• 美国宇航局2007年12月17日通过哈勃太空望远镜拍摄距离地球只有五千五百万英里(八千八百万公里红色星球火星

    NASA's Hubble Space Telescope took this close-up of the red planet Mars when it was just 55 million miles (88 million kilometers) away on December 17, 2007.


  • 被称为红色星球,是作家和电影制片人的最爱。

    Known as the Red Planet, Mars is the favourite of writers and filmmakers.


  • 2021年5月,中国火星探测器祝融号安全登陆这颗红色星球,使中国成为人类历史上第三个这样做的国家。

    Zhurong, China's Mars explorer, landed safely on the red planet in May 2021, making China the third nation to do so in human history.


  • 国首个火星探测器传回的图片和视频让我们在如此近的距离看到了这颗红色星球

    Pictures and videos sent back by China's first Mars probe allowed us to see this red planet at such a close distance.


  • 火星500实验如果一些专家所深信不疑那样,主要目的宣传人类飞往红色星球概念那么已经确定无疑超越所有人预期成功地达到了目的。

    If, as some experts believe, the main aim of the Mars 500 experiment is to publicise the concept of human flight to the red planet, then it has surely succeeded beyond all expectations.


  • 同样的,火星地图主打完全互动图像NASA数据集使用户可以虚拟探索红色星球找到他们自己的科学发现

    Similarly, the Mars map features fully interactive images and a new NASA dataset that allow viewers to virtually explore the Red Planet and make their own scientific discoveries.


  • 萤火虫1号”探索火星大气层目的是找出红色星球上水消失了的原因

    But Yinghuo 1 will also be exploring the upper atmosphere of mars-aiming to discover why water vanished from the red planet.


  • 坑位于火星南半球拍摄时正值红色星球冬季

    The crater is in the Red Planet's southern hemisphere and it was winter at the time the picture was taken.


  • 不管这颗红色星球曾经孕育微生物有机体还是这些小东西现在还依然健在,火星科学实验室的主要任务就是彻底摸清它环境状况。

    MSL's mission is to scour the red Planet for environments that may once have harbored, or may still harbor, microbial organisms.


  • 还有火星科学研究室一个普通车大小的采集车探索那个红色星球

    And the Mars Science Laboratory, a car-sized rover that will explore the red planet.


  • 63日起,火星500计划派遣6船员”进行环游红色星球返回的520模拟旅行

    From 3 June, the Mars 500 project will send a "crew" of six on a simulated 520-day round trip to the Red Planet and back.


  • 照片安装火星侦察轨道器上功能强大HiRISE像机所拍摄,该探测器2006年以来一直环绕红色星球运行。

    The picture was taken by the powerful HiRISE camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - a probe that has been circling the Red Planet since 2006.


  • 勇气机遇探测器20041月登上红色星球,计划执行项为期90任务结果任务持续地球6或者说3.2个火星年。

    The Spirit and Opportunity rovers landed on the Red Planet in January 2004 for what was to be a 90-day mission, but which has lasted 6 Earth years, or 3.2 Mars years.


  • 200360000年以来火星运行到距离地球最近位置之前11小时哈勃空间望远镜为这颗红色星球拍摄了张照片

    In 2003, the Hubble Space Telescope snapped this photo of the red planet 11 hours before its closest approach to Earth in 60,000 years. How close?


  • 火星勘测轨道器系列卫星一部分着陆器星球被应用红色星球研究中

    The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is part of a fleet of satellites, landers and rover that have dispatched to the Red Planet for studies.


  • 科学家正在努力寻找火星气候秘密——这个红色星球发现有存在的证据,它作为火星上寻找生命的线索,也可以说明宇宙别处也有可能存在生命。

    Scientists are working to unravel the mystery of Mars's climate-evidence of water on the red planet will hold clues about life on Mars, as well as the potential for life elsewhere in the universe.


  • 围绕红色行星运转的火星球面勘测仪所拍摄照片包含有火星上有水的证据

    The evidence is contained in pictures taken by the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, which is in orbit around the Red Planet.


  • 火星三部曲着重描写火星殖民者日常生活细节,并且密切关注火星地理环境,仿佛我们中的每个都会登上这个红色星球一样

    Packed with detailed descriptions of the colonist's everyday lives, and a close attention to the geography of Mars, it's as close as any of us will get to walking on the red planet.


  • 火星春季相较星球冬季要温和的多,不过靠近这个红色星球极点仍旧十分冰冷

    Springtime on Mars is quite a bit balmier than the planet's winter season, but it's still plenty icy near the Red planet's poles.


  • 模拟飞船中飞红色星球火星500任务进行火星行走任务。

    The Mars 500 mission, a simulated mission to the Red Planet in a mock spaceship, will carry out a Mars walk.


  • 火星通常被称之为红色星球

    Mars is often called the red planet.


  • 中国月球探测工程首席科学家欧阳自远透露,火星计划主要目的在于,红色星球建立中国的空间探测器

    Ouyang Ziyuan, chief scientist of the country's lunar project, said the Mars programme will focus on creating space probes on the red planet.


  • 火星太阳第四行星被称为红色星球

    Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and often referred to as the red planet.


  • 窗外无数明亮闪烁星星远处还能看到红色星球——火星

    Outside, there are millions of bright shining stars and in the distance I can see the red planet Mars too.


  • 下周应该看到第一个火星轨道器——萤火1号开始红色星球之旅

    Next week should see its first Mars orbiter - Yinghuo-1 - begin its journey to the Red Planet.


  • 下周应该看到第一个火星轨道器——萤火1号开始红色星球之旅

    Next week should see its first Mars orbiter - Yinghuo-1 - begin its journey to the Red Planet.


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