• 正常的粉预示着热症

    When the tongue is redder than its normal pinkish color, it indicates the heat syndrome.


  • 加热油锅,入虾仁色泽盛出,少许段,玉米粒

    Heat up a skillet with some oil. Stir-fry the prepared shrimps until the colour has turned pink. Dish off and set aside. Briefly stir-fry the spring onion, bell pepper and sweet corns.


  • 一天的课程结束以后,一直等到脸上被排球打擦伤不那么迅速换上我的牛仔裤海军蓝色毛衣

    When the school day was finally done, and the blush was fading out of my cheeks from the volleyball incident, I changed quickly back into my jeans and navy blue sweater.


  • 婴儿脸蛋常常的。

    Babies often get red cheeks when they're teething.


  • 他们到达浆果灌木丛,他们发现驯鹿正在等着他们

    When they reached the bush with the red berries, they found the Reindeer waiting for them.


  • 有了那种卑微感觉第一次看到自己副城里人打扮的那种感觉,一头金黄色卷发指甲又

    She felt suitably humble just as she had when he had first taken a good look at her city self, hair waved and golden, nails red and pointed.


  • 有了那种卑微感觉第一次看到自己副城里人打扮的那种感觉,一头金黄色卷发指甲又

    She felt suitably humble just as she had when he had first taken a good look at her city self, hair waved and golden, nails red and pointed.


  • 准备庆祝活动桌子一张草席还有一个蜡烛,上面支蜡烛——一支的,的,还有三支绿的。

    In preparation for the celebration, a straw mat is placed on the table, along with a candle holder with seven candles, one black, three red, and three green.


  • 王杰说李警官的苹果是绿色的,李警官意识到王杰一定是闯灯了。

    When Wang Jie described Li's red apple as being green, Li realized that Wang Jie must have run a red light.


  • 如果有条件还应该上衣翻领上系穿过纽眼,上床睡觉还要睡衣。

    If possible, he should have a red ribbon in his lapel, through the buttonhole. He should wear pajamas on going to bed.


  • 但是太阳这样的恒星核心核燃料耗尽,就会发生膨胀成为胀大的巨星

    But stars like our sun swell into bloated red giants when the nuclear fuel in their cores is depleted.


  • 灰狼出生一般在磅重左右

    Gray and red Wolf pups weigh about a pound at birth.


  • 所以母亲那里等到本记满乐谱文件夹一点都觉得惊讶

    I wasn't surprised when I came across a folder with red song sheet music from my mother.


  • 年前,四川地震袭击山村年轻母亲回忆道,直觉告诉她,自己幼儿园女儿可能已经丧生

    When the Sichuan earthquake hit her mountain village a year ago, recalls young mother Wang Hong, her instinct said that her daughter had been killed at kindergarten.


  • 实在受到挫折表现典型精英阶层特质。

    Mr Abhisit is typical of the elite in his frustration with the red shirts.


  • 含()辣椒辣味食品口中灼烧来源于辣椒素,这种油性成份是辣椒及辛辣食物中所含有益健康化合物

    That burning sensation in your mouth when you eat foods spiced with cayenne (red) pepper comes from capsaicin, the oily compound behind most of the health benefits of cayenne and its peppery Cousins.


  • 黄色发生撞击为什么我会假设球会移动呢。

    So why do I suppose that the red one will move when the yellow one hits it.


  • 利物浦门神雷纳谈到魔的显得很热心,雷纳表示愿意帮助德赫亚西班牙同乡一些建设性的意见。

    Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina has also been discussing the Reds' new number one and has offered his services as something of a mentor to De Gea, his Spanish counterpart.


  • 描绘带领着片中女儿在婚礼上的感受,他:“看到身披婚纱的美令窒息。”

    In describing the emotions he felt walking his TV daughter down the aisle, he said, "When you see her [in the dress], it sort of stops your breath."


  • 所有颜色可见光波达到反射强度,物体表面就呈现白色;当最光线吸收反射的影像带有青色的色调

    When all these visible wavelengths are strongly reflected, the surface looks white; when the reddest light is absorbed, the reflection takes on a cyan tinge.


  • 在一视频中,一对以色列士兵一家西部银行附近执勤起了舞来。这段视频在以色列迅速蹿

    A video showing Israel soldiers breaking into a dance while on duty in the West Bank has gone viral in Israel.


  • 宇宙目前一半年龄值为1

    Redshift 1 refers to when the universe was half its present age.


  • 星期六进行比赛73个进球傲视英超,零失球场次15场,排在16场不失球的曼城之后阿森纳并列第二

    But coming into Saturday's game, the red Devils led the league in goals scored, 73, and were tied for second with Arsenal for clean sheets, 15, behind Man City's 16.


  • 事实上从那以后,当天文学家无法找到直接测量星系距离方法他们会以来代替。

    In fact, ever since the discovery of this phenomenon, whenever astronomers cannot measure a galaxy's distance more directly they instead give an estimate using its redshift as a proxy.


  • 林德加德今晚出现的最大问题就是比赛才开始,门线助理裁判坚持门将毛巾挂到球门深处,不要挡住球门干扰球路

    Initially Lindegaard's biggest problem was the assistant referee behind his goal, who insisted the United goalkeeper move a towel further into the corner of his net.


  • 林德加德今晚出现的最大问题就是比赛才开始,门线助理裁判坚持门将毛巾挂到球门深处,不要挡住球门干扰球路

    Initially Lindegaard's biggest problem was the assistant referee behind his goal, who insisted the United goalkeeper move a towel further into the corner of his net.


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