• 利物浦门神谈到魔的时显得很热心,纳表示愿意帮助德赫亚西班牙同乡一些建设性的意见。

    Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina has also been discussing the Reds' new number one and has offered his services as something of a mentor to De Gea, his Spanish counterpart.


  • 灵巧地跨黑色卡迪拉克德,出一丝傲慢笑容阔步踏上,穿过警卫,直向挤得头破血流狗仔队们走去。

    He ducked out of a rear door of a black Cadillac Escalade, curled his lips into a haughty smirk and strutted down the red carpet, past security and into the paparazzi scrum.


  • 听见斩钉截铁的话,容德婆娘抬起一张又白的一种神情注视天花板

    At this absolute assertion, the Jondrette woman raised her large, red, blonde face and stared at the ceiling with a horrible expression.


  • 解散了衫军,回到丁岛北部的卡普·,带回家战利品是一些咖啡一包鱼干和一通心粉

    His thousand disbanded, he returned to his island home on Caprera, north of Sardinia, with his spoils of war-some coffee and sugar, a bundle of stock-fish and a box of macaroni.


  • 柯克尔那特意鲁利亚得到了马瑟漆的补充。

    Cockerell's Etruscan red paint is complemented by Mather's brilliant white.


  • 旅馆位于西雅图以南80英里处草木苍翠尼尔山雨林中,建50英尺高处棵200香柏树上。

    Cedar Creek Treehouse is 80 miles south of Seattle and is set 50 feet up in a 200-year-old western red cedar tree, right in the canopy of a lush temperate rainforest on the base of Mount Rainier.


  • 使馆政务参赞首先向出席嘉宾隆重介绍新近履新的邓波大使及其夫人的简况。

    Mr. Wang Lei, Political Counselor of the Embassy first made a brief and solemn introduction on Mr. Deng Boqing, the new Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria and his wife, Mrs. Cheng Hong.


  • 法国团队就对581d行星这样过,这个行星环绕着距离地球20光年的一颗矮星运转。

    That's what a French team did for the planet Gliese 581d, which orbits a red dwarf star about 20 light-years from Earth.


  • 2011年5月11日宝莱坞女星艾西瓦娅·亮相第64届戛纳电影节开幕式上。

    Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan poses on the red carpet for the opening ceremony of the 64th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes May 11, 2011.


  • 厄姆积极担当起营养道德家一新角色,在全国四处游历,大肆抨击肥肉食盐糖果调味品烟草面包

    Embracing his new calling as a nutritional moralist, Graham traveled the country inveighing against red meat, fats, alcohol, salt, sweets, condiments, tobacco, and white bread.


  • 番茄黄瓜洋葱沙拉碗中加入维纳酸辣沙司,搅拌均匀。在上边希腊橄榄以及羊乳奶酪

    In a salad bowl combine the tomatoes, cucumber, and red onion. Add Greek Vinaigrette; toss to coat. Sprinkle with Greek olives and feta cheese.


  • 屋里南茜正在耐心地等着戈弗回家喝茶突然用人闯进客厅,兴奋地夫人街上好多人

    At the Red House Nancy was waiting patiently for Godfrey to come home to tea. Suddenly one of the servants ran into the sitting-room, crying excitedly, 'Madam, there are lots of people in the street!


  • 米兰将于周三圣西罗首次迎来特索,客队黑军团却颇有渊源。

    Milan meet Treviso for the first time at the San Siro on Wednesday but the visitors have a rich association with the Rossoneri.


  • 阿尔瓦成为了罗马教头路易斯。恩里克(巴萨传奇)治下黄军团(罗马)的夏季目标

    The Giallorossi had named Velez Sarsfield talent Alvarez as one of the main targets for the summer under Coach Luis Enrique.


  • 阿尔瓦成为了罗马教头路易斯。恩里克(巴萨传奇)治下黄军团(罗马)的夏季目标

    The Giallorossi had named Velez Sarsfield talent Alvarez as one of the main targets for the summer under Coach Luis Enrique.


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