• 协议期内存储消息每个合作伙伴受到消息所作承诺”的约束

    The messages are stored for an agreed period, and each partner is bound to the 'promise' made in the message.


  • 如果协议约束过于软弱或者承诺得不到遵守,气温升高56有可能的。

    If the agreement is too weak or if the commitments are not respected, we will be on a path to 5c or 6c.


  • 另外两个工作组考察更有约束的“消极安全保障”(这些拥有核武器的国家作出无核国家使用核武器的承诺)以及更加宽泛裁军议题

    Two other working groups will explore more binding "negative security assurances" (promises by those that do have bombs not to use them against those that do not) and broader disarmament issues.


  • 一方面星期“我不会告诉别人”之类的承诺不是信誓旦旦的,除了可能会有一点道义上的约束

    On the one hand, promises such asI’ll return your book next weekor “I won’t tell anyoneare not heavily binding, except maybe in a moral sense.


  • 任何新的具有法律约束承诺必须反映这样原则,也就是说要考虑1997年以来各国排放量变化能力的变化。

    Any future set of legally binding commitments will also need to reflect this principle, but in a way that recognizes how dramatically patterns of emissions and capabilities have shifted since 1997.


  • 除了国会制定二十七法案广告词加以约束之外,没有哪个专职广告商胆敢推销与广告承诺不符产品

    Apart from the fact that twenty-seven ACTS of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements.


  • 尽管印度谈判中抵住了要求其具有法律约束排放目标作出承诺国际压力这个国家过去一年实施一系列更环保措施

    Although India has resisted international pressure to commit to legally binding emissions targets in negotiations, the country has over the last year embarked on a series of new greener measures.


  • 换言之作为一个群体基础四国依然觉得自己很难给予具有法律约束承诺

    In other words, as a group the BASIC countries remain reluctant to sign up to legally binding commitments.


  • 此次协议很多国家提供了可以许下气候变化公共的,无约束承诺

    The accord provided a way for countries to make public, if non-binding, commitments on climate change.


  • G20峰会所达成承诺是毫无约束的。

    The G20 summit produced flimsy promises of restraint.


  • 英国圣公会承诺开办教会学校会预留部分名额给非英国国教教徒家庭宗教信仰家庭儿童。这仅仅是一项承诺并不受法律强制力约束

    The Church of England has promised to set aside places at its new schools for children whose parents profess other religions or none at all, but the pledge has no legal force.


  • 周二谈判中穷国要求富国同意京都议定书》第二承诺这是具有法律约束力的温室气体减排承诺

    The talks began on Tuesday with poor nations demanding that rich ones agree to a second round of legally binding greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments under an updated Kyoto Protocol.


  • 巴马承诺今年看紧联邦经费约束各州

    Mr Obama promised that, later this year, he would tie federal money to results.


  • 婚姻不是对方承诺也不是约束别人而是约束自己

    Marriage is not a commitment to each other, nor is bound by others, but their own constraints.


  • 消费者驱动契约(Consumer- drivencontracts)——消费者驱动的契约描述服务提供者所有当前消费者承诺遵守的约束

    Consumer-driven contracts - a consumer-driven contract is a representation of a service provider's obligations to all its current consumers.


  • 玛拉不想卢克的绝地武士团作出承诺,不想约束所以拒绝一起修炼邀请

    Mara didn't want to be saddled with commitment to Skywalker's new Jedi order, so she refused his invitation to train.


  • 报价不是一种具有约束力的承诺

    A price quotation is not a legally binding promise.


  • 表示中国坚守自己承诺。其承诺具有国际约束并“不意味着中国会做得更少”,何亚非表示。

    He said China would stick by its promises. The fact that it would not be bound internationally would "not mean China will do less", Mr He said.


  • 如果提述接纳拒绝接纳要约不可撤回承诺必须清楚说明是否某些情况下例如出现较高价值的要约),承诺失去约束

    References to irrevocable commitments to accept or reject an offer must make it clear if there are circumstances in which they cease to be binding, for example, if a higher offer is made.


  • 按照要约要求明确表示自愿受要约条款约束意思表示承诺

    An acceptance is a manifestation of willingness to be bound by the terms of an offer made in a manner invited or required by the offer.


  • 美国从未认可这个条约因为美国不会约束承诺强加给中国其他新兴经济体

    The U. s. never ratified the pact because it doesn't impose binding commitments on China and other emerging economies.


  • 劳森女士重要的一步因为企业方面在这之前拒绝作出涉及全球气候变化京都议定书有关的约束承诺

    Claussen says that this is a significant step because industry had formerly rejected the binding commitments associated with the Kyoto Protocol, the global climate change agreement.


  • 委托方书面指示外,代理代表委托方做出承诺许可,不应签订合同其他任何对委托方产生约束行为

    AGENT shall not, unless instructed by PRINCIPAL in writing, make any representation, promise, warrant or contract or perform any other act binding PRINCIPAL.


  • 委托方书面指示外,代理代表委托方做出承诺许可,不应签订合同其他任何对委托方产生约束行为

    AGENT shall not, unless instructed by PRINCIPAL in writing, make any representation, promise, warrant or contract or perform any other act binding PRINCIPAL.


- 来自原声例句

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