• 约克斯吉特并不满足一名阿罗过滤公司的安全系统技术员,为了发财,把提班纳气体秘密卖给巴拉格温武器设计师赫米·奥德尔,奥德尔再将提班纳气体注入爆能枪能量夹。

    Not content as a security systems technician at A'roFilter, Yoxgit supplemented his income by secretly selling Tibanna gas to the Baragwin weapons designer Hermi Odle for infusion in blaster packs.


  • 曼彻斯特联队的前身成立于1878年的牛顿LYR足球俱乐部(译者注:LYR是大家熟悉的兰开夏郡和克郡铁路公司的英文缩写),当时俱乐部的代表色是绿色金色

    Manchester United was originally Newton Heath LYR Football Club, founded in 1878, who played in Green and Gold.


  • 莫克的一所音乐学校8年级的莎拉·帕法·斯沃尼表示:“我们不住在冰房子里、穿科尔特joik(一种萨米人的唱歌方式,据说欧洲古老的音乐形式)。

    We don’t live in igloos, wear kolts or sing joiks (the old Sami singing style, which is said to be the oldest musical form in Europe).


  • 斯韦尔·代尔克郡荒地溪流点缀石头谷仓的地方,分享第五位。

    Swaledale, in Yorkshire, with its moorland streams and fields dotted with stone barns, also Shared fifth place.


  • 作品月初克里斯蒂拍卖行索斯比拍卖行件卖不错件无人问津。

    Of four works auctioned at Christie’s and Sotheby’s in New York earlier this month, only two sold well and one failed to sell.


  • 杨先生克郡斯普罗特布鲁地区的巴士司机要是妻子使用过任何乳霜,他就不能接近

    Mr Young, a bus driver from Sprotbrough, South Yorkshire, says he cannot get close to his wife Sue unless she is free of all creams.


  • 据说现在正在助手——克莱斯勒总裁杰瑞·通用委员会寻求一席之地。

    He is reportedly angling for a seat on the GM board for one of his own lieutenants, Jerry York, a former Chrysler executive.


  • 由于法国海军大力帮助联军维吉尼亚镇逼近沃利斯领导的英军

    Greatly helped by the French Navy, American and French troops closed in on the British forces in Yorktown, Virginia, commanded by General Cornwallis.


  • 斯··提尔名的对待演员很严苛,即使对首次演出冰岛歌手不会手下留情

    Lars von Trier has a reputation for being hard on his actors and for Icelandic singer Bjork's acting debut, he certainly didn't pull any punches.


  • 首先沃尔夫斯堡门将贝纳·利奥出场。贝纳·利奥因为冲撞德尔迪克而被罚,他的动作看似危险其实黄牌就已经足够。

    First, he sent off the Wolfsburg goalkeeper, Diego Benaglio, after a challenge on Eren Derdiyok that looked dangerous but was in fact barely yellow card material.


  • 根据麦克莱伦华盛顿报告,麦克莱伦声称威廉斯堡取得了巨大胜利然而错了。

    In his reports to Washington, McClellan claimed great victories at Yorktown and Williamsburg. Yet he was worried.


  • 斯卡吉尔出生于克郡的巴恩·斯利。

    Scargill was born in Barnsley, Yorkshire.


  • 这家坐落于夏军斯多克·布里奇的钢铁厂安静的很奇怪

    THE steelworks at Stocksbridge in South Yorkshire are strangely quiet.


  • 公爵伊丽莎白·博斯·莱昂 1923年4月26

    The Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, April 26, 1923


  • 也许别无选择因为演员们可能把编剧多雷·穆斯先生··琼斯五十多页剧本大纲暂做临时发挥。

    He may have had no choice because the actors improvised a portion of it, working from a 50-page outline that Mr. Doremus wrote with Ben York Jones.


  • 2001年,加拿大发明家克·布兰·迪斯马里村庄设计了一款手动的花生脱壳器

    In two thousand one, a Canadian inventor, Jock Brandis, designed a hand-powered peanut sheller for a village in Mali.


  • 资深海洋生物学家达伦·大雅茅斯海洋生命中心举着白化龙虾比。 据报道,龙虾患白化病的机率是三千万分之一。

    Darren Gook, Senior Marine Biologist at the Great Yarmouth Sea-Life Centre, holds Ruby the albino lobster.


  • 第五盖伊.福克斯(Guy Fawkes),郡人,佛兰德斯(Flander)入伍,一直在西班牙陆军服役。

    The fifth person was Guy Fawkes. Originally from York, he had been recruited in Flanders, where he had been serving in the Spanish Army.


  • 任命威廉斯作为代理人

    He appointed Williams as his agent in the city of York.


  • 名非曼联球员大卫·梅和媒体谈到即将加盟曼联特维斯

    Two ex-United players spoke out to the media about the impending arrival of Carlos Tevez.


  • 名非曼联球员大卫·梅媒体谈到了即将加盟曼联特维斯。他们认为特维斯真能加盟曼联是再好不过的事了。

    With Carlos Tevez on the verge of signing for Manchester United on loan from West Ham United, two ex-players have offered their opinion on the dimunitive Argentine.


  • 妻子玛丽亚·勃朗特1820年他们的六个小孩子来到了克夏的哈沃斯。

    He moved with his wife, Maria Bronte, and their six small children to Haworth in Yorkshire in 1820. Soon after, Mrs.


  • 玫瑰战争1455年1485年,以红玫瑰象征兰开斯特大家族玫瑰为象征家族之间战争的普遍接受的名称

    The name Wars of the Roses was refer to the battles between the House of Lancaster, symbolized by the read rose, and that of York, symbolized by the white, from 1455 to 1485.


  • 那个明显孤身一人那里,·明斯特是一个“很男人,”很可能是了别人的什么东西

    The man was evidently living by himself, and York Minster said he was "very bad man, " and that probably he had stolen something.


  • 出身爱尔兰牧师家庭姐妹克郡哈沃斯教士公馆里长大偏僻荒凉沼泽地夏洛特艾米丽安妮三姐妹的想象力影响很大。

    Three daughters of an Irish-born clergyman grew up at Haworth parsonage, in Yorkshire. This remote region of bleak moors greatly influenced the imagination of the sisters, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne.


  • 最有教堂叫做敏斯特。历史可以追溯到13世纪游客高大的外形,优美的建筑风格气势倾倒

    The most famous cathedral is known as York Minister. It dates back to the 13th century. Tourists are captivated by its sheer size architectural beauty and presence.


  • 偏偏喜欢是过往时代蔷薇科,有与兰开斯特玫瑰、包心玫瑰、大马士革玫瑰,还有好几种中国玫瑰。

    Instead, she favored the roses of other ages – the Yorkand Lancaster rose, the cabbage rose, the damask and the rugosa rose in several varieties.


  • 曾经就职于比克内斯气候研究中心专门从事气候学研究。

    He previously worked as a scientist specialising in paleoclimates at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research.


  • 玫瑰战争1455年1485年,以红玫瑰象征兰开斯特家族玫瑰为象征的家族之寄战争。

    The name Wars of the Roses was refer to the battles between the House of Lancaster, symbolized by the read rose, and that of York, symbolized by the white, from 1455 to 1485.


  • 玫瑰战争1455年1485年,以红玫瑰象征兰开斯特家族玫瑰为象征的家族之寄战争。

    The name Wars of the Roses was refer to the battles between the House of Lancaster, symbolized by the read rose, and that of York, symbolized by the white, from 1455 to 1485.


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