• 结果表明,那些青少年时期摄入纤维最高女性摄入纤维量最少女性相比,乳腺癌风险低。

    It turns out that those who consumed the highest levels of fiber during adolescents had a lower risk of developing breast cancer, compared to women who ate the least fiber.


  • 深绿色比较低区域,当地植物纤维量会多于人们其需求

    At the lower end of the scale (dark green), the land produces more vegetation that the local population needs.


  • 一碗里含有10纤维,帮助实现每天摄取25 ~30纤维量目标。

    With 10 grams of fiber, it will put you well on your way to the 25-30 grams of fiber you should be eating every day.


  • 食物GI就是糖类指数,GI的高低客观存在本身没有直接关系而是所含蛋白纤维有关

    Food is the GI, GI high sugar index with objective existence itself contains quantity of heat and no direct relation, but it contains proteins with quality and fiber volume relevant.


  • 实际上昨天夜里谈论完增加饮食中的纤维可以如何提高消化道整体健康之后,发现自己正在“我不会那样做呢,也甭想让那样”。

    In fact, last night after a speech on how adding more fiber to my diet would increase the overall health of my digestive track, I caught myself thinking, "I won't and you can't make me!"


  • 应该纤维蛋白质

    You should also look at the amounts of fiber and protein.


  • 文章还先前的研究表明膳食纤维摄入增加减少直肠癌症其它状况风险

    Topping says previous studies have shown an increase in dietary fibre reduces the risk of colo-rectal cancer and a number of other conditions.


  • 坚果富含纤维氧化物米加3(一种可以降低胆固醇有益脂肪)。

    Nuts are rich in fiber, and antioxidants and high in Omega 3 (the good fats shown to lower LDL cholesterol).


  • 并且我们所知消费者远远低于推荐摄入”,就纤维全麦而言。

    "And we know that consumers are far below the recommended intakes" for fibers and whole grains.


  • 调查研究表明,高纤维食物可以很容易地不知不觉间每日摄入中消除掉300更多卡路里

    Research studies show that high-fiber foods can easily trim 300 or more calories off your daily intake, without your even being aware of the difference.


  • 那么如果正在遭遇便秘,别人建议多点水果蔬菜提高纤维摄入

    That said, if you are suffering from constipation, you have been advised to eat more fruits and vegetables to increase your fiber intake.


  • 骨髓血小板生成降低可能由于药物毒素再生障碍性贫血纤维原发性恶性肿瘤或骨髓造血障碍

    Decreased production of platelets in the marrow may be caused by drugs, toxins, or by primary marrow disorders such as aplasia, fibrosis, or hematopoietic malignancy.


  • 纤维形式增加膨化加大肠道工作因此如果便秘可能恶化便秘症状

    Adding a bulking agent in the form of fibre gives the bowel more work to do, so if you're constipated it is likely to worsen symptoms.


  • 而后粒子携带有效载荷癌症药物结合纤维蛋白的其他蛋白结合。

    Then the receiving nanoparticles, which carry a payload of cancer drugs, are outfitted with proteins that bind to fibrin.


  • 膳食纤维我们身体发挥着各种各样的作用对于体重过重者有好处因为产生感觉,促使人们减少食物的摄入

    Dietary fiber has different functions in our body; it would benefit overweight people as it gives the sense of satiety, and in turn lower their food intakes.


  • 为了避免消化出现问题需要逐渐增加纤维摄入不要忘了

    To avoid digestive problems, increase your fiber intake gradually, and don't forget to drink plenty of water.


  • 选取含糖较少又富含粗纤维食物

    Choose foods with the least sugars and the most fiber.


  • 大豆富含蛋白质——一杯大豆可以满足40%蛋白质每天供给(DV)——同时大豆慷慨地提供纤维

    Soy is high in protein - one cup of beans can fill 40 percent of the DV for protein - and the bean also serves up generous helpings of fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.


  • 的耐力训练可以提高有氧能力包括增加血液斜阳能力,提高线粒体密度体积促进慢肌纤维发育

    Your distance runs, of course, produce aerobic gains, including increased blood volume and capillarization, enhanced mitochondrial density and size, and improved slow-twitch fiber development.


  • 除此之外,一些食谱太过于限制碳水化合物摄入以至于出现营养缺乏或者纤维摄入不足

    In addition, some diets restrict carbohydrate intake so much that they can result in nutritional deficiencies or insufficient fiber.


  • 第二生物燃料原料改成采用生物或者中提炼的纤维材料玉米穗轴干草树木或者废弃物来提炼乙醇。

    The second generation of biofuels converts biomass or cellulosic material from grass, corn cobs and stover, trees or waste into ethanol.


  • 牛羊肉摄入最少纤维摄入相对高于美国标准-男性每天25女性每天21克。

    The fibre intakes of those with the lowest intakes of red meat are relatively high by US standards - 25 grams per day for men and 21 for women.


  • 肉类消耗最多纤维摄入多,只有男性每天18.6女性14.8克。

    The intakes for those at the highest quintile of meat consumption are much less at 18.6 and 14.8 grams per day for men and women respectively.


  • 玻璃纤维填充可以很方便地达到40%程度

    They can conveniently be filled with glass fibre to the extent of 40%.


  • 假若没有开始就很好地补充每日所需的纤维,你就不可能达到建议摄取(15~25卡路里)。

    If you don't get off to a good start with your daily fiber intake, you'll never reach the recommended amount (15-25 grams per 1, 000 calories).


  • 研究人员发现素食纤维维生素A、CE硫胺素(维生素B1)、核黄素(维生素B2)、叶酸(维生素B9)、、和铁的平均摄取所有非素食者的

    Researchers found that mean intakes of fiber,vitamins A, C and E, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, calcium, magnesium, and ironwere all higher for vegetarians than for all non-vegetarians.


  • 研究人员发现素食纤维维生素A、CE硫胺素(维生素B1)、核黄素(维生素B2)、叶酸(维生素B9)、、和铁的平均摄取所有非素食者的

    Researchers found that mean intakes of fiber,vitamins A, C and E, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, calcium, magnesium, and ironwere all higher for vegetarians than for all non-vegetarians.


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