维尔的32岁约翰·菲利普尔森医院去世

    The death toll of the Burnside train crash rose to four yesterday when John Phillips, 32, of Petersville died in Wallsend Hospital.


  • 约翰·狄龙后面一下,搞得他身子前倾撞上了珍妮弗·法恩后背

    John Dillon bumped him from behind, causing Myron to pitch forward right into the back of Jennifer Farnsworth.


  • 弗洛雷创下了31场比赛8个澳大利亚,在时间红人目标赢得了澳大利亚足球最高荣誉约翰·勋章

    Flores notched up 31 games and 8 goals for the Reds in his time in Australia, winning Australian football's highest accolade, the Johnny Warren Medal.


  • 甲,萨姆·约翰奥利佛·诺伍德参加肯索普2 - 2战平尔·沙尔的比赛,2位首发出场

    In League one, Sam Johnstone and Oliver Norwood featured in Scunthorpe's 2-2 draw with Walsall at the Bank's stadium, with both accommodating starting berths for Alan Knill's side.


  • 约翰·在这里生产的汽车一部分会推向蓬勃发展中国国内市场还有一部分是面向欧洲市场的。

    JOHN VAUSE: The cars made here will be for China's booming domestic market and also for Europe.


  • 这份报告作者、该事务所驻伦敦宏观经济主管约翰·霍克思(John Hawksworth)很快又表示,中国美国奖牌榜首争夺基本伯仲。

    However, the report's author, PWC's London-based Head of Macroeconomics John Hawksworth, is quick to point out that China and the U. S. are 'basically neck and neck' in competition for the top spot.


  • 这份报告作者、该事务所驻伦敦宏观经济主管约翰·霍克思(John Hawksworth)很快又表示,中国美国奖牌榜首争夺基本伯仲。

    However, the report's author, PWC's London-based Head of Macroeconomics John Hawksworth, is quick to point out that China and the U. S. are 'basically neck and neck' in competition for the top spot.


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